Stunt Pilot (Monogram) (1939)

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LOOPING THE LOOP WITH YOUR HEART... IT’S TAILSPIN TOMMY WITH NEW DAREDEVIL THRILLS! A roaring plane dips and dives high above the clouds . . . suddenly the motor stalls... and DOWN — DOWN—pown plunges Tailspin Tommy! Only one of the giant thrills awaiting you! It’s the tops . . . in amazing acrobatic air drama! MONOGRAM PICTURES presents WITH JOHN TRENT MARJORIE REYNOLDS MILBURN STONE PRODUCED BY PAUL MALVERN Screenplay by SCOTT DARLING and JOSEPH WEST Original Story by HAL FORREST OTREC TED (6.Y GEORGE WAGGNER Three Col. Cut or Mat No. 12 STUNT P with JOHN TRENT One Col. Cut or Mat No. NEW THRILLS... from your FAVORITE of ine FUNNIES! ZAIISPIN TOW “" MARJORIE REYNOLDS _MILBURN STONE A MONOGRAM PICTURE Two Col. Cut or Mat No. 14