A Night In Casablanca (United Artists) (1946)

Record Details:

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some mm /V£w- HERE’S HIT-TUNE PRE-SELLING HEPSTERS CALL ‘SOLID’...YOU’LL CALL ‘BOX-OFFICE!’ You take an all-time favorite, like "Who's Sorry Now;" you feature it in an all-time hit comedy like "A Night In Casablanca;" you add a dash of solid merchandising and before you know it you've converted that hit song into the best pre-seller anyone ever had for a picture. That's a brief synopsis of the hard-hitting, space-grabbing, audience-selling job that is being done for you coast-to-coast with the song "Who's Sorry Now!" For a break¬ down that adds up the BOX-OFFICE score, take a look at this: The cover, reproduced here, is seen in the stores and windows of the more than 50,000 music dealers and department stores throughout the nation ... it carries the credits and the faces that tell the people "the Marx Brothers are back!" This is the record of radio and juke-box coverage ALREADY accorded the tune: "Who's Sorry Now" has placed consistently among the FIRST ten top tunes on shows of every description! This is the record of brand new top recordings which plug the music—AND THE PICTURE BINC CROSBY—with Eddie Heywood's Orchestra (DECCA) HARRY JAMES (COLUMBIA) DAVID STREET (DIAMOND) TINY HILL (MERCURY) ... and there are more, many more to come! AND FINALLY this is the special campaig/i by Mills Music to assure YOU the greatest advantage from the heavy plugging given the music. (1) Ads in 'Variety/ 'Billboard' and 'Music Business/ plugging the music — giving full and important credit to ''A Night In Casablanca." (2) Music dealers throughout the nation will be bombarded with "jumbo cards" which plug the film and offer suggestions for tie ins and co-op ads. (3) Mills Music will embark on an extensive letter writing campaign, urging dealers in your city to work on a cooperative basis when the picture reaches your town. (4) And to round out the entire promotion the music publisher is carrying on a regular publicity campaign including column squibs and the placement of photographs which add to the pre-selling of the picture. if you want any further information or suggestions or aid in boosting your campaign in conjunction with the music please write or contact— Bernard Kalban Mills Music Inc. or 1619 Broadway N. Y. 19, N. Y. Paul Mills Mills Music 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. The exploitation possibilities in your own situation using the music are unlimited. Local night clubs, department stores, disc jockies, popular singers and orchestras all can be tied in directly for heads-up plugging of the picture. GROUCHO Personnally PRE-SELLS IN THIS OUTSTANDING BLADE TIE-UP! Personna Blades have a Personnal sell¬ ing peg for you with this laugh-packed ad which features Groucho Marx and credits for “A Night In Casablanca.’* The ad will appear in: SATURDAY EVENING POST ESQUIRE TIME TRUE That’s four magazines with combined circulations running in the tens of mil- I lions , giving you still another great pre¬ seller for the great comedy hit of a decade! COLLIER HIGHLIGHTED IN NATIONAL PROMOTION DuPont Bristles have tied in with “A Night In Casablanca’ ’ with Vz page two color ads featuring Lois Collier, one of the feminine leads in the film, along with prominent credits for the film. The ads, which are scheduled to give maximum selling advantage, have been placed in some of the nation’s leading magazines. At press time, the following ads and publications have been set: CIRCULATION LIFE.MAY 27 ... . 3,900,000 EVE^ POST ‘ ’ JUNE 1 • • • • 3,370,000 LOOK.JUNE 25 ... . 1,900,000 COLLIER’S . . . JUNE 15 ... . 2,830,000 With a readership of more than 11,000,000, DuPont really is telling the people about “A Night In Casablanca”. Page Four