Robinson Crusoe on Mars (Paramount Pictures) (1964)

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SPECIAL PUBLICITY MATS AT HOME ON MARS The comforts of life on earth will be missed by the first U.S. astronaut to land on Mars. This scene from ‘Robinson Crusoe on Mars,” the science-fact film from Paramount QDORING .cehh as tsensdoonesen GEARS watered Theatre, gives a glimpse of things to come. Paul Mantee (center) plays an astronaut stranded on Mars, and Vic Lundin is his man, Friday. They live in a cave beneath the crust of Mars, with rocks for furniture, green pods for food, and an underground spring for water. For entertainment, they have a monkey. There are no modern conveniences or appliances except for one. Even on Mars they found it necessary to construct an alarm clock! MAT 2EA UPSIDE DOWN IN OUTER SPACE Paul Mantee (upside down) and Adam West are shown in a spacecraft orbiting Mars in this scene from Paramount's science-fact film in Technicolor and Techniscope, ‘’Robinson Crusoe on Mars” which opens ................00.. Gi tie }.....:.. ae. eee Theatre. Due to the space phenomenon of weightlessness, it really doesn't matter what position an astronaut is in, and this unique arrangement saves lots of room in a space capsule. MAT 2EB Plant the coloring contest in local and suburban dailies. Tie-in with supermarkets, drug chains, etc. @ Plant the maze map with papers for circulation promotion. Also good for use as throwaway herald. e Local tie-ins may be employed to embellish the national GUESS MARS contest, whereby local products may be promoted to supplement national awards. e Every effort should be employed to program the 16mm featurette kit with local television shows as well as showings at summer clubs, camps and summer schools. e A deejay survival promotion might be initiated whereby a disc jockey would broadcast in marathon fashion from an isolated area such as a department store window. This is a publicity provoking stunt which could create a sensation in your town and garner off the amusement page stories and photos. e The Kapp record based on the title should be serviced to all local program directors. Contests might be devised using the record as the peg for the contest. Contact your local Kapp distributor to supplement his promotions. e A standee can be made up as an advance lobby piece National Screen Service posters including a telephone which, when picked up, could transmit ‘voices’ from Mars. ry Employees can be dressed in space garb and sent through the streets. Advance announcements should be made on radio that anyone mentioning the title of the picture to a space man would receive guest tickets to see CRUSOE. e Local outfits such as SNO CONE or HOWARD JOHNSON might announce that they are seeking a franchise on Mars. ° Secure the services of a monkey, like the one in the picture, and designate him (or her) “honorary” press agent for the picture. Arrange visits to local TV shows and chats with members of the local press. e Space craft equipment should be promoted for advance lobby displays. Try to promote space ship mockups for give away to the first hundred patrons on opening day. ) Imprint title and playdate on balloons for distribution to shopping centers. “Spaceman Barker’ can also hand them out at theatre, parking lots, etc. e Contact local space authorities on space to be used for interviews to tie-in with the picture’s opening. e By using Daniel Defoe, the author of the original ROBINSON CRUSOE, entrée may be made into libraries and other education institutions, through displays and bookmarks. ° A roto editor might be interested in covering a special children’s showing depicting their reactions to the film through photos. ° A “Martian for the Day” contest could be arranged on a local TV‘er. A local department store might feature a MARS SALE to tie in with the theme of the picture to the effect that the values are ‘/out of this world.” ) Arrange for host or hostess of most popular local kiddie TV show to host special screenings. This will give your playdate great advance ‘bonus’ publicity. EXPLOITIPS A classified ad campaign might be conducted whereby insertions would contain copy inviting readers to phone a number for the latest information from MARS. Phone number is that of the theatre. ~ Contact leading hair stylists to execute and publicize a ROBINSON CRUSOE COIFFURE as was done most recently on the OLIVER CUT. Tie-up with the local Signet book distributor and leading book stores on their issue of the paperback, ROBINSON CRUSOE, whereby he will utilize promotional material including title and playdate