The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (Paramount Pictures) (1965)

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coronewenenennannacennonntoe.ococconnunnennmenaennmnnnnenpasannennicts ~ neste nencensneneenennnnmnegooee Director's Attitude Refreshingly Different MARTIN RITT is a film director of great courage. All af the nine pictures he has made to date bear out this fact. His latest film, “The Spy Whe Came in Frem the Child" starring Richard Burion, is itself a cold, analytical look at the crue? infernalional busines ets ‘Spy Who Came In From the Cold’ Shatteringly Honest Film on Secret Agents By Pg CHICAGO TRIBUNE, SATURDAY A New B urton Seer S session xy Thriller | Burton Sy By KATE CAME RON I Leceee ; ne beg Mng saw . nica jerky oe the beg it, Spying for one’s country | like Hinge startn transit points \aler is Sgainst another can be 4 a” and “shat i. #amorous but ¢. fost i Be 0) : t erence Bnet Ae «The Sow playing ain or val pecomes increase the Cold. view Cinema in a pio aries and age impact iM ty intricate. ; British afent 67 i i i | 8tre’s book, the So etely restores \ lers Believable | PY Who Cam yords. cm’ power Characters | in the autho From the Cold,” a Patamoust 4 oe deal of the cent Cot d| ity the credit oF oes cter is ‘icture release. Produced and | |/ 7 be n ws wmmediacy: the pres®the cast. © and engrossing directed hy Martin Rit from a | {a the Bertin Wall, untor| | ally believable, weary OOF oueeuplay by Paul Dehn and 4 (0 a sos oul “A ased on a novel re. Presented at j ; of the AML o tactics ysed ment of frigntel! owe ee pievin tne oe aareasl’® ent pare aruistic taleBlS py the GOS estions he cop Le Po.) aw He quesens: meramrs: | wis : oe wiht! ¢ findes to . his je Bloom! : the Commanist pany me tn fe ae than i 2 RYE rok | ae Bic ee i force Monde Beter vay emer | ast Gorman Detanac ), *amaker | j od ay So a a a bi] Guy Trosper } A the Demi. Poa gE ay a a Claire Bloom and Richard Burton sential moves in the British Pionage ple: if e Carre. en pather ann Le ILY “her, able t use because id, Dut OF she is oe and in het * : 4 ; an is: 5 pelievés M THE COLD LC . ieee : ee naivele doce 9° L : . a ournal-Americae + New York bs : O a} bas : ri ee 4hians.” s e Doonta HO CAME IN FR = Q-Fri., Dec. 24, 1968 “THE SPY W mutt AIS Friday, Dee. 24, 1908 THE WASHINGTON POST 4 = = eS = = BS SS SS ee ES = 4 = « One on the Aisle 1 Cold Spy Warm on Film ‘The Boston Globe—ihursday, December 23, 1965 ; | i f : Oscar for Burton: Best Selling Spy Novel Becomes Forceful Film ; ; our numerous AMS contrast to hee “has dames Bonds no matter what Eee es. are on the screen. s 2 igh COLD SP¥ ON HOT SPOT: Richard ~~ . ovoni ¢ German espionage agent me ~~ ork — Who Came in From the Cold, currently bist st ¥ | ; pale ge path the Playhouse and Trans Lux. ry Who Came In From 4 1864'8 ton bes!-selfer 3 Wing. In the transla. k toe film the Most n hope for, even if teenphiy himeelf, is sors will identify the don of the hook and sefeens with the and intelligence. “The Spy Who 2 Cold”? ty Parya ducerdirertor Martin Rit I was in that state of euphoric hostility which MANY authors pn insy ; : Bond e: ‘the second in command against are stripped . eh oe “his chief and leading into a sentials, The w : ~ maze of motivations. mas finally tells a ene _ Because the characters are girl, “is a bunch of seedy sq . helon ri. both clearly written and acute |) po oards and they bave ide, pitting ly acted, the facts of espionage a Boies hie THE SPY" HAS EVERYONE SPELLBOUND!