Sensation Hunters (Monogram) (1945)

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ACTRESS IS PHOTOGRAPHER'S DREAM COME TRUE TO LIFE She has strange, hazel-green black. She’s exotic and curv eyes. which acious, photograph freckled and healthy looking, with the type of visage and figure that can appear to be that of a healthy teen-ager or a sleek, chic sophisticate, depending entirely on her mood, clothes and photographic lovely is Doris Mer-¥* rick, who plays the featured role opposite Robert Lowery in Monogram’s daring “Sensation Hunters,” coming to the theatre. The screen beauty admits to being a mid-westerner. She was born and raised in Chicago, and lived there until Hollywood opened its gates to her. But that’s getting ahead of the story. As Miss Merrick puts it, “I was a sixth child, born on the sixth day of the sixth month of the year.” So you can see why she considers six her lucky number. It proved to be just that, too, when she went after her first job as a model. When she visited the agency they told her they had so many models they didn’t know what to do. But Doris looked so woeful that they said she might wait, and if one of the other models failed to show up she might substitute. She waited for five straight days from nine o’clock in the morning until six at night, but nothing happened. “T had just about given up,” remembers Doris, “but I suddenly recalled that the next day was the sixth day of the week.” She took her seat at the agency once again the next morning, and then she met Lee Parker, head of a central casting agency. “You’ve got great possibilities’ were his first words. He was right, and within a week the persistent Miss Merrick was one of the most sought-after models in Chicago. Radio work followed right on the heels of photogenic assignments. However, a motion picture career didn’t appear in the offing until Doris was invited by the Canadian Pacific Railroad to Banff, Canada, for a two-months’ modeling job. She did everything from a five-day trail ride to dancing, swimming and fishing for the benefit of the movie camera, which covered the scenes for commercial advertising on behalf of the railroad. When a movie scout from Hollywood saw the films, he immediately offered Doris a chance to be in pictures—and that’s just where she is today. Also appearing in ‘Sensation Hunters” are Eddie Quillan, Wanda McKay, Constance Worth and Isabel Jewell. Joseph Kaufman produced, while Christsy Cabanne directed the emotional film. eee e cree eee VU ULIT peeves reene High Score Bowls Thespians Over Not so long ago, comedian Eddie Quillan had a tough time bowling over a 100 score. He had trouble with his control, aim and swing. Eddie listened to all kinds of advice, but nothing helped, and eventually his friends gave up hope. His low bowling score was not talked about in thespian circles. During the shooting of Monogram’s “Sensation Hunters,’ the tense melodrama coming next...... to the theatre, Quillan and some of the others in the picture visited a nearby bowling alley. They didn’t expect much from Eddie, but he bowled them over with his 181. “Where did you learn to bowl?” they inquired excitedly. Quillan finally confessed that secretly he had been part owner of a bowling alley out of town, and had _ prac tised from morn till night. Practice makes perfect! Also appearing in “Sensation Hunters” are Wanda McKay, Isabel Jewel, Constance Worth, and Nestor Paiva, .with Robert Lowery and Doris Merrick in the featured roles. Christy Cabanne directed for producer Joseph Kaufman. coiffure. This | LOVERS | Robert Tower and Doris Merrick ina scene from “Sensation Hunters,” the absorbing Monogram drama now AUSTHE = oy el es theatre, with Lowery and Miss Merrick featured. One Col. Scene Mat No. S83 Borrowed Drawl Wins Film Role Sugar, vacuum cleaners and other items are usually lent without much trouble, but rarely do borrowed accents prove successful. It did, however, in the case of Isabel Jewell, who is seen in Monogram’s highly emotional drama “Sensation Hunters,” now ab: the x ...2 2 theatre with Robert Lowery and Doris Merrick in featured roles. When the Shuberts were casting “Up Pops the Devil,’ Miss Jewell was trying for her first Broadway assignment. When she arrived at the theatre, Isabel heard an indignant actress leaving the try-outs complain, “Why didn’t they tell us they were looking for a Southerner?” At a loss for a moment because she came from the wide open spaces of Wyoming, Miss Jewel suddenly remembered her college roommate who came from the South. When she was asked where she came from, instead of saying ‘““Wyoming,” she took the diplomat’s way out. With a hurt expression on her face, she asked: “Are you-all meanin’ to tease me?” P. S.: She got the job. SHE’S DIFFERENT Isabell Jewell, during the shooting of Monogram’s dramatic “Sensation Hunters,’ coming next ...... to the theatre, proved that there’s a difference between the “reel” and “real” thing. Before the camera she was a tough hostess, but between scenes she read metaphysical books. Movie-goers at the your Own neighborhood. The picture soars to an exciting peak, due in no small part to the brilliant, star-studded cast. Robert Lowery, in the featured male spot, turns on all his talent to give a believable picturization of a smooth talking, shady character, who draws innocent Doris Merrick into his web. Featured opposite Lowery, Miss Merrick likewise lends credulity to the role of a young girl forced to leave home because of her family’s constant nagging. Visiting a night club with her girlfriend, Wanda McKay, and sweetheart, orchestraplaying Eddie Quillan, Miss Merrick meets Lowery and falls under the spell of the persuasive charm of the two-bit