credit. e There is a national tie-up with Channel Master television sets. Con tact your local distributor. e There are several cities in the United States called “Mars.” If one is near you, you can send mailings to the press postmarked “Mars.” e Set up a “space corner” in your lobby. Your library or local air force recruiting station can provide you with all sorts of material for display purposes in the lobby. Also permit local Air Force recruiting service to set-up ‘shop’ in lobby—opening week-end. ° You can run a local level contest inviting entrants to state who they would like to be stranded on Mars with and why. * A local travel bureau might be willing to take reservations for man’s first commercial excursion to Mars. e Another contest idea would be to have people write in with their reasons for wanting to be first to go to Mars. e The Boy Scout organization in your city should be very interested in tying up because: of the survival techniques used in the film. The same applies to any summer camps in the area. The Scouts could also set up survival displays in your lobby. e Perhaps a local dance studio can come up with a “Martian twist” or a “Robinson Crusoe survival dance” . e Have a street stencil prepared to look like a space ship, a nose cone of which is pointed toward your theatre. Copy could read “This way to the ‘Robinson Crusoe on Mars’ orbit.” e Plan a beauty contest: ‘We're looking for girls that are out of this world.” . well worth a try. e Use photo of the monkey in store ads (with picture credit). Copy should read: ‘‘We’re not monkeying around. Our values are “out of this world.” ° Perhaps you can work a tie-up with the local weather bureau whereby they can periodically announce weather conditions on Mars. ° Arrange for a special disc jockey promotion whereby only “space”’ songs would be played during the course of the day. For instance, titles such as “Fly Me To The Moon,” “Venus,” “Count Every Star,’ etc. e Contact your local candy distributor to discuss the use of Mars candy bars for promotions and giveaways. e Because the gravity on Mars is much different from the gravity here on earth, a human being weighing 200 pounds here might weigh less than 100 pounds on Mars. Perhaps a lobby chart showing a scale of comparative weights might make an interesting display. e Make sure you invite the science experts of your local newspaper to a preview screening. The fact that this film is scientifically authentic will surely impress him. e Institute a model space ship contest and exhibition through your local hobby shop. Caen nn ccc nnnnnnnnncncrreeeee renee eee nnn SS ACCESSORIES FREE: RADIO SPOT ANNOUNCEMENTS MATERIALS CHECK LIST 30 Second Spot RADIO SPOTS Available for use are TWO 60-Second Spots, TWO 30-Second Spots and TWO 20-Second Spots. (Order from Paramount Pictures Exploitation Department—See coupon on back page) FREE: TV TRAILERS AND TELOP CARD Available are TWO 60-Second Spots, TWO 20-Second Spots and ONE 10-Second Spot. (Order from Paramount Pictures Exploitation Department—See coupon on back page) FREE: LOBBY SPOT ANNOUNCEMENT Available is an ear-catching lobby spot loaded with SELL... USE IT WELL IN ADVANCE OF YOUR PLAYDATE! (Order from Paramount Pictures Exploitation Department—See coupon on back page) REGULAR THEATRE TRAILER (Order from your local branch of National Screen Service) 4 Never before has there been a film such as Paramount's “ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS.” You will see no horrendous monsters, no laughable Mars maidens . . . only ‘science fact’ loaded to the hilt with real thrills and excitement. SEE PAUL MANTEE as a U. S. astronaut stranded on Mars, SEE VIC LUNDIN as his man Friday, SEE MONA THE WOOLLY MONKEY as a needed friend. SEE “ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS” .. . in Technicolor and Techniscope.. . .. opening) 5238-5 as Gris. .cuAL. . te Theatre. 20 Second Spot “ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS” is not science fiction or a pipe dream . .. it is ‘science fact’ that you may read about tomorrow . . . or today! SEE PAUL MANTEE as a U. S. astronaut stranded on Mars, SEE VIC LUNDIN as his man Friday, SEE MONA THE WOOLLY MONKEY as a needed friend. SEE Paramount’s “ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS” . . . in Technicolor and Techniscope ... opening ............ ree ik ees xs Theatre. 10 Second Spot SEE Paramount's thrilling ‘science fact’ film “ROBINSON CRUSOE ON MARS,” starring PAUL MANTEE, VIC LUNDIN and MONA THE WOOLLY MONKEY .. . filmed in Technicolor and Techniscope ... opening ............ ehlrerse errr Theatre.