Assault on a Queen (Paramount Pictures) (1966)

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Quiz Designed for Frank Sinatra Fans In honor of Frank Sinatra’s latest film, ‘““Assault on a Queen” TOW. DIARY Bb Tee ee ee ae cee theatre, we hereby offer a quiz based on Mr. Sinatra’s long and distinguished entertainment career. The answers to the quiz can be found at the bottom of this page. A score of 6-8 right marks you a dedicated Sinatra follower, 4-5 makes you an average Sinatra devotee and anything less puts you in ‘“‘The Beatles” crowd. 1. What was the name of the singing group that Frank Sinatra joined when he fronted the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra? 2. What was the name of Frank Sinatra’s first leading lady in the film “Higher and Higher?’ (A bonus for answering this one) 3. You probably remember Mr. Sinatra’s award winning performance in “From Here to Eternity,”’ but can you remember the name of the character he portrayed? 4, Who was the famous actress whom Sinatra married after his divorce from Nancy Sinatra? 5. Sinatra has directed himself in one film. Name it. 6. Name three films in which Sinatra appeared only as an actor and did not sing. Besides “From Here to Eternity,” of course. 7. Name the young actress starred in a television serial with whom Sinatra’s name has been linked and name the character she plays in that serial. (One half point for each answer.) 8. Name the principal members of Sinatra’s’ particular group of friends, known as the clan. There are four and you must get all to score. ANSWERS: 1. The Pied Pipers 2. Marcy McGuire (Wasn’t that hard?) 3. Angelo Maggio 4. Ava Gardner (That was easy) 5. “None But the Brave” 6. “Suddenly,” “Von Ryan’s Express,” ‘Kings Go Forth,” “The Manchurian Candidate” and many others. 7. Mia Farrow, who plays “Allison McKenzie” on “Peyton Place’ 8. Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis, Dean Martin and Joey Bishop. PIII IAAI IIIA AIA AAA SAS AS ASS SS ACSS SSA SAICSA SAAS SAI AIACSISACSISACSACSACACN SHI DD DDD DD Db DDD DD > ID bbb bbbibbbbbibibibttat SOI bbb bbb bbb bb bbb bbb bib bib bib bib bb ttt t ee SYNOPSIS Mark Brittain (FRANK SINATRA), ex-submarine officer, and Linc Langley (ERROL JOHN), partners in a fishing charter boat business are out of funds and in debt. They agree to dive for a lost treasure off the coast of Florida for a group of adventurers. The off-beat group consists of a gorgeous Italian girl from Naples, Rosa Lucchesi (VIRNA LISI), who is financing the project and has a treasure map which has been in her family for hundreds of years. It shows, supposedly, where a galleon from the Spanish Armada went down with a fortune in gold bullion. She has acquired the services of two adventurers, Vic Rossiter (TONY FRANCIOSA), who has designing eyes on Rosa, and a former German U-Boat commander, Eric Lauffnauer (ALF KJELLIN). However, with Mark and Rosa, it’s practically love at first sight. As he explains it to Linc: ‘‘She’s in my gut so deep, we breathe together.’ On Mark’s first dive under the sea he comes upon a sunken U-Boat, instead of the Spanish galleon, which turns out to be a search for fool’s gold. The discovery of the U-Boat activates Eric’s mind and he comes up with a bizarre scheme. His plan is to put the sunken U-Boat in working operation and use it as a pirate vessel to highjack the Queen Mary for a fortune in cash and gold. Eric’s plan sounds great to everyone but Mark and Linc. Mark, however, because of his love for Rosa, agrees to go along with the daring plan. The U-Boat is brought to the surface and hidden. Eric sends for an old friend, Tony Moreno (RICHARD CONTE), an expert in repairing sub engines and equipment. The group works on the sub night and day. Everything goes smoothly except the relationship between Mark and Vic, when it becomes obvious that Rosa and Mark are in love. When the sub is ready for action, the modern-day pirates, five men and a girl, sail out to intercept the Queen Mary. Miles from the luxury liner, Linc, the radio officer on board the sub, makes contact with the Queen Mary and begs for help for H.M.S. Trident, a British submarine in trouble while on a vital, secret mission on Admiralty Orders. Linc claims the Trident needs a piece of machinery which the Queen’s engineers can produce. The Captain of the Queen Mary reluctantly agrees to delay his voyage, while three of the sub’s crew comes aboard to secure the part. Mark, Eric and Vic (dressed in the uniforms of British officers) take a raft to the