Coquette (United Artists Pressbook) (1929)

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rOR HERSELF ItlE OF SRO [ F ■ 17—Co/. (Mat 5c.; Cut 50c.) Window Tie-ups The publicity stills (10c each) you have available on "Coquette” are ideal subjects to effect window tie-ups with prominent local merchants. Use them for this purpose as well as for straight publicity and lobby dis- ^>lay exhibits. Possible window tie-ups are: Beauty Parlor: 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 40, 80, 83, 105, Spl. 1, Spl. 2, Spl. 3, Spl. 4, Spl. 5, Spl. 6. Cosmetics: Spl. 1, Spl. 2, Spl. 3, Spl. 4, Spl. 5, Spl. 6. Florists: 6, 11, 13, 49, 83. Candy, Perfume: 8, 11, 15, 42, 50, 133, two lovers. Women’s Clothes: 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 21, 73, 77, _ 84, 134. Women’s Shoes: 3, 5, 7, 25, 40, 84. Women’s Hose: 3, 5, 7, 84. Women’s Gloves: 129, 134. Women’s Hats: 129, 134. Men’s Wear: 10, 21, 30, 77, 106, 117. Men’s Shoes: 10, 25, 77. Jewelers: 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 15, 49, 50, Spl. 1, Spl. 2, Spl. 3, Spl. 6. Music Stores: 84. Rugs and Carpets: 8, 10, 42. Ijurniture: 3, 10, 11, 13, 18, 84. ^interior Decorations: 3, 10, 13. Steamship Co.: 20, 73. Railroad Co.: 20, 73. Night Clubs: 21, 73, 77, 81. Dance Halls: 21, 73, 77, 80, 81. ;V Book Stores: 25, 28, 40. Maids’ Uniforms: 27, 28, 105. A Coquette Defined! Pickford Curl Display Use the catchlines printed below in your ad copy, programs, and throwaways. With the aid of your newspaper, conduct a contest to determine the best "coquetticism”—definition of a coquette. Give the catchlines shown here as samples. "A coquette is everything that a wallflower isn’t!” * * * "A girl who will break a date with a boy who lets her, to keep a date with a boy who insists she keep it!” * * * "She thinks all men are ado’able—and all men think she is ado’able— and sometimes she really is!” * * * "A girl who can’t escape popularity—and is by no means trying to!” * * * "She feels that every man whom she passes turns round to look at her. And most of them do!” H* "A butterfly who gets her wings singed-r-and thinks it’s worth the fun there’s in it!” "A modern, high-powered edition of Cleopatra!” * * * "A girl the boys forget the other girls for!” "The come-on edition of the female!” * * * "The whoopee baby all the boys want to mother—and how!” * * * "A girl who can fall in and out of love as easy as getting in and out of "A girl who can look hot and keep cool!” * * * "One who loves and runs away to love anew another day!” * * * Mary Pickford appears in bobbed hair for the first time in "Coquette.” Capitalize on this angle by preparing displays similar to the above in the windows of the leading stores in town. Windows of this type will prove tremendous business stim¬ ulators for beauty parlors. Use the Original Ad Layout Suggestions Below Below are a number of layouts, some made from original designs, others being a variation in treatment of the subjects appearing in the ads prepared for your newspaper campaigns. If you wish to make up your own ads on "Coquette” or you prefer some other set-up than that appearing in your ad material, the ideas contained in this panel may answer your requirements. The displays shown here are not obtainable in cut or mat form, being intended merely to serve as sug¬ gestions for your layout expert.