It's in the Bag! (United Artists) (1945)

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TACK CARDS or POSTERS 0 ..o ". These two teaser ideas will arouse an enormous amount of advance interest in the picture. Blow up the stills shown here and letter in copy as suggested. Place them, as tack cards or posters, in the busiest sections of town. They would also make eye-arresting window cards. Catchlines BEWARE! IT’S A PLOT! ... TO KILL YOU WITH LAUGHS! IT’S MURDER . . . PERPE¬ TRATED BY THE SLICKEST GANG OF LAUGH - GETTERS EVER CAUGHT ON A HOLLYWOOD LOT! FRED ALLEN’S MERRY TWELVE- MILLION - DOLLAR MURDER MYS¬ TERY LETS LUNACY LOOSE! HAPPY HORRORS! WHAT A KILL¬ ER OF A STORY! . . . AND WHAT A CAST OF CHARACTERS . . . AND WE MEAN ^^CHARACTERST THE YEAR’S TOP MURDER MYS¬ TERY COMEDY . . . WITH THE GREATEST COMEDY CAST OF ANY YEAR! IT’S A CHUCKLY CHILLER! . . . A DEPRESSION KILLER! ... A STAR EYE-FILLER! MURDER WILL OUT! . . . AND THIS MURDER WILL KNOCK YOU OUT . . . LAUGHING! FULL OF GOOFY GUYS, GORGEOUS GALS, GRUESOME GANGSTERS, LOUD LAUGHS, MERRY MURDERS . . . AND STILL THERE’S A STORY! WITH A PLOT! IF YOU DON’T LAUGH AT THIS . . . SEE YOUR DOCTOR! IF YOU DIE LAUGHING . . . WE’RE NOT RE¬ SPONSIBLE! ANNOUNCEMEIVTS -.‘i* 50-Word Announcement Hurry, hurry, hurry! To the .Theatre next ., to see "It's In The Bag," starring Fred Allen with Jack Benny, Bob Benchley, Rudy Vallee, Victor Moore, William Bendix, Jerry Colonna, Don Ameche and Binnie Barnes! Don't MISS this merry murder mystery! It's a plot! ... to kill you with laughs! 75-Word Announcement The funniest murder mystery of the year, with the greatest comedy cast of ANY year, is at the. Theatre. It's Fred Allen's hilarious new picture, "It's In The Bag," and along with Fred there are eight other great stars of screen and radio—count them— 1 Jack Benny, Bob Benchley, Rudy Vallee, Victorr*,, Moore, Jerry Colonna, Don Ameche, William BenC ^ dix and Binnie Barnes! What a cast! What a stor/-^ y Don't MISS "It's In The Bag"! must TRANSCRIPTIONS Fred Allen has made a series of fast, funnjnion 60 Second and 30 Second Transcriptions whic)^’^® . 1 the are available to exhibitors. These transcrip tions pack a selling wallop! Arrange now use a couple of them on your local radii for fherh ?r the station! Order Transcription Records from your Unite| Artists Exchange. Price, $2.00 per Record. Page Fourteen