Disraeli (United Artists) (1921)

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Border Designs and Single Column Attractors Have Valuable Box-office Power Make Your Own Cuts From These Drawings Every exhibitor uses single column space some time or other in his advertising campaign on a picture. Generally they are set up by the newspaper Itself. When they are, you get the same type as the other fellow, your opposition. These single column artists’ drawings will give your announcement a distinction and will stand out like none other on any type-set page. Have your engraver insert your theatre an¬ nouncement in the place allotted in each drawing, have him make a cut of it, and watch the results. Attractive heralds or dodgers can be printed by the job printer of your town by simply taking any of the many artists’ drawings and have him make a cut of your selection, the size you desire, and have imprinted in the space alotted a few lines of copy, suggestions for which you will also find in this folder. GEORGE ARLIXT in DISRAELI (Space for theatre name)