The Night of the Grizzly (Paramount Pictures) (1966)

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ACTION-ADVENTURE COMES ALIVE IN EXCITING TABLOID HERALD! Generate added interest and enthusiasm for your playdate with this dramatic and dynamic four page, 8/2 x 11 tabloid herald charged with the fast-paced impact of the film and loaded with real boxoffice ‘sell’ for ‘The Night Of The Grizzly.” Created to project the high points of the film, this tremendous and highly effective promotional item will help give maximum impact and exposure to your campaign. This Herald has space to imprint your theatre name, playdate, name of your second feature or even an ad for a local merchant who agrees to distribute the Herald and share in the already low cost. hie FOR A MERCHANTS 4 Ap 4 we een PRE: babtiee POL FRELE MINA T BRK HORALE FDR; Pies. shop: necoten Be Sayer tee Hh Reig: 5 Se: CENTER SPREAD $7.50 Per thousand F.0.B. Plant Imprinted at following prices First 1,000 . . . $5.00 Added thousands, $3.50 Per thousand Over 4,000, $3.00 Per thousand—Folding—$2.00 Per thousand Rush Your Order Direct to HARRY K. McWILLIAMS, 405 Broome St., N.Y., N.Y. 10013 Phone 212 CAnal 6-3335-6 for Rush Orders Shipping—by Parcel Post Special. We will bill you for postage charges. Large shipments by truck. Shipping charges collect. Check oremoney order must accompany order. HOW TO EFFECTIVELY DISTRIBUTE THE HERALD e Use as direct mailing pieces and take advantage of special bulk postage rates. @ Distribute to automobile dealers, auto supply stores and other outlets dealing in automotive services and products. e Make available to be handed out to members of local racing and stock car clubs. e Have a few students distribute them to their schoolmates before and after class sessions. e@ Make them available to establishments where the younger generation congregates (candy store, bowling alley, amusement park, youth centers, efc.). @ Give them to your patrons prior to your playdate. e@ Have merchants put them in bags and packages. e Have a few youngsters deliver them door-to-door throughout your town. e Have newspaper boys slip-sheet them into the local newspapers. e Place them on the windshields of cars. @ Make an arrangement with the local milkman to deliver them with the milk. @ Place them on the counters of local shops. @ Arrange with a local restaurant for them to be inserted into coats and jackets while hanging in the checkroom. EXPLOITATION AN EXPLOITATION BONANZA COLOR STILLS—The set of 8 x 10 color stills available from National Screen Service provides you with an excellent focal point for every conceivable display and merchandising piece. They should be used widely in theatre fronts, counter displays and window displays that might be arranged in conjunction with merchant tie-ups. “BEAR’’STUNT—Hire a member of the usher staff to dress in a grizzly bear costume. Arrange for the ‘‘Bear’’ to drive a convertible to the theatre or some strategic location, prearranging for the press, TY news departments and radio remote services to meet him there. The car might be bannered with picture and playdate credits. This sure-fire stunt, a specialty for this film, is bound to result in all-out publicity coverage. GIANT GRIZZLY—Have a still of a scene from the motion picture with the grizzly depicted blown up to life-size proportions. Hire someone to transport it on public transportation to a prearranged recipient. News is then created that the blowup is lost and word can then be sent fo all news media that a reward will be given to anyone finding the blowup. Footprints could even be superimposed so that the announcement that a personally autographed blow up of ‘‘Satan,”’ star of ‘‘The Night Of The Grizzly’ is missing. Try to interest a radio station in running a contest and give prizes to the winner. AUTHORITY SPEAKS—Find a local authority on wild animals which have inhabited the West Coast. Use this person (A member of a local zoo, a ranger, a historian or teacher) as a spokesman on the life and habits of the Grizzly bear. Arrange local interviews with the press, radio and television outlets throughout your community. Make sure speaker is totally familiar with the motion picture so that all interviews will credit the same. FRIGHT ELEMENT—The fantastic fright element of this motion picture may very easily be sold through a local horror radio or television show. Have the narrator (in many markets he is dressed up as a monster) appear on stage on the opening day. A format for the show could be developed by the radio or TV staff, or, the narrator could conduct an autograph session at the theatre. Either way, the stations are always eager fo promote the show and this is an excellent way, on the local level, for your playdate of ‘The Night Of The Grizzly.’’ CIRCULATION TIE-UP—‘‘The Night Of The Grizzly’ is a natural for a tie-up with the circulation department of the local newspaper for a sponsored newsboys’ showing. The newsboys selling the maximum quantity of subscriptions, could be guests of the newspaper at a morning showing, provided the newspaper devotes a considerable amount of space fo the promotion. Full motion picture credits along with scene stills should be incorporated in any publicity stories. REAL TRAP—A first for an advance theatre lobbly contest would be the employment of a real bear trap in your lobby. The trap could be so rigged that it would require someone to open it by mastering the combination of a combination lock. Invite the patrons with a sign to try their luck and the one hitting the right combination would win prizes promoted locally along with guest tickets to see the film. Perhaps the first two numbers of the combination could be revealed so that only the third number must be found. Give patrons only one chance. TRAVEL CONTEST—Contact local travel agencies and organizations operated by major department stores fo tie-up with a contest whereby the agency provides transportation to the West Coast where the motion picture was made. Provide the agencies with accessories and possibly heralds for enclosures to conduct an even more effective promotion. Extensive exposure might even take place through in-store and window displays. Dell Publishing Company has created a special and very exciting edition of “The Night Of The Grizzly” comic book. This includes full credits appearing on the front cover. Dell is distributing this book to its thousands of dealers across the country prior to and during the general release of the film. Use these comic books as prizes for any contests you might arrange. Or, distribute them as heralds or gifts in special promotions that you may devise. A CLINT WALKER NATURAL—Do not overlook the fact that for seven years, Clint Walker was the star of television's everpopular series, ‘‘Cheyenne.’’ Check with local TV stations to see if re-runs are still beamed and approach the station to tie-up with his forthcoming, ‘‘The Night Of The Grizzly.’’ The following are suggested promotions that could be coordinated with stations: A Clint Walker look-a-like contest; a write-in contest about the film, a nominating contest of herotypes like Clint Walker, etc. Such prizes as guest tickets and Dell Comic Books of ‘‘The Night Of The Grizzly’’ could be awarded. LOAN TIE-UP—Two merchants can be approached—banks and loan companies—(a natural for this film, in which Clint Walker makes a needed loan for his home). Use this builtin promotion, stressing the importance of the service of banks and other agencies in making needed loans and how this is illustrated in the film. The theme of the film is about building a homestead and how a loan made all the difference. BOYS’ CLUBS—a vast audience for this film lies in groups of young and teen-age boys such as the Boy Scouts of America and local chapters of the Explorers. Contact the heads of these groups for special showing or block sale of tickets. Also try to have clubs distribute the tabloid heralds making sure each is imprinted with theatre and playdate information. EYE-CATCHING BALLYHOO—Hire a wagon drawn by horses and recreate a covered wagon. Have if go through the major arteries of town with a family group riding in it. Put posters on either side of the wagon which advertise the film, theatre and playdate. You could headline the following copy: ‘We're off to hunt the Grizzly ..... like the fierce one of ‘The Night Of The Grizzly’.’’ THE GRIZZLY GROWL—‘‘If you dial Plaza and during the conversation you hear the voice of a fierce and vicious Grizzly bear . . . . if won't be your imagination.”” The above could be the key to an exciting newspaper R.0.P. teaser campaign. Using an announcement by the manager on the theatre’s automatic answering phone service, the growls of the Grizzly could be incorporated into the recording and, thus, serve as a unique and effective ticket selling device. DRESS-UP CONTEST—Plan a big western ‘dress-up’ contest to be held in the lobby of your theatre. Give free passes and free prizes to the wearers of the most authentic-looking and interesting cowboy outfits. WESTERN CLOTHING—Arrange with department stores, hat dealers and bridle shops to make up displays featuring western clothing. Provide these outlets with accessories to dress up their displays, making sure plugs are given to your theatre and playdate of ‘‘The Night Of The Grizzly." HALF-PRICE SPECIAL—Announce the running of a special ‘Father and Son’ and ‘Mother and Daughter’ showing in which a ‘Son’ or ‘Daughter’ accompanied by their respective parent can see the film for half-price. PROMOTION CONTEST—Here’s an interesting and effective way to merchandise the film with a saturation promotion contest. Have local announcers on radio and TY stations conduct a special contest over 10 days. Each day they announce that “The sound you are about to hear is that of the Grizzly, Satan, who stars in “The Night Of The Grizzly,’ opening PE ool 1 rere Theatre. The giant Grizzly bear terrorizes an entire town and, in particular, a family frying to establish a homestead in early Wyoming. This Grizzly is but one of many obstacles one might have encountered in those early pioneer days of the West.’’ Have each announcer invite the audience to name the other animals through sound effects given as clues. Recordings of the following could be used—Coyote, Mountain Lion, Cheetah, Buffalo, Deer, Horse, Eagle, and Rattle Snake. TRAPPED! A BOY AND HIS FAMILY... 5 AT THE MERCY OF — & RAMPAGING BEAR!