How to Murder Your Wife (United Artists) (1965)

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PAGE 4 WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME Sooccccccce a ae VIRNALIS| @ a a i a mT age aa eee, ics He on) con ct TIN LTBI OI] Mamuaaueea OT DSO OTIS ES Tee ES Ree MOVIE? 4 Cols. x 134 Lines—536 Lines (38 Inches) /SRING TH THE LITTLE WOMAN... ms _ MAYBE SHE'LL DIE LAUGHING! 7 ONE OF THEMOST BRUTAL =i ; FIENDISH SADISTIC " BLOODCURDLING COMEDIES Time: JACKLEMMON VIRWA LISI ‘HoW To URDE i TECHNICOLOR® YOUR WF wnreoiaists a JACKLEMMON VIRNALIS| ‘HOWTO MURDER YOUR WIFE ai pemlsclin: Released thru UNITED ARTISTS PRESENTED AS = | THIS MOTION = | picture is E | A PUBLIC SERVICE Ve ee Genie Tin Pearle &, Te SE Ante sReACe “Sigg ucpeerencn nunc nenaeer einen tos SSS 3 “ ease eas sti ce 1 Col. x 56 Lines (4 Inches) Ke Mat 103 2 Cols. x 49 Lines—98 Lines (7 Inches) Mat 204 NOTE: This ad designed to appear in newspapers on the Sunday before opening. (This could be it!) Mat 403 spent se fe al (EKLEMMMON : VIRNA LISI ... maybe she'll die = % : : ‘How TO laughing! = YOUR WIFE Released thr eaten cate catnsrranrnataatnaatt PPO O POPP OOOD 1 Col. x 42 Lines (3 Inches) Mat 102