The Patsy (Paramount Pictures) (1964)

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FROLIC AND BIG BOX OFFICE PROFITS! C0-0P newspaper, VERRY LEWIS AD | HEADER Pel Si eae peoetaenne recess JERRY LEWIS “THE PATSY ey TECHNICOLOR' _APARAMOUNT RELEASE Le arenas Convince merchants of stores who handle such products as jewelry, dresses, cosmetics, records etc., on the idea of participating in a co-operative newspaper page with you. === || yERRYLEWIS = JEWELRY ow SHOP — This co-op will also have an ad for “THE PATSY,” which announces the playdate at your theatre (see illustration). Gemee It is also possible that you could sell the idea to a department store, who in turn could use the page for advertisements for several of its departments. But either way, this co-op is an ideal promotion for “THE PATSY” and the interest that it stirs up will be of great benefit to you. COSMETICS CENTER = HEADWEAR ps SHOP INA BALIN “SQ EVERETT SLOANE: PHIL HARRIS KEENAN WYNN: PETER LORRE: JOHN CARRADINE ERNEST D GIUCKSMAN: JERRY LEWIS BILL RICHMOND JERRY LEMS, ([Pasare THEATRE SPORTS — WEAR (Al These co-op headers are available in 8 columns (mat 8B) and 5 columns (mat 5B) from your local branch of National Screen Service. CSC eee STUNTS AND BALLYS PICK THE PRETTIEST PATSY Hold a contest to pick the “PRETTIEST PATSY” in your town. All girls named Patsy should appear in bathing suits at your theatre on a designated day. Have the girls line up on your stage and let the audience select the “PRETTIEST PATSY.” Tie-in prizes can be promoted HAVE A “PATSY DAY” Designate a “PATSY DAY”—on this day, all girls named Patsy should be allowed in your theatre, free, to see Jerry Lewis in “THE PATSY.” This stunt will be an interesting item for the local movie column and it will create added publicity for your playdate. “| WAS A PATSY” CONTEST Have your local newspaper run an “I WAS A PATSY” contest. To enter, the contestants must write in 50 words or less, “I was a ‘PATSY’ because ............ “ Free passes to your theatre or any other promoted prizes can be given to the winners. for the winners. PUBLICITY MATERIAL FOR “THE PATSY” MATERIALS CHECK LIST ACCESSORIES REGULAR THEATRE TRAILER (Order from your local branch of National Screen Service) FREE: RADIO SPOT. ANNOUNCEMENTS Available are TWO 60-Second Spots, TWO 30-Second Spots and TWO 20-Second Spots. (Order from Paramount Pictures Exploitation Department—See coupon on back page) FREE: TV TRAILERS AND TELOP CARD Available is ONE 60-Second Spot and TWO 20-Second Spots. Also available is a TV TELOP CARD. (Order from Paramount Pictures Exploitation Department—See coupon on back page) SET OF 12 FULL COLOR STILLS (Order from National Screen Service—See coupon on back page) LIVE RADIO SPOTS 30-Second Spot The question is, What’s A Patsy? .. . and only JERRY LEWIS has the fun-filled answer. SEE JERRY in his new rollicking comedy “THE PATSY” and laugh as you’ve never laughed before. SEE JERRY as he takes a hilarious voice lesson: SEE JERRY as he runs rampant in a barber shop; SEE JERRY as he drives his tailor batty; SEE JERRY as “THE PATSY” . . . co-starring INA BALIN, EVERETT SLOANE, PHIL HARRIS, KEENAN WYNN, PETER LORRE and JOHN CARRADINE . . . in Technicolor . . . from Paramount... opening .......... at the Denon o's se Theatre. 20-Second Spot Everyone is asking What’s A Patsy? . .. and only JERRY LEWIS has the fun-filled answer. SEE JERRY in his new rollicking comedy, “THE PATSY,” and laugh as you’ve never laughed before. SEE “THE PATSY,” starring JERRY LEWIS and co-starring INA BALIN, EVERETT SLOANE, PHIL HARRIS, KEENAN WYNN, PETER LORRE and JOHN CARRADINE .. . in Technicolor . . . from Paramount... opening ............. CPE cass sire ce lcs Theatre. 10-Second Spot SEE JERRY LEWIS in his new rollicking comedy, “THE PATSY” and laugh as you’ve never laughed before. SEE “THE PATSY” . . . in Technicolor . . . from Paramount . . . opening eth yi fer A ofthe 352: wo... 3. Theatre. 3