now nearby liner and climb aboard. Eric leaves orders with Moreno to shoot off a dummy torpedo at a given time. As the holdup trio speak with the Captain of the Queen the torpedo hits the side of the giant ship. Mark tells the startled captain that the torpedo is merely a dummy—but a number of live ones aboard the sub will be launched next—unless the Captain and his crew allow the Purser’s abe to be rifled. Furious, the Captain decides, for the safety of his passengers, O agree. While the robbery is taking place, Mark discovers that a signal is being sent from an upper deck to a U.S. Coast Guard Cutter, which is appearing on the horizon. A dingy from the Queen Mary is acquired and the sacks of bullion and money dropped into it, and the three men prepare to make a frantic dash back to the sub. Before leaving Vic spots a woman passenger wearing a huge diamond ring. He tries to yank it from her finger and is killed by a ship’s officer. Mark and Eric get away, but in their haste the sacks of loot fall overboard and are recovered by the crew of the Queen Mary. They are still not out of danger as the Cutter will be in the vicinity and will certainly unload depth charges. Mark is horrified when Eric announces plans to torpedo the Cutter. For the first time Mark realizes that Eric, with the help of Moreno, has actually had live torpedoes in the tubes as well as the dummy one with the flash powder. Mark convinces Moreno of the horror of the plan, but the German is beyond reason. Eric intends to surface the sub and torpedo the Cutter. When Linc approaches him to protest, Lauffnauer pulls out a gun and inflicts a flesh wound. At this moment the batteries start to weaken and the sub has to be surfaced. The Queen Mary has departed, but the Cutter lies in wait a few hundred yards away. When Moreno refuses to release the torpedoes at the Cutter he is shot and killed by Lauffnauer. Mark then hurls himself at the crazed Lauffnauer and succeeds in causing the torpedoes to miss the target badly. Mark, Rosa and the wounded Linc leave the sub and board a rubber raft, as the Cutter bears down to ram and sink the U-Boat. The psychotic Lauffnauer decides to stay. He stands in the conning tower opening, his eyes wild, his face a mask of madness, his triumphant smile in no way related to any kind of reality. The Cutter smashes into the sub. The three survivors of the ill-fated adventure escape towards shore in the darkness, but for how long is anybody’s guess. a> ID D Db» bbb bbb bbb bb bbb bbb bbb bbb bbb bib bb tpt a ate Sas Still #20034/Spec/2 cunning and guts. OMENS cies es cca atthe ... OFF-BEAT ACTION-ADVENTURE STARS FRANK SINATRA AND VIRNA LISI — A tense and very different kind of film comes to the screen with Frank Sinatra and beautiful Virna Lisi as costars. “‘Assault On A Queen,” a Sinatra Enterprises-Seven Arts production for Paramount release, Theatre. It is a spine-chilling drama of modern piracy, involving a gang of larcenous characters who decide to rob the Queen Mary in mid-ocean. They resurrect an old German U-boat and fit it out for the unusual and hypnotic mission requiring daring, Mat é@B Column Items BURNING THE KANDLE—Irving Kandle, Paramount Pictures special effects man, proved an old adage when he worked on the new Frank Sinatra-Virna Lisi film “Assault On A Queen.” The Seven Arts Sinatra Enterprises film, which Paramount is' releasing opens shite cha Atethers. rea. theatre; Kandle was operating a flamethrowing machine to give the illusion of a fire blazing outside a window. He miscalculated and a sheet of flame seared his face. The second time, his posterior was burned. “That,” commented Sinatra to director Jack Donohue, “is what I call burning the Kandle at both ends.” THE BIG “IFS”—On the Hollywood set of “Assault On A Queen,” three actors of Italian descent, Frank Sinatra, Richard Conte and Tony Franciosa were taking their coffee break with another Italian import, Virna Lisi, the blonde lovely who made a big hit in “How to Murder Your Wife.” “Assault” ODENS aicc sae AG EENO iccn, ake ote theatre Conte, ‘‘I’d never have left Italy.” “If they’d had Virna in the mafia,” said Sinatra, “I’d never have torn up my membership card! !” “Assault On A Queen” is a Sinatra Enterprises-Seven Arts production, being released by Paramount Pictures. A PEEPING TOM! Gorgeous Virna Lisi, already acclaimed in Europe as the sexy successor to Marilyn Monroe, was in the portrait gallery at Paramount Studios in Hollywood being photographed for torrid stills for her latest