She's in the Army (Monogram) (1942)

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REDS, BLONDES and BRUNETTES ARE RED, WHITE and BLUE NOW! Meet America’s front-line girls, an 4x Army of “lookers”...looking for action and getting it! * MONOGRAM PICTURES p2resents éNTHE ARMY LUCILE VEDA ANN MARIE GLEASON-BORGWILSON (Robert LOWERY: Lyle TALBOT: Warren HYMER Produced by T. H. RICHMOND en 3 Directed by JEAN YARBROUGH § Original Screenplay by SIDNEY SHELDON & GEORGE BRICKER Two Column Cut or Mat No. 22 BLONDE BOMBSHELL! + A night club cutie joins America’s front-line girls... _and finds that war ain’t “heaven”! LUCILE GLEASON VEDA ANN . Robert LOWERY Lyle TALBOT Warren HYMER A nam MorF picture One Col. Cut or Mat No. 6 “Smile When You Say That, Sergeant!” _ yan army...of women/ LUCILE GLEASON VEDA ANN MARIE WILSON Robert LOWERY Lyle TALBOT Warren HYMER nam or Mon?F picture One Col. Cut or Mat No. 5 FROM A FRONT ROW IN THE “GLAMOUR CHORUS” TO THE FRONT LINE OF DUTY! A snappy, scrappy story of a night club “deh” who proved she could take it... and dish it out, too! with LUCILE GLEASON VEDA ANN ORG MARIE WILSon Robert Lowery 4m Lyle TALBOT pf ‘4 arren HYMER W Produced by Bic RICHMOND by ei YARBROUGH | SS Tigingl Sibae: 9'nal Sey, enpl. SHELDON & GEORGE Bick, R A no cam Mo APictURE Two Column Cut or Mat No. 23 WUCHLE BO ANN MARIE GLEASON * WILSON pita of A One Col. Cut or Mat No. 8 One Col. Cut or Mat No. 7