Prisoner of the Volga (Paramount Pictures) (1959)

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‘PRISONER OF THE VOLGA’ HERALDED AS ACTION-PACKED ADVENTURE FILM (Day Before Opening) Big-screen adventure in vivid Eastman color is offered movie fans beginning tomorrow when “Prisoner of the Volga,” the new Paramount release, bows into town at the .......... Theatre. Starring John Derek, Elsa Martinelli, Dawn Addams and ______g featuring Charles Vanel and a vast cast of supporting players, the production, in Totalscope, promises to be a real treat for fans who enjoy moving pictures that really move. Set in feudal Russia, the Russia of opulent palaces and miserable serfs, ‘‘Prisoner of the Volga” was filmed abroad on a lavish scale that captures the vastness of the land and the colorful people who lived in that time. The story concerns the experiences of a young army officer who is railroaded, by a personal enemy, into a disciplinary camp where such inhuman treatment is accorded the prisoners that few of them manage to survive. The officer, played by Derek, is helped to escape by his bride who was responsible for his being there. As they flee their pursuers she is killed, but he continues his flight and is eventually befriended by the rugged boatmen of the Volga. His adventures with them, and the fiery girl he meets through them, as he is hunted down by the Still No. 47020-36 Mat 2E CUTTHROAT COSSACKS attack John Derek and Elsa Martinelli in this highspot scene from the Paramount release, “Prisoner of the Volga,” due Ser at the ...... Theatre. The adventure thriller, in Eastman color, also stars Dawn Addams and a vast supporting cast headed by Charles Vanel. ‘PRISONER OF THE VOLGA’ HITS HARD; A COLORFUL, EXCITING FILM THRILLER (Review) An adventure thriller of first quality opened yesterday at the pace kee Theatre. It is the new Paramount release, “Prisoner SHORTS and FILLERS The beautiful Italian star, Elsa Martinelli (who is a countess by marriage), was, before she took America by storm, Europe’s busiest and most popular fashion model. As soon as she had enough money to buy a plane ticket to New York, she did so, and the day after her arrival she got her first modeling assignment, which netted her $300. Shortly thereafter her picture appeared on the cover of Life Magazine. Kirk Douglas saw it and offered her a screen-test followed by a role in her first film, “The Indian Fighter,” which embarked Elsa on a successful film career. One of her best roles to date is that of the fiery Russian peasant girl, Mascha, in the new Paramount release, “Prisoner of the Volga,” which arrives ...... AG thes 2 a Theatre. The adventure thriller, in Eastman color and Totalscope, stars her with John Derek and Dawn Addams. * * * The beautiful, English-born Dawn Addams co-stars with handsame American John Derek and fiery Italian Elsa Martinelli in her current film triumph, “Prisoner of Still No. 47020-5 Mat 1D BEAUTIFUL DAWN ADDAMS por trays a Russian princess in “Prisoner of the Volga,’ the Paramount release in Eastman color’ and Totalscope, which arrives ....... at the Theatre. John Derek and Elsa Martinelli are also starred in the thriller, which fea Cossacks with whom he and the boatmen come to grips, constitute motion picture action on a grand and exciting scale that is guaranteed to satisfy the most rabid action fans. Beautiful Dawn Addams will be seen as the ill-fated bride, and the very attractive Italian star, Elsa of the Volga” starring John Derek, e Elsa Martinelli and Dawn Addams and it’s a whopper of an action production. The film, shot abroad to capture realism of background, is in magnificent Eastman color and bigscreen Totalscope which give added entertainment values to the ab the Volga,” due: .6..... at the Peri aees ane Theatre. In that production she portrays a Russian princess. Considering the fact that the top supporting role is filled by French character actor Charles Vanel and that the vast cast includes actors representing every tures Charles Vanel. Martinelli, plays the other girl in Derek’s life. Still No. 47020-21 Mat 2F CLANDESTINE LOVE AFFAIR involves fiery Elsa Martinelli and handsome John Derek in the action-filled adventure thriller, “Prisoner of the Volga.” The Paramount release, in Eastman color, is due ...... Atte} 055 612 Theatre. Dawn Addams is also starred in the spectacular production. Still No. 47020-16 Mat 2C ROYAL WEDDING takes Dawn Addams and John Derek on a stormy road in “Prisoner of the Volga,’ romantic adventure thriller which comes et sa to the ...... Theatre. Action-packed drama, a Paramount release, is in Eastman color and Totalscope. Elsa Martinelli co-stars. sorbingly interesting and suspenseful story it tells. This concerns the experiences of an army officer in feudal Russia who is undeservedly stripped of his rank and banished to a disciplinary camp where life is made so difficult that few of the prisoners survive. His bride, who is responsible for his being there, engineers his escape but is killed as they flee their pursuers. His hair-raising adventures in eluding capture as he gets “lost” among the rugged boatmen of the Volga, his romance with a beautiful peasant girl who helps him in his flight to freedom, the handto-hand battle between the boatmen and the Cossacks add up to plenty of action thrills. In addition to the unusual story it tells, “Prisoner of the Volga” boasts scenes of palace splendor and shocking scenes that depict the misery of the enslaved serfs. Still No. 47020-3 Mat 1B HANDSOME JOHN DEREK has the title role in “Prisoner of the Volga,” adventure thriller in Eastman color, which comes ....... LOtNE? 2 Seets Theatre. The Paramount release also stars Elsa Martinelli and Dawn Addams. Derek In Rugged Role John Derek, one of screendom’s handsomest men, has been trying to live down his good looks by playing up his ability to cope with the most rugged roles he can get. The fighting Joshua of “The Ten Commandments” was his most recent triumph and now he comes through with another powerful he-man characterization with his portrayal of the title role in “Prisoner of the Volga,” the new Paramount release which comes ...... POrEHG., 6 AF Theatre. As the “Prisoner” the hair-raising action that Derek goes through is far from what is usually called for from an actor with his matineeidol looks, but John thrives on it— and to judge by his popularity, so do his fans. In the film, which is in Eastman color and Totalscope and which stars him with Elsa Martinelli and Dawn Addams, Derek becomes a Volga boatman to elude capture by Cossacks following his escape from a_ penal camp. His adventures as he makes his way to freedom comprise the exciting action of this entertaining attraction. John Derek is excellently cast in the title role. Beautiful Miss Addams plays his distraught wife, and fiery Miss Martinelli the girl he falls in love with during his adventures. Famed character actor Charles Vanel portrays Derek’s arch enemy. Still No. 47020-34 country on the Continent, Miss Addams thought of herself as quite an internationalist by the time the drama was completed. “Prisoner of the Volga,” filmed in Eastman color and Totalscope, tells an adventure-filled story set in feudal Russia. Not since Cecil B. DeMille made “The Volga Boatman,” which starred William (Hopalong Cassidy) Boyd, a good many years ago, has that river and its famed human tugs been dramatized on the screen until production of the new Paramount color release, “Prisoner of the Volga,” which arrives ...... BGM. 5 sterste's Theatre. In the adventure thriller, starring John Derek in the title role, Elsa Martinelli and Dawn Addams and a cast of thousands, the rugged boatmen of the Volga play an important part. They help Derek, an escaped prisoner, elude the Cossack pursuers and eventually engage in a hand-to-hand battle with them that justifies their reputation as one of the most rugged groups of men in history. Mat 2D FAMOUS VOLGA BOATMEN come to action-packed life in “Prisoner of the Volga,” adventure thriller in Eastman color, due ...... at the Theatre. John Derek (second from right), in the title role, stars with Elsa Martinelli and Dawn Addams. The spectacular film has a cast of thousands. 3