Kid Galahad (United Artists) (1962)

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Exploitation Extended-Play Presley Record Is Key To Town Wide Tie-In Presley is popular—but do you have any idea HOW big he is today? Apart from motion picture, merchandising and other areas, consider his record-following: so far over 90 MILLION of his records have been sold. He remains on top of almost all the DJ request lists and the recordstore best seller surveys. Use this extraordinary Presley Pulling Power by making the RCA VICTOR EP record the leadoff promotion tool in your town-wide campaign on "Kid Galahad" and pull out all the stops. e First, contact your local RCA VICTOR distributor. He has window cards in full color, selling movie and music. With his cooperation, approach your top music station with an Elvis Presley Marathon promotion, in which he plays only Presley platters around the clock. Offer records and guest tickets as prizes and “first twentyfive callers” giveaways. @ RCA has already sent the soundtrack recording to DJ’s and coin operators (juke boxes) across the country with a promotion bulletin. Follow up by making sure program managers in your area have the records and also playdate information. e@ Tie in record stores and music shops, dressing windows and point-of-sale displays with any of the many Presley records the stores stock, the RCA displays and movie accessories listed on pages 10, 11, 12 of this book. e@ Tie in with music stores selling guitars and offer free lessons to winners of a contest (see p. 11) or holders of lucky-numbers (you can combine this with the color-in mat on page 11) . and any other promos agreeable with the merchant. Display the guitar and offer it in your lobby as well as in merchant’s window. @ Tie in with dance-studios, offering free lessons, using same angle as music-store tie up directly above. @ Invite a deejay to broadcast from your lobby opening day, or at a sneak. START YOUR CAMPAIGN RCA SOUNDTRACK DISC € Bue Aclineh: Gunnery PoduEcos CAN ORIGINAL | SOUNDTRACK | ee i o ROO ie [EY in KID GALAHAD -rcA VICTOR 45 EP EPA-4371 Laator ty Dees )GREAT SONGS King of The Whole Wide Warid This is Living Riding The Rainbow Home is Where The Heart is { Got Lucky A Whistling Tune RCA VICTOR EP Original Soundtrack Recording The back of this sleeve, printed in color, gives full movie credits and three scenes from the film. ALL six songs sung by Elvis in the movie are on the record, all of them top tunes. RCA has printed and distributed WINDOW STREAMERS as well, so you’re all set for displays around your area. Start Now. SPINNING WITH THE Set Stunts, Fun and Frolic With Radio, Television And Remote Dance Party Promos Dance Parties are naturals for “Kid Galahad.” If you have local TV programming, tie in with the record hop or bandstand show. The personality conducting this program will welcome any Presley promotion, for his platters top the Twist list and all others: ballads, blues and bop. Make the most of the fact that Elvis does the Twist in the movie, but let the TV host angle his show his own way. You can suggest decorating the studio to look like a prize-ring and inviting the kids to dance in boxing togs or at least with 16 ounce gloves. This is a good visual stunt and leads to all sorts of gimicks. You can have skiprope contests (in time to music) and award prizes to the couples coming up with the best new dances based on boxing themes (roadwork, exercise, ducking, sparring . . . Boxing is much akin to dancing, and the kids can easily come up with The Galahad Gavotte, The Presley Pretzel (Twist), The OK KO, etc. Cooperating merchants lending the equipment can also make it available as prizes; you have records, guest tickets and, as an added award, the boxing trunks used by Elvis while filming the movie! ! PRE-SOLD PRESLEY! "Kid Galahad" has been pre-sold with both paid advertising and photo story layouts in magazines coast-to-coast reaching an estimated 20 million readers, all pre-selected movie-goers including those in your area. A one column, 7 inch ad appeared in these magazines: HOT ROD, TEEN, CAR CRAFT, MODERN SCREEN, SCREEN STORIES, MOVIE LIFE, MOVIE STARS, STAR PARADE, MOTION PICTURE, PHOTOPLAY, SCREENLAND. In addition, a half page ad was taken in the August issue of SEVENTEEN. Add to this the constant exposure is movie and fan magazines and the record plays on the air all day every day and you begin to see just how presold ths film is for you. All you have to do is stir up new local excitement. PRESLEY’S POPULARITY PROVEN WITH TEENS, PRE-TEENS AND OVER TEENS Mom and Dad Presley’s performance in “Kid Galahad” will win him new audiences. Many people who had previously considered Elvis only for their children and younger sisters were surprised to ] : 2 " find themselves fans after seeing “Follow That Dream.” Suri in ad f “Kid Galahad” prise older audiences well in advance of your “Kid Galahac playdate and they will give you the word-of-mouth which will attract others well out of their teens. Set special screenings for members of sodalities, men’s and/or women’s clubs, merchants . . . any group of adults. You can offer a radio or TV personality the opportunity to host the screening, inviting members of his (her) audience, as his euests. Surprise screenings, such as those successfully used for “Follow That Dream” are set by having the personality invite euests without identifying the “top Hollywood preview,” in much he same way you hold your general sneaks. Distribute comment-cards and also post cards which the preview audiences address to friends and which either you or a sponsoring station or newspaper will mail. Cover the event with a photographer and invite the press. Screening footage should be taken for showing on local segment of seven and eleven o'clock news. You can also take pictures of the audience during the show using infra-red film. Use on a TV station as “telop” cards or plant a photo layout with a newspaper for a WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE LOOKING AT feature. Use it to make a 10 x 60 display in your lobby or out front, combined with comment card quotes. ELVIS SWINGS |FERP Presley at YOUNG iosALBRIGHT AS NEVER JOAN OHA LACKMAN — BRONSON BEFORE! BLACKMAN BRON On KiDGalahad 3-Piece Streamer COLOR . DE .uxe 15 feet, strung together, in color GIG“ LOLA 816.50 YOUNG ALBREHT dl et OAN CHARLES BLACKMAN BRONSON os NED Complete Streamer The Dating Crowd In addition to the dance-party on TV, set as many “Kid Galahad Hops” among the “remotes” as you can. These are hosted by radio and TV personalities who will plug it on the air, even though the show itself is not broadcast. And word of-mouth will be more than worth the time it takes to set up this kind of tie-in. As a stunt, announce that someone will play a guitar with boxing gloves on... and at one point in program, have him do so. You can tell how stunt is done or not, as you choose. It’s easy: glue or tape a guitar ‘pick’ to the glove! Each week there are other teen-functions which have large attendances and a wide following. Not the TV Dance Parties or the “‘remotes”—they are hops that originate in radio studios. Also, contact church groups, clubs and school dance committees which have activities not broadcast at all. The sponsors will eladly work with you, especially on a Presley tie-in. Pick up your phone now! Go after other teen-tie-ups as well: at soda fountains post soda-streamers pushing the “Presley Punch,” “Fighter’s Float” or “Kid Galahad Special,” which is a sundae served in a square dish. See if you can locate and borrow an old car, like the Model T Ford in the movie. Use it for a street bally, if it goes, or park it out front of your theatre if it doesn’t. In fact, this can be the clue to a contest. In the movie, Elvis takes a beat-up old car and makes it go. Offer a prize to anyone who can make your car “go.” A direct tie up with a car dealer, who gets it started, could give this stunt much mileage. These art elements 9x 12 he MIRISCH COMPANY ps available as 8 x 10 glossy Flag ELViS black and white stills; enaa Presley large and use them for Bia ae lobby and theatre-front Faced KiD decoration and with other $60.00 Galahad pretuauens described on Double friends these pages. Faced —_ | °/OUNG ALBRIGHT ORDER BY NUMBER $110.00 FROM NATIONAL 3 MIRISCH COMPANY pes om A in nee? | “SWINGING ITs ' ELVis Presley Nee re ; [ sher Ss | \ ! ! , = ry, BLACK ONSON hy ELVIS! aff KiD had ! y p N 1 iDGalana 1 ! ge "Mm Hy, SMORaoce "tm Badge | Ea., 40c -5 4U De Luxe Sectional Valance Any length (minimum order LO feet) Running foot $1.65 ORDER valences and_ ushers’ | badges from NATIONAL SCREEN | EXCHANGE. Flag is available | from NATIONAL FLAG & DIS| PLAYSCO.. 43. .Wo #1 St, NY. | | In Canda, order from THEATRE | POSTER SERVICE, 227 Victoria | Street, Toronto. | pace 10 SCREEN EXCHANGE. KG-ART-3 Kid Brother and Sister RCA VICTOR Records has determined, through surveys, that an important—and large—part of Presley’s audience is in the 6 to 12 year old age bracket! They have re-geared advertising and promotion to include this group as well as teeners and dating crowds, and you should too. Set up the children’s section of your hardtop to resemble a huge prize-ring and advertise it as the “Kids’ Korner.” Call your matron a “referee.” OZONERS can offer all kinds of attractions, least of which is the convience of having a place to park the kids. A great stunt is to invite parents to bring kids in their own toy cars, setting aside a special section where they can “park” and watch the show, just like their parents. Turn out at least 8 or 10 cars . it can’t miss. On another night hold a “Kid Galahad Gloves” contest, like the Golden Gloves, but strictly for laughs. Go for falling pants, windmill punching and lots of falling down. If you set yourself and service the papers with the photos . . this stunt in a big way, with sponsorship of local stores, newspaper,radio or TV station, it could be revived annually with no strain. Publicity for you, as originator, will be automatic, increasing your community status and creating the image of your theatre as the place to go. ART STILLS KG-ART-| KG-ART-2 ¢ & KG-ART-4 KG-ART-5