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mnt mame BOMBARD ’EM WITH LIMERICKS A limerick contest is a heavy favorite with your patrons and a guaranteed space getter in your local newspaper. Plant it in advance of play date together with still shown for maximum results. Contestants fill in the last line of the limericks, with the cleverest lines rating guest tickets. Still No. X-6 Still No. P-75 Groucho has taken a hanker. To a hotel in Casablanca. He harried the guests With his Marxian jests (His gags would tickle a banker) The Count once owned a toupee That Harpo spi-rit-ed away. And in the confusion There are laughs in profusion (With the Marx brothers holding full sway.) Still Pub-70 Still S-83 When the three Marx brothers run wild In their own inimitable style, To your seat you'd best anchor For "A Night in Casablanca." (As laugh upon laughter is piled) THIS APPEALS TO ‘DESIGNING’ WOMEN! Beautiful Lisette Verea, star player of "A Night in Casablanca," also designs printed dress materials such as this gown which she wears in the picture. With this as your peg, you can interest the newspapers in a circulation building "design" contest; or you can hold the contest in schools of design throughout the city. Interest budding dress designers in submitting designs suitable for dress material with "A Night in Casablanca" motif. Guest tickets should, of course, go to winners. Art supplies should be given for a prize in co-operation with an art shop. A leading designer or artist in town should act as the judge of the contest. Order Still S-102. PLANT THIS “GROUCHO” STRIP Let the newspapers know that the Marx Brothers are back , funnier than ever , and with their presold audience waiting for them. One way to do that is with this goofy “Groucho” strip. Order Mat No. 5 A (.75) and plant it with your local news paper. GROUCHO SPENDS M A NIGHT IN CASABLANCA" NOW PLAYING AT THE THEATRE Chico, Groucho and Harpo react to an Here she is, lovely Ruth Roman. Finding Groucho consults his Arabian diction- One polite word leads to another and Arab lassie they find lying around in Groucho the least gruesome of the ary to find some polite conversation now Groucho and the lovely Ruth are a cafe in Casablanca. brothers, she beckons him to her side, which will win a lady's heart. improving international relations. Page Eight