The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (Paramount Pictures) (1965)

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“THE SPY" IS A SIZZLING SUCCESS! Academy Award engagements open to critics’ resounding acclaim! uspense, Action Crackle] By ,,. se $ $ In Drama of Esp Secret agent game ay j¢ . wlarly pn) _ TTBE sp ae. ne arly played Pop Yee . ‘ By 2 today . se Prosive, : sereen. Not all Spits are — Butt ee were § ee : i ae 4 i oe ee : S : Ph¥sical, sophistic: Super. 6° Be litter, ba MA-feson : Van kxek for the Commu aveesied proredure ht whims; SUCated, dashinn — Estvire The nidtles mresenten gf et SS and : “The Sry Who Came if isis oe “amMsical and Olten fF Si peaters icant bared Choad! Me terizari, Non-heroic* chars r | from the Cold crackles ex ce esplonuge business antly Tamboy. —norshy ilstae, Siene Eter eee, Hae. MAHON Of Alec poe i from the Cpld tracki€s ¢%in addition there is the 404 Devan 8 Cinema (Rane, Burton turn, ee Leamas | Otingly with auspene : . THe : cimmiy: & Wh suspense @fd Londan “home front idealistHew the plot honme R | plays the : Ais jigaenes ~ lute dramaty who is caught tn its | s Fiester Cut Buve Pionape BS fDi. | anderplayed action for about ie Communist, Claire Bloom. 5 per cent of oe hon ae am, 2 ae wha is The Ballas Morning News m, Powerful Film : es the | ie sent to jail, When he is min 38 bate, Laat i n con-| initia — jee the Reds in bor Fand George Voskovec, 85 8° East gtect me ‘German defense 4 Screen in Review: The Spy, a Gre By JOHN NEVILLE | “The Spy’ a the deadly game® trorney, are Su : : Pike tom, Felis on i he cast is @ jopope es he nove Brauer bee OF purse. dominates |PeT>Rounding out the cast | | red om Oy ae RY fb Permoun| Burion, af course. © large number of people that we $37 Spy Who Cam Cold” should nary movie. Boston Traveler, Fridey, Dec. 24,1965 B The Spy’ Is A Crackerjack Thriller PERFORMANCES tion. Then the whole demoralizwho hopes to be a heros OUTSTANDING Peter Certainly, : $ 2 TOOe version of Jobo. runaway bests the jovlessness sianal espionage into @ meant pereing thniller t oner, fairly plaus! Hie avoided the ance and heroics hist cloak-and-dage drama, isi as y By ALTA MALONEY No game of I Spy is “The Spy Who Came In From the Cold,” Martin Ritt’s new film at the Astor which combines all the qualities of pe ‘Past. Germany § did And even the taxi counter ot readers who azi -_ : quainted with The iricacies of Le Car me: this job. ag) 3 ei will be swept 3 the compelling 10) of the film, which OF day af Cinema 21, 8 Thursday, Dec. 23, 1965—DALLAS TIMES HERALD — : ' arcs new name for the rina Theater. D) a ' about the movie is Human Portrait Given in ‘Spy’ : By BOR PORTER ___ So special a book to its audience was “The Spy Who Came in From the Cold,” its five million readers must have been waiting with some apprehension its transfer to the screen—even at the distinguished hand of preducer-director Martin Ritt who made “Hud” into a superior motion picture. For this reader at least, all reservations have been laid to rest. For the qualities that made eminent the novel—a gritty, tough, bitter, realistic and sensitively underwritten spy drama—have been brought to the screen in masterful terms. *The Spy Who Came in From The figure of the British spy the Cold.” A Paramount release of a Salem Films Pro Leamas, in fact, is even more dacs duced and 4 ue : uction, produced and direct ° ~ — on the by Martin Rite. Starring RichECTOER 85 HE * riliantly por arg Burton, Claire Bloom and trayed by Richard Burion in Oskar Werner costatring Sant Oe j . ek oN we nh , ihe he : s cee epee . gee ane: Noe ate : <ns653 sly ergo A ouids t ying 10 oF av way O° a ee © fy We varacere F Jorn St cree eo Gls vere? . . ae ack a ‘ Al 3 . exce . But 1c Rese : : Pie &: ss e oe ei Z : a wk “. muse al ments THE EVENING STAR one of his finest performances. Wanamaker, George Voskov Washington, D. C., Friday, Decembe THE a By every measure Mr. Burton ITE PASSING SHOW THE BOSTO ARRY MacARTHUR SCREEN | ‘Spy Who Came In’ Opens At Astor; Well-Told Tale ‘ His realization at ‘pONALD CRAGES | ee et Bina Critic of The Star its best-seller stat = have had some diffi, ing to plow through , Who Came In From You won't pat the the ‘ though. it Rrabs Opening and you'll every ward and Came \|nEngrossing : ye RUBE j tarting at the barely OU cisical truths and vee con: din Wall and ending @ OF ontinue, and . unknowing ci att . Spy Who Camel; be a fully ei iS. ne place, “The Spy a tee to his decision. | “i, es a ao ea aoe a From the cold” is 2 striking! part of it leads Berlia, agent at Checkpoint matter ‘ purten ‘ction, a gam story of . ing the film of a counter-2gen’ © ond is Wall ¥ age nee of fiction, & & ‘wer, My decir eee : charlie at London, comes | real pionage, intrigue and Perr | to recommend to you. HS ‘| .—. forthwith recalled 1 i. consideration of the 5 es a war. . you'll fir . : ag : é eal Cusack, the Wer aceurare. jities in the cold W ead the book, 3 : where Cyril C i is absolutely Hm soser a . true to it, if you haven't) art more outcasts 1 aied role of @ mastermind ip ‘The picture is eDED baa nnened vealerithe Tim bo. and Soe re ga ie the to Shak 86 sith ae ma ‘ giamorized fo toughest assignment © beast n sak black. Swan al Pintennd in Epeland t