The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (Paramount Pictures) (1965)

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SPECIAL PUBLICITY LAYOUTS SYNOPSIS (NOT FOR PUBLICATION) British Intelligence’s Berlin agent, Alec Leamas (RICHARD BURTON), is recalled to London. One of his contacts has been shot dead within yards of the British checkpoint at the Berlin Wall. The murder has been engineered by East Germany’s brutal ex-Nazi counter-spy chief, Hans-Dieter Mundt (PETER VAN EYCKk). His list of successes grows impressive. Leamas, at British Intelligence HQ, sees Control (CYRIL CUSACK). “‘One can’t stay out of doors all the time. One needs to come in—in from the cold,”’ he is told. Leamas’s next assignment? To be sacked and then slowly to build up the portrait of a man whose inaction and embitterment drives him to drink, but not yet to actual treachery. As Control puts it, ‘‘It’s all a part of what | have in mind for Mundt... and it’s better for you to start as we mean you to continue . . . downhill!’’ Leamas, seedy, drinking, in and out of jobs, is finally placed as an assistant librarian. A co-worker is Nan Perry (CLAIRE BLOOM). She invites him home and he discovers she’s a secretary to the local Communist party organization. Unwillingly on Leamas’s part, their intimacy develops. When he doesn’t show up for work one day, Nan visits his flat over a food shop and finds him ill. He is dismayed but touched at her confession that she loves him. Leamas, now habitually half-drunk, picks a quarrel with his foodshop proprietor, beats him up, is arrested and sent to prison. On his release, two people are waiting . .. Nan who begs to see him; also, the effeminate Ashe (MICHAEL HORDERN), representing a Prisoners’ Aid Society. Ashe offers Leamas a job with an agency interested in ‘“‘German background material.’ As Leamas leaves Ashe, he is picked up by a taxi and driven to see Control. He offers Leamas congratulations on his ‘‘successful” imprisonment; also on his having been contacted by the East Germans in the person of Ashe. Now is the time, says Control, for Leamas to defect. Object? To incriminate Mundt as a British agent so definitely during interrogation that Mundt’s brilliant Jewish assistant, Fiedler (OSKAR WERNER), who detests Mundt, will arrange Mundt’s arrest. Control has cooked up evidence against Mundt which indicates Leamas has paid off an ‘‘unknown agent” for British Intelligence in Copenhagen and Helsinki. Leamas now meets Ashe’s Chief, Dick Carlton, and agrees to fly to Holland to sell Carlton’s ‘‘clients’’ certain factual material. Before he goes, he pays a last visit to Nan. Arriving in Holland, Leamas is met by a Russian, Peters (SAM WANAMAKER), who escorts him to a remote house for questioning. Leamas begins subtly to incriminate Mundt. The sudden arrival of British newspapers blazoning Leamas’s defection is a shock to them both. Peters insists that his people did not leak the story. However, under the circumstances, Leamas has to leave Holland. He is driven across the border to East Germany where he is handed over to Fiedler. Meanwhile in London, Smiley has called on Nan and inexplicably offered his help as.a friend of Leamas. Leamas and Fiedler strike up an instant rapport. Fiedler swallows the bait, believing that Mundt is an English agent. Leamas, as instructed, stubbornly refuses to confirm this. As Berlin Chief of British Intelligence, he insists he would have known. When Fiedler ‘‘persuades’’ Leamas to check the dates when his agent in Helsinki and Copenhagen drew money, both dates coincide with Mundt’s visits to these two cities. With other evidence of his own, Fiedler, unknown to Leamas, reports his findings to the East German Praesidium. Mundt, tipped-off to the plot, arrives at the lodge with secret police and arrests Fiedler and Leamas, who has been provoked to kill a sentry. Both Fiedler and Leamas are brutally beaten at Mundt’s orders. But—the Praesidium, on the basis of Fiedler’s report, arrests and tries Mundt. His conviction seems inevitable until his counsel (GEORGE VOSKOVEC) introduces a new witness. It is Nan. She has been tricked into attending the trial through an engineered ‘“‘exchange”’ invitation with her London Communist organization. Nan, through her brief meeting with Smiley, has been framed and discredited in the eyes of the East Germans. In turn, unwittingly, she discredits Fiedler and Leamas. Now Leamas understands the truth of his assignment— that Mundt has been working always for the British and that he, Nan and Fiedler have been framed by the British to save Mundt dramatically from Fiedler’s growing suspicions. ae eae into Ke Cigale by hd Netaedl ap Mundt arranges to free Leamas é an an and help them “‘‘over the Wall’’. A guide leads the way. Leamas is Still # SP/Spec/3 Mat 3C first. As he bends over to help Nan, the guide shoots her ies Mundt’s orders. She is a potential danger. Then, Leamas, the cynic, but the man of good will, turns his back on freedom and climbs down to the East German side. The guide fires again. Leamas falls. Still # SP/Spec/2 Mat 3B MAGNIFICENT GROUPING of screen talent is an added bonus to Martin Ritt’s “The Spy Who Came In From The Cold,” a Paramount Picture opening at the Theatre. Star ring Richard Burton, Claire Bloom and Oskar Werner, “The Spy” is based on John le Carre’s renown and best-selling thriller of the same name. HAUUUNUAUUSUUNUUUUVNUU0C0OG0U0000UUGEUUUUEUUUOUEOOUEUUUUEGUO CET SUE TUOUUUAQUQQUE000UOTEUUAOUUUNAATANUT DESPERATE GRIP! Steeped in the terrifying and tensely dramatic world of espionage, Richard Burton, Claire Bloom and Oskar Werner star in Martin Ritt’s brilliant production of ““The Spy Who Came In From The Cold,” a Paramount Picture opening ........ BEAM Bavssasionecs = Theatre. Based on the best-selling and widely acclaimed novel by John le Carré, ““The Spy” features Peter Van Eyck, Cyril Cusack and Sam Wanamaker in an outstanding international cast. AUYHVLUUUUUUUUUULLLULLELUAUCCULL LLL UUANANVANUONNUUN440000000011 MOREE crt Loe LSE ee eee RICHARD BURTON = iTMUIIUUNUUUINUUUUUUTUOUUSUUVEUUUO0UUEUOVEOOUVUUCUEROUUEOOUOUOEL CUETO ATAU In. 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Latha Eee fe) ssistant to Producer, Richar cWhorter; Director o otogra , Oswald Screenplay by Paul Dohn and Guy Trosper Morris, Screenplay by Paul Dehn and Guy Trosper; Based es te hovel by *Based upon the novel (optiona! reall le Chas’ ucticn del a Tambi Be heal sisi Editor, Anthony : arvey; First Assistant Director, Colin Brewer; Camera Operator, Brian West; THE SPY WHO CAME IN FROM dale cop | Cc Paahaa ase 22ers 8 eo a a ues Continuity, Angela Martelli; Make-up Supervisor, George Frost; Hairdresser, by JOHN LE CARRE and use) jeer Seas Warerobe Men Barbara Gillett; Costumes by Motley; ni Coen ) oie PSH Sets Lee Re PSI, 209 rt Director, war arshall; Set Dresser, Josie MacAvin; Scenic Artist, ; I le abet oo Peter Melrose; Sound Mixer, John W. Mitchell; Music by Sol Kaplan. Sauhe A sine Wiomasurerae aie laine Les "ersi nears ce anor (oh veh fears seman nce e, tie sy lanes tae (@) * If JOHN LE CARRE is used in upper and lower case, should read John le Carré. | RUNNING TIME: 112 MINUTES | 7