The Ten Commandments (Paramount Pictures) (1960)

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[FIRST TIME AT REGULAR PRICES: UNCUT! INTACT! Order Direct From ATOMIC | ABEL 9 f : Gf, e; i act aoe q haesea ig al 158 West 27th St. ieee | IN ADFARGE OF YOUR CHARLTON ANNE “EDWARD 6 YVONNE DEBRA JOHN New York 1, N. Y. HSTON-BRPNMER BANTER: ROBIN OE CARLO-PACET: OK cc SIR CEDRIC HARDWICKE NINA FOCH MARTHA SCOTT JUDITH ANDERSON VINCENT PRICE equipped with flasher and Enclose check or money DIRECTED BY CECIL B. DeMILLE wate ror rt scmen sr AENEAS MacKENZIE ~ JESSE L. LASKY, J. JACK GARISS ~ FREDRIC M. FRANK electric cord. All you need eidar cian ordering. ence ee supply ‘< the bulky APARAMOUNT PICTURE