gambler. This starts a cycle of emotional sequences that reels to a potent climax. The Mon DRAMATIC STORY DELIVERED BY "SENSATION HUNTERS" (Review) theatre yesterday were held to the edges of their seats by a tensely emotional film that may prove to be one of the season’s dramatic hits. Monogram’s “Sensation Hunters” can take a bow for its powerful presentation of a sordid story that could happen right in x Bs ogram picture realistically reveals the gloomy, tragic road that may lie ahead when family environment is an unhappy one. Adding to the entertaining features of the drama are the excellent portrayals of Constance Worth, Isabell Jewell, Nestor Paiva, Byron Folger, Minerva Urecal and Vince Barnett. There is sprightly dancing by “The Rubenettes,” in addition to the songs by Jack Kenny and Lewis Bellin. Joseph Kaufman has done a creditable job in “Sensation Hunters,” his initial production, which Christy Cabanne capably directed. Ira Morgan’s photography is fine, while Dennis Cooper wrote the thoughtprovoking screenplay based upon the original story of John Faxon. | ARBITRATOR | Doris Merrick intercedes in a quarrel between her brother, Maurice Murphy, and her boyfriend, Robert Lowery, in “Sensation, Hunters,” Mono gram’s thrilling drama now at the rick and Lowery in the leading roles. Two Column Scene Mat No S821 theatre, with Miss Mer LONG FILM CAREER STARTED AS A SURPRISE TO COMIC You could have knocked Eddie Quillan over with a feather when he was offered his first movie contract; that’s how surprised he was. Since that time Quillan has established himself on the screen as a getter of laughs, and will be seen in his latest role in Monogram’s dramatic “Sensation Hunt ers,’ opening ....... at the theatre, with Robert Lowery and Doris Merrick featured. The unexpected but welcome turn occurred in Quillan’s life when he and the family were appearing in their vaudeville act in Los Angeles. The act, which had toured American circuits as a headliner for five years, had been brought over by Eddie’s dad from British vaudeville. Father Quillan managed the group consisting of Eddie, three brothers and a sister, and while in Los Angeles induced producer Mack Sennett to make a screen test of the youngsters. After viewing themselves on the screen, the Quillan family “walked out on” their own screen test, which was being shown to them in a projection room at the Mack Sennett Keystone Comedies studio. They decided that their efforts on the silver screen were something the quicker forgotten the better. Vau deville was their best outlet for) their talents, they felt, and so daddy Quillan and his quintet of youngsters prepared to continue their stage appearances in the East. However, Eddie never got to the station with his grip. Just as he was all packed, a _ representative from Mack Sennett knocked on the door, and that really was opportunity knocking, in the shape of a contract for Eddie to appear in Mack Sennett pictures. Quillan’s association with Mack |Sennett began with 18 two-reelers, | made in the days of silent film. Later he was the star of many feature-length Pathe comedies, after which his free lance _ activities brought him under the banner of | practically every film company in Hollywood. Also appearing in “Sensation Hunters” are Wanda McKay, Constance Worth, Isabel Jewell, Nestor Paiva, Vince Barnett and others. Christy Cabanne directed the drama for producer Joseph Kaufman. Unusual Dramatic Film To Open (Advance) What promises to be one of the season’s outstanding dramatic hits, Monogram’s “Sensation Hunters,” will be shown at the next A fine array of talent has been cast in the film, which is said to be tull of tense emotion. “Sensation Hunters’ exposes the sordid life to which a girl may expose herself when she gets high ideas and falls prey to a smooth gambler’s talk. Robert Lowery and Doris Merrick are in the featured roles with Eddie Quillan, Constance Worth, Isabel Jewell, Wanda McKay, Nestor Paiva, Byron Folger, Minerva Urecal and Vince Barnett lending supporting performances. “The Rubenettes” offer some musical numbers. Christy Cabanne directed Joseph | | Kaufman’s production and Dennis Cooper wrote the screenplay, based on an original story by John Faxon. Phyllis Avery handled the dance direction, while the songs were written by Jack Kenney and Lewis Bellin. Melodrama Has Music Background Monogram’s “Sensation Hunters” combines a tense emotional story with a musical flavor. A nightclub atmosphere offers songs by Jack Kenny and Lewis Bellin, with dances by the “Rubenettes.” The film, which comes to the .......... theatre on , features Robert Lowery and Doris Merrick. | TETE-A-TETE In a clandestine meeting, Robert Lowery and Doris Merrick are surprised by an opening windew The pair are featured in “Sensation Hunters,” the thrilling Monogram drama to be seen at the theatre wi, cc ors One Col. Scene Mat No. S4 ATHLETIC ACTRESS Not many screen beauties can boast of such an interest in sports as Doris Merrick, now appearing in Monogram’s “Sensation Hunters” with Robert Lowery. Back in her high school days in Chicago, the future actress tossed 18 straight baskets to help the Redeemer Church Basketball Team win the championship. Between pictures, Miss Merrick can be found swimming, swinging a mean tennis racket or carding a low score on the golf course. In “Sensation Hunters,” now at the theatre, Miss Merrick is seen as a dancer. eee ease roe FALL FROM GRACE Eddie Quillan is shocked to learn that his sweetheart, Doris Merrick, has become a night-club chorus girl. A scene from the Monogram drama, “Sensation Hunters,” coming to the pheatre; o52.2..5:. 5 with Miss Merrick and Robert Lowery featured. One Col. Scene Mat No. S2