Midnight Limited (Monogram) (1940)

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“THERE'S A KILLER ON THIS TRAIN... and we’ve got to find him before he strikes again!’’ Meet a new, streamlined sleuth-the railroad detective! f LIM JOHN KING MARJORIE REYNOLDS GEORGE CLEVELAND A MONOGRAM PICTURE One Col. Cut or Mat No. 12 6 MEAT LMITED ~“JOH MARIORIE REYNOLDS GEORGE CLEVELAND A MONOGRAM PICTURE One Col. Cut or Mat No. 13 JOHN KING MARJORIE REYNOLDS GEORGE CLEVELAND A MONOGRAM PICTURE Two Col. Cut or Mat No. 14 “MIDNIGHT LIMITED’ Murder on the § death express -. as the | killer strikes | back at his pursuers ; ] A_ MONOGRAM PICTURE wu JOHN KINGMARJORIE REYNOLDS GEORGE CLEVELAND Two Col. Cut or Mat No. 15 killer escapes... {strike again! Ac jas a smart sleuth {baits a trap with his own life! PRODUCED BY with cae oames JOHN KING voweenmo* __MARJORIEREYNOLDS HARRISON CARTER e°C. B. WILLIAMS a monocram picture GEORGE CLEVELAND Two Col. Cut or Mat No. 16 | MURDER ON THE LIMITED! | RAM PICTURES MON oer cach IGHT oH TED i MIM! witt JOHN KING MARJORIE REYNOLDS GEORGE CLEVELAND Gre Col. Cut or Mat No. 17