How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (United Artists) (1967)

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Exploitation National Tie-ins With 5 Big Name Companies Pre-Set Your Local Ad-Pub-Promotion Campaign! * National promotions have been set with manufacturers of five well-known companies — all of whom have shown the industry in the past that they know how to succeed in the business of tie-ins. You can expect to benefit greatly on your local level because every one of their dealers, distributors and field men are instructed to work closely with all of our exhibitors, branch offices and field men to make this a successful promotion. Each of these organizations will be kept supplied with up-to-date lists of every playdate on this picture — and a dealer or distributor near you will know about your booking a few days after you firm it! Work with these men to make the most of the best kind of promotion you can have: local participation in a national tie-up! Get together over lunch and discuss ways to set stunts, contests and other ballys on-the-air and in the papers-—at their stores or outlets and possibly at your theatre. By all means, set screenings for them and their guests. For evoking enthusiasm, nothing succeeds like “Succeed . . . ” For further information on the National tie-ins, contact: Exploitation Dept., United Artists Corp., 729 7th Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10019. 3-M COMPANY SETS SWEEPSTAKES IN ALL-OUT DEALER PROMOTION The 3-M Company is spending approximately a quarter of a million dollars on a national trade and consumer campaign based on the exposure of 3-M equipment in your film. For openers they are running a 4-color, 4-page “Sweepstakes” insert in “Nation’s Business” —leading trade paper with a readership of 1,500,000! Direct mail of this same contest insert to another 750,000 key business leaders will predispose dealers to set window and in-store displays all over the country—including your city. For further insurance, local advertising of the tie-in will be facilitated through kits including ad mats and live radio copy. Other ads, featuring ROBERT MORSE and RUDY VALLEE will appzar in The Wall Street Journal, U. S. News & World Report, Business Week and six other business publications, with a total number of reader impressions estimated at 77,750,000!!! SPECIAL FEATURETTE And that’s not all! U.A. has prepared a ‘“‘personalized’”’ seven minute 16 mm. short showing ROBERT MORSE using 3-M equipment. It will be used by 3-M salesmen for showings to key dealers— the same ones you want to tie-in with! As Rudy Vallee might say, their pitch is your pitch! All of this sales promotion and advertising activity will be backed up with an internal and external 3-M publicity push. You can ask for more of a set-up: all you do now is contact the 3-M dealers in your area and tell them you’re the exhibitor with the playdate. Then pull out all the stops. STOUFFER’S RESTAURANTS Everybody who goes to movies goes to lunch and supper! And Stouffer’s national chain of restaurants has tied in with table-tents on hundreds of thousands of tables all over the country! Multiply this by the number of people at a table and you have some idea of the number of impressions these eatery ads make!! Contact the Stouffer’s Restaurant in your area and arrange to imprint your playdate on the cards. You may also want to work out a “‘toofer’’ deal—setting one price for dinner-and-a-movie. But check with your local UA exchange before firming freebie promotions like this. Tie In Special Shops Furniture Stores, especially those displaying office furniture, won’t be able to pass up this tie-in. Using mannequins, set up window displays (and ads too) that look like the key art. This logo has been identified with “How To Succeed...” for years—first with the long-running Broadway hit show, then with the national companies . . . and now with the movie. Tie-in copy can run along these lines: We have almost everything you need for your office (home)— Some accessories you have to supply yourself! Fabric Stores, specifically the knitting shop or yarn department of a store, will welcome the tie-in still of Rudy Vallee (HTS-16). It shows him in a knitted sweater—together with hats he has knitted for his golf clubs! PAGE 1 O Botany 500 Men's Clothing Sets National Print Media Campaign Robert Morse and Rudy Vallee have both boarded the Botany Bandwagon—and will be seen in ads in national magazines and syndicated Sunday supplements. All Botany retail outlets have been provided with dealer kits, including ad mats for local advertising. These kits also include material and suggestions for tie-ins with you—but you have a few ideas of your own. Get together with these dealers and set window and in-store displays, using both their material and the movie accessories. Theme of this tie-up, of course, is: “How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying” Wear Botany 500 Clothes! OLIVETTI UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS With the Olivetti Underwood typewriter typecast in this flick— and with so many scenes showing them—it was inevitable that this company should tie in. Ads will appear in conjunction with playdates for maximum effectiveness and to this end United Artists is supplying Olivetti Underwood with a list of all playdates. In turn, all local dealers and distributors will be alerted to these dates and instructed to work with you in setting local-level promotions. Contact your Olivetti underwood dealer now and set screenings for them and their guests. Suggested theme for all your local promotions is: “How To Succeed In Business . . .” Supply Your Staff With Olivetti Underwood Typewriters. Pitney Bowes Business Machines Promo Pitney Bowes business machines, used as props in the movie, are the basis for an unusual contest set by this firm among its dealers and distributors—including those in your area. Timed to the firm’s annual sales convention, ads will run in national magazines and mailers will go out to all offices and branches in the Pitney Bowes complex. The home office will generate as much excitement as possible, through incentive, advertising and publicity—plus the activities at the convention itself, during which “How To Succeed In Business Will Be Shown.” It’s up to you to follow through by contacting the major Pitney Bowes rep in your area and setting local displays, stunts and ballys based on his own participation in the promotion. a Teaser Mailer An inexpensive and extremely effective mailer can be made from an element of the trade ads that sold you on this movie. The first of three pages was a tease, reproduced at right, with copy reading ““Now We’re Going To Give You The Business.” Illustration shows only a hand holding a telephone. This art is available as an 8x 10 glossy b & w still, (see Art Stills) suitable for multilith reporduction in any quantity. Run it off on 60# or 70# pastel colored stock, adding only your theatre’s phone number, and send it to your entire mailing list. Use it also as a handout, or as stuffers at checkout counters at stores of cooperating merchants. It’s hard to resist calling a number — and you can havea recorded announcement begin a playdate pitch with “Since you're asking for it, we're going to give you the business. Starting Wednesday, the Bijou Theatre presents ‘How To Succeed in Business Without Really Trying’ and it's the funniest business in show business. The business begins ak G6 220". and state the starting times. “ These tie-ups are subject to change. Please consult local outlets for latest developments.