The Patsy (Paramount Pictures) (1964)

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“THE PATSY |S LOADED WITH FUN, NATIONWIDE MAGAZINE CAMPAIGN CHANNEL MASTER -4j Reaching An Estimated 30 MILLION! SALES BROCHURE © , $ This colorful CHANNEL MASTER SALES BROCHURE This sensational AD has been created to help “THE PATSY” _ isa pocket-size booklet handsomely displaying all : become JERRY LEWIS’ BIGGEST BOXOFFICE SMASH! the fine CHANNEL MASTER products. The back page layout of this sales piece features a picture of Ina Balin, one of the many stars in Jerry Lewis’ “THE PATSY,” plus full credits for the film. EXPLOITA @ em oe a (pat’si) n. | 1. Fall guy. | 2. Sitting duck. | 3. Schnook. | 4, (West Coast) | One who fumbles so | , | fast he always | gets the check. | More than 500,000 of these brochures have already been op eerRY Ss Anny 5.(East Coast) Slow | distributed to CHANNEL MASTER dealers. This publicity will BELLHOP \ . fumbler, but he : greatly increase the drawing power of “THE PATSY!” THAT SOME | ' ends up with | SMART ALECS “Naa «check anyway. | MANIPULATE "MMA 6. For a precise | (REPS GR TR ARETE wate definition, see: | : : fess toxteas | Ads have been placed in these top teenage and fe “The Patsy” | young adult magazines to make “THE PATSY” the : : ones : ONE picture on everybody’s FUN list! so r SEVENTEEN PHOTOPLAY MOVIE MIRROR INA BALIN 4 EVEREIT SLOANE « DPHIL HARRIS AMERICAN GIRL TV MIRROR TV MOVIE SCREEN . ‘ MODERN SCREEN = MOTION PICTURE TEEN SCREEN KEENAN WYNN PETER LORRE-JOHN CARRADINE SCREEN STORIES MOVIES ILLUSTRATED = TEEN WORLD ERNESTD GILICKSMAN JERRY [EWIS@r4BILL RICHMOND-JERRY LEWIS. [Pasar MOVIE LIFE SCREEN STARS TV PICTURE LIFE MOVIE STAR SCREENLAND TV STAR PARADE MOVIELAND AND TV TIME BATTLE OF THE SEXES Ina Balin, co-starring with Jerry Lewis in ‘THE PATSY,” demonstrates her prowess in osculation, scoring a technical knockout in three rounds. (Left) At the sound of the opening bell, Ina sizes opponent Jerry up, while Lewis the champion, exudes a spirit of confidence. The round rates as even since neither score telling punches. (Middle) In round two, however, Ina takes the lead, planting a smack right on Jerry. Ina’s round—by a nose! (Right) Round three finds Ina coming out swinging with a series of kisses, leaving Jerry groggy. Hanging on the ropes from exhaustion, Jerry Lewis is out on his feet. The referee stops the fight, declaring Ina the winner by a TKO. This battle of the sexes takes place in “THE PATSY,” the new Paramount release which opens sleaslesecesaaceaiad ne pilreaatidass ETD ainnd ei cccsisnieaertapaass SEM MAT 3EA Copyright © 1964 by Patti Enterprises, Inc. 4 Permission granted for newspaper and magazine reproduction. (Made in U.S.A.) 2