Born to be Bad (United Artists) (1934)

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The motif of your “front” on “Born To Be Bad,” should be stylish, girly and gay. The selection of stills, acceptable covers from magazines, fashion illustrations, and posters help you accent the beautiful model and fash¬ ionable angle. Display of an enlarged calendar page of the current month, with practically every day circled or X’d off in red, with a caption, “her every night a date picked out for her by her boss,” might be a good line. The posters provide you with a grand, big Loretta Young and plenty of men looking in. It might not be too radical a step, and it will be a flashy one, to work with some store to accoutre several girls as your front staff, in daring togs. Try and use the dictaphone stunt in one corner, as mentioned on previous page. ♦ Give Bare Facts For street ballyhoo on “Born To Be Bad,” you can utilize a little lipstick on the back of a pretty girl who wears one of those modern lowback dresses. She should be dressed flashily, and perhaps be done up a little extremely as far as make-up goes. She can give the impression of carry¬ ing all her worldly posses¬ sions with her, perhaps a ^.... little suitcase or overnight sV*$$$*1 grip i* 1 one hand, and a port- a ble talking machine or * a> Pekingese in the other. The title on her back can be augmented by explanatory copy on the grip. A para¬ sol and other packages which can make her load seem dis¬ tressingly in need of help, might further emphasize the type. The atmosphere of the title is caught in this layout for the Colortone Slide. It gives you an impressive color set¬ ting for the presentation of your trailer, and the intro¬ duction of the feature. Write for a complete catalog of colortone effects, a very in¬ teresting free booklet for theatre men. Colortone Slide for “Born To Be Bad” is Number N-810; order direct from NATIONAL STUDIOS, Inc. 226 West 56th Street New York City How Can a Customers' Girl Say "No"? ALL OF THESE BIG BUYERS, ON "BUSINESS" IN NEW YORK, HAVE ASKED MODEL LORETTA YOUNG FOR A DATE The customers’ girl is a distinct allure even to those in a big city familiar with their lives. She must be beautiful, have lines, be tactful, pleasing to men, witty and willing, and yet dares not throw her repu¬ tation to the four winds. Such a glamorous role is that played by Loretta Young. Everything you can do to focus interest on this modern type, will add interest in your attraction to readers or onlookers. Here’s a mat layout that can be used as a special display center for your front, as well as proving an exceptional contest tie- up with the press, or house organ as the medium of presentation. It is so made that one stroke slices it from four-column, to three or two-column, if you prefer. All that would be required would be a reset¬ ting of the head in top rules. As it stands it presents six of the men Miss Young, as a customers’ girl, meets in her round of entertaining buyers. The names of the men used and the towns are optional. You can change ’em to fit only towns in your locale; one, most certainly, should be a Mr. Sew-and-so from YOUR OWN CITY. Nothing like local color. It provides an interesting diversion for everybody, and some great “no” alibis can be written, especially by the lady fans who have had to use some in their own twilight routine. Let a paper have it for an exclu¬ sive reader contest, and watch the returns role in. The few words pencilled or typed in the blank space provided for them, will be a riot, and will surely pull them to this story. This is four-column mat No. 22—.20; cut .80. ♦ W