St. Louis Blues (Paramount Pictures) (1958)

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The work chants the back-street TODAY ragtime... the YOU'LL HEAR THEY: GALL IT oe peace "Yellow Dog Blues” RHYTHM AND oO mericas "St. Louis Blues” own music.. Ahatli apa BLUES .. ‘'Morning Star’’ PARAMOUNT PRESENTS a mane pote Here's the real story of the birth of the blues... and how this "devil's music’ sizzled up to make the whole world dance... and cheer! = ——— ~—— A RITTEN BY PARAMOUNT PRESENTS UM HE iit 75 UNES...150 LINES 5% inches... 11 inches MAT 204 2 cous. x { die YOU'LL HEAR "Beale Street Blues” . "Yellow Dog Blues” "St. Louis Blues” "Careless Love” "Harlem Blues” “Morning Star” and many more! ADVANCE TEASER rik | PARA L 1 UE JNO EM ui ni tS THEATRE MAT 301 TS ONES: : 25. 399 (LINES ¢ FOb. x19 Y2 inches.......28'% inches THE REAL — AND REALLY WONDERFUL — STORY OF THE BIRTH OF THE BLUES... AND OF RHYTHM-AND-BLUES! _ Nistiisone NT PRESENTS ; 50 LINES ...100 LINES 2 COLS. x : 3% inches... 7 inches ns 2h COPY LINES FOR EXTRA DAYS THE BEALE STREET-TO-GLORY STORY of a man whose rhythm and blues beat is America’s heartbeat! vistVision®° time ... and now the heartbeat of the nation! | : Saree ent ae The beat from the levee work chants, the backstreet rag The heart-warming picture that tells the story of the “daddy” of rhythm-and-blues! 26 LES Fe eee 56 LINES Dr inches.ois 2h «ss 4 inches 2 COLS. x{ LLP PL ALP LP DALAL DALLA APPL LP A ALA AL LPL AP AL APA AL ALALPAL ALLOA AL LALLA AGA ALP APA AAPA LL