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SENSATION HUNTERS is the story of what happened to a factory girl who spent her evenings in the wrong places because her life at home was disagreeable.
Contact the publicity director or officials of one of your local factories and sell them on a deal that will bring both the factory and your show plenty of well-merited publicity.
Let factory executives announce that they have seen SENSATION HUNTERS and that, in order that similar temptations won't be placed in the path of any of their employees, they are forming a social club so the girls in their plant will have a nice place to spend their unoccupied evenings.
Here’s an inexpensive stunt that will bring in plenty of dollars at the boxoffice. Print a thousand or so regulation calling cards and have pretty girls pass them out to passersby. Make the cards up to look like this:
Model this after the ever popular Treasure Hunt and have the successful contestants arrive at your theatre to receive their prizes. This should cause plenty of excitement around your lobby, particularly if the things they are to collect are spectacular. Tickets will do for prizes if you don’t make the hunt too difficult. However, be sure to choose one hard to get item to limit the number of free admissions.
For street ballyhoo give a girl a black eye (makeup please) and let her parade the streets with a sign on her back reading: “It's a black eye on your movie attendance record if you miss SENSATION HUNTERS, now showing at the Monogram theatre.”
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Pick Talent Double For Dorris Merrick
Doris Merrick, who has the leading role in SENSATION HUNTERS, has stepped from school to modeling to radio to screen in four short years. How about promoting a contest to select her double in your town. And how about tieing in with a local radio station and a photographer with the possibility of starting her along the path which is bringing fame to Doris Merrick. It should get you plenty of space for SENSATION HUNTERS. Who knows? Perhaps you will be the means of bringing another girl her opportunity. |
Pathos, romance and suspense! The National Screen Trailer on SENSATION HUNTERS is crammed with all of these—and more. It’s a potent selling job on a sensational subject. Show this and it'll show up in your boxoffice gross.
Rig the front of your theatres so that it will give the appearance of having withstood an explosion. Post spectacular signs reading something like this: “Here’s What Would Have Happened If the Paradise Club was in (name of your city) and we had dared to show SENSATION HUNTERS.
Don't pass up radio when it comes to selling SENSATION HUNTERS on title alone, it'll bring them rushing to the boxoffice.
And, with the proper teaser advertising, it'll be a stampede.
Here are ideas on how to sell this one big:
ANNCR: What happens when an innocent girl leaves home and meets up with the wrong man? For an evening of entertainment, packed with pathos and suspense, see SENSATION HUNTERS, now showing at the Tivoli Theatre... with Robert Lowery, Doris Merrick, Eddie Quillan, Constance Worth, Isabell Jewell and a host of others.
ANNCR: An innocent girl... a heartless father ... bickering relatives ... and a girl leaves home, only to meet up with an unscrupulous man. That is the beginning of the sensational story of SENSATION HUNTERS, a picture crowded
with suspense, pathos and emotional thrills.
Don't miss this startling problem story at the Tivoli theatre. It’s
showing now, with a talent-filed cast including Robert Lowery, Doris Merrick, Eddie Quillan, Constance Worth and Isabel Jewell . Remember, it's SENSATION HUNTERS, now showing at the Tivoli