film, ‘‘Assault On A Queen,” in which she stars with Frank Sinatra. The film opens tacit. aan ati the: 314.23 theatre. The sultry poses were so daring and provocative that the sitting was shrouded in secrecy to avoid any interruptions from curious studio wolves. Suddenly, in the midst of the sitting, a scraping sound was heard at the door. When it was opened, there stood a huge cat. “T’ve heard of peeping Toms,’ said Miss Lisi, “but this is ridicu lous!” THE SHORT OF IT—Jazz musician Oscar Law makes his film debut in a straight dramatic role with Frank Sinatra. Virna Lisi, Tony Franciosa and Richard Conte in “Assault On A Queen,” opening sores capeene Atcthe....)ee ee theatre, The film is a Sinatra EnterprisesSeven Arts Production for Paramount Pictures release. Law told Sinatra he was tired of living out of a suitcase, was giving up his musical career to stay with acting and was selling his entire fancy band wardrobe. He said he had placed a newspaper ad, reading: “Trombone player wishes to sell 28 sports jackets with one arm longer than the other.” 2 5 9.9.9.,0.0,9,9.9,.0,0,0,9,9.9.0,.0,9,9.0.0,.0,9,0.0.0,0,0,0.9,.0,.0,9,9.0,.0,0,0,0,0.9,.0.0,9.9. 0. 001000 Ooo eee eee tees teers eee eee eee eee ee eee eee eee ees este eee eee eee eet eee 64 HAMMING IT UP! Paramount Pictures sound man, Stan Jones, has come up with an unusual ‘“‘sound”’ gimmick which he used to excellent effect in Frank Sinatra’s latest film “Assault On A Queen” now playineat the 2. i. theatre. Director Jack Donohue wanted a vicious fight between Frank Sinatra and Alf Kjellin to sound as deadly as it looked, so Jones’ idea was utilized. A side of ham was hung next to a sensitive microphone and Sinatra, using boxing gloves, banged away at it with.a series of crackling blows. Later, the most explosive-sounding punches were synchronized with the visual blows on the screen. All of which caused Sinatra to quip: “Probably the first time in history that a real ham has stood in for an actor.” “Assault On A Queen” is a Sinatra Enterprises-Seven Arts production for Paramount release. POINT-OF-VIEW! Frank Sinatra is accustomed to complimenting his leading ladies and his latest, Virna Lisi, who stars with him in “Assault On A Queen” is no exception. When asked to compare the Italian beauty to other of Hollywood’s top glamour queens, Sinatra said simply, ““Virna makes them all look like West Point cadets.” “Assault On A Queen” is a Sinatra Enterprises-Seven Arts production, released by Paramount Pictures. the Besant aire theatre. IIIS ISIS ISIS SSSI SIS SSSSSSS SSIS ISIS IIIS SIS ISIS IIIS SI SSSI ISIS SISIASISSISISISISISSSISSSSIA THE CAST Paramount Pictures in association * AR DRITIAIN Soe che yc la oe we FRANK SINATRA with Seven Arts and Sinatra En: PEPE TT aiseatt ai les Mia a ee eR VIRNA LISI MOPS AED Ware 5 o's «ink tead sete my =o si 0 884 & wes 20% * Vil GOSte Co oo eh ee TONY FRANCIOSA * bi ial doo S re ariag e RICHARD CONTE Presents Ld BRIO GAUPIOAUER 5 ro 0 OG Sica ce ALF KJELLIN FRANK SINATRA VIRNA LISI ...... (Size, type, color, 100% eof LING VEANGUEY 205 oie saree: hens cl ain ERROL JOHN in prominence of title on same line) * CREDITS ASP ON GemME ke ree 100% ¥ PRODUETES ee re eee, ees WILLIAM GOETZ + eeepabil PRODUCER <5. calc chee... WILLIAM DANIELS Co-starring ir ena Acs een Ce. tc rad go in os Ne JACK DONOHUE RICHARD CONTE } SCREENBEAV ese oii coe ciuis sca nithatere hee Rae wie a ROD SERLING ERROL JOHN | Rs oct ene ote eee (ht. of Sinatra) 50% id FROMUIBeONOVELIBY~ sce.2 hexetel cate eo, Ake JACK FINNEY ALF KJELLIN | * GINEMATOGUAPHER: . ooo. so ios ecattoes.. WILLIAM DANIELS * FILM EDITORS .......... ARCHIE MARSHEK and JACK WHEELER and * PRODUCTION MANAGER ................. JOSEPH C. BEHM * ASSISTANT DIRECTOR 62.2226 sn. RICHARD LANG, JR. TONY FRANCIOSA as “Rossiter” (ht. & wdth. of Sinatra) 100% * SOUND oe ot eee ae STAN JONES : a lars ag MOVERS oe ated S HAL PEREIRA and PAUL GROESSE Sereenplayeby-skod Serling ti. Sie ews or, Wee oa 25% ke COSTUMES 222 LEEELL EDI weap From the novel by Jack Finney 0.0... ccs, 20% SPECIAL. Beals ee Se ai bey VASQUE Produced: by William Goet?¢.%cc0. «sana aoe cieecun 25% ei Sk Ww ce ee ee ee HARLES MASON MNS 6 er iy x eee WALLY WESTMORE Directed by Jack Donohue ...................+.4.. 25% x pote sane SIRE: Gc Fra Re ieh ERE DOROTHY WHITE MuSicw= DUKE sates cho ate etace petra ces optional x WEN's Winonone Cera" GEOFFREY ALAN Technicolor® Panavision@)c sta eaee eeee 25% ¥ MIB SER ON Ae ARRON DUKE ELLINGTON A PatansuntPituire 2. LC ea aaa oe 20% * * *