Born to be Bad (United Artists) (1934)

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r (ag business with HERALDS Every patron leaving your theatre is a business parcel directed your way for the next attraction if you tag ’em with the herald on coming events. It’s a little courtesy that they appreciate, and gets across your message whether it’s kept for a minute or a week. Also a good little broadcast of coming events for the mailing list, and wrap-ins and counter circulars for stores which go with you on tie-ups, and are willing to share the cost, if you share the imprint. Front cover and inside spread are illus¬ trated actual size. Back blank for im¬ print; two colors. T railer The best selling points from the picture, worked into a powerful visual and audible argument for attendance — that’s the trailer. Order from NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE 630 Ninth Avenue 1307 So. Wabash Ave. 1922 So. Vermont Ave. 300^4 So. Harwood St. New York City Chicago Los Angeles Dallas □ Heralds are $3.00 per thousand I A mi ow ii cement Slide