How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (United Artists) (1967)

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‘The Only ‘Motion Picture That Guarantees You A Better Position! ‘How to take an all-day coffee break (with lots of sugar!) ‘How to havea 50-week vacua with play! THE MIRISCH CORPORATION presents THE DAVID SWIFT PRODUCTION OF ‘How to take a dip in the secretarial pool! Ca 1 FRANK LOESSER TRYING The NG Puy wor 72ER Prize Ma wnnno® * OF All The Broadway ‘Musical Comedies That Ever“Made The Screen Sing Out ‘Nothing Succeeds Like“Succeed”! STARRING ROBERT MORSC MICHELE Lee ae RUDY VaLLe€e ANTHONY TEAGUE ittroouans MAUREEN ARTHUR /NetSOn RIDDLE / Provucto ano onecteo by DAVID SWIFT MS AN FRANK LOESSER stace ptay pirecteo YABE BURROWS 00x syABE BURROWS, JACK WEINSTOCK ano WILLIE GILBERT BASED UPON CLIEPHERD MEAD x0 R455 SY CY FEUER ann ERNEST H. MARTIN AMUSSALSTASING, BOB FOSSE PANAVISION In Association with FRANK PRODUCTIONS INC. RELEASED COLOR by DeLuxe raed” UNITED ARTISTS 4 Cols. x 159 Lines—636 Lines (45 Inches) Mat 402 THE MIRISCH CORPORATION THE DAVID SWIFT PRODUCTION OF one 1966 FRANK : LOESSER. BL [YX fll STARRING qa it ROBERT MORSC ‘)\\\! MICHELE Lee RUDY VaLLee /'\ RE BROADIAY Musi po an Whe iad NOhhing meee ne SUCCEED; "RY Sis og CO-STARRING ANTHONY TEAGUE sons MAUREEN ARTHUR | sin ne.sow pce | REMSIRMESSES, DAVID SWIET twas FRANK LOESSER | omarosy ABE BURROWS | soovsy ABE BURROWS, JACK WEINSTOCK sso WILLIE GILBERT Tenors SHEPHERD MEAD | {te suse CY FEUER woERNEST H. MARTIN | for sou ov BOB FOSSE | PANAVISION In Association with FRANK PRODUCTIONS INC. RELEASED THRU COLORby Deluxe UNITED ARTISTS TL, Sole A ale? UR. SE 2 Cols. x 125 Lines—250 Lines (18 Inches) Mat 207 f ”{0W To SUCCEED ‘BUSINESS WITHOUT — REALLY A Tyg TRYING we Pury, ew v4 RIL STARRING ROBERT MORSE MICHELE Lee PANAVISION’ [COLOR by DeLuxe RUDY VaLLee PeceAseO UNITED ARTISTS a RN TR 9s «ls LE EE EE Ea 2 Cols. x 49 Lines—98 Lines (7 Inches) Mat 203