Red Line 7000 (Paramount Pictures) (1965)

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FRANKIE AVALO N “ANNETTE FU N ICE THEY LIVE FROM SPINC TO CRACK UP... , | and they love as fastas <# they can FROM AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL »PANAVISION ana COLOR also se LEMBECK PARRISH | ©1966 American International Pictures AD-PUB MAT IGN ON A SINGLE MAT. AL SCREEN SERVICE. and Frankie Avalon make a play for the favors of Annette Funicello in scene from American International’s ‘‘Fireball 500,’”’ stock car racing thriller opening -........... See ae at the ......................4...2.... Theatre: and their cars the same... @ wine AVALON ANNETTE FU | ICELLO HARVEY LEMBECK JULIE PARRISH AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL w PANAVISION “COLOR ©1966 American International Pictures SPECIAL MAT No.C1 FRANKIE ANNETTE CHILL AVALON -FUNICELLOFABIAN -WILLS They live and love from spinout to crackup! STARRING IN FIREBALL : ae ee AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL LEMBECK: PARRISH . -PANAVISION COLOR ©1966 American International Pictures They live and love from spinout to ive and love trom spinowt to crackup: ae Ulf f INTERNATIONAL ee Ne it PANAVISION® Gr. 2 and COLOR > So ie Sac AVALON. FUNICELLO-FRIGAAt WILLS ©1966 American International Pictures THEY LIVE FROM SPINOUT TO CRACK UP! Teen SIs starring AMERICAN a egaoess : NES PANAVISION® P FABIAN cu WI LLS ©1966 American International Pictures