Ladybug Ladybug (United Artists) (1963)

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PUBLICITY MATERIAL Still LL-24 Mat 2A Doug Chapin, Alice Playten and Chris Howard examine a box of food after they have found safety in an air raid shelter during an alert. Scene is from “Ladybug Ladybug,”’ written, produced and directed by Frank and Eleanor Perry, the husband and wife team responsible for “David and Lisa.” The United Artists re lease will open ............ at the A ears Theatre. Makers of ‘David and Lisa’ Repeat With ‘Ladybug Ladybug’ (General Advance) Regarded by many as a triumph of the same stature as their internationally-acclaimed “David and Lisa,” the second motion picture offering of the brilliant husbandwife team of Frank and Eleanor Perry, “Ladybug Ladybug,” arrives Atether rca: Theatre. As with “David and Lisa,” the new offering, a Francis Production released through United Artists, was produced and directed by Mr. Perry from a screenplay by his wife. Stephen F. Kesten was associate producer and the music was as a tense, incisive and understanding story of children—based on a story by Lois Dickert, from an actual incident, telling what happened in a rural school when an alert signalling an imminent atomic attack went off accidentally. While the adults roles in “Ladybug Ladybug” are played by professional actors, mostly recruited from the Broadway stage, the cast of upwards of a hundred youngsters who appear in the film are mainly non-pros, recruited from the classes of the rural school in Film Depicts Effect of False Atomic Alert An intensely dramatic and poignant glimpse into the hearts of a group of school children as they react to what turns out to be a false alert of an impending atomic attack, opens ............ at the .....0...... Theatre in Francis Productions’ “Ladybug Ladybug,” a United Artists release. Written by Eleanor Perry from a report on an actual incident by Lois Dickert, and directed by Mrs. Perry’s husband Frank, this is the same team which wrote, produced and directed the enormously successful “David and Lisa” two seasons ago. ”Ladybug Ladybug” is their second screen venture. The picture was made in its entirety in an elementary school at Gradyville, Pennsylvania, with most of the school body performing. Actual School Used For ‘Ladybug’ Set The entire student body of the elementary school in Gradyville, Pennsylvania, led by a handful of professional actors, comprise the cast of Francis Productions’ “Ladybug Ladybug,” United Artists release opening ............ atthe sec... Theatre. This is because the school most nearly resembled a real school where an accidental atomic bomb alert caused consternation for several hours. The “reel” school was selected by Producer-Director Frank Perry and his wife Eleanor, who wrote the screenplay based on the real event. This is the same team which produced, directed and wrote the highly successful “David and Lisa” of two seasons ago. The theme, the effect upon the lives of all concerned when the false alert is still believed to be conan, is from the act . — composed and conducted by Robert Cobert. And, like its famous predecessor, “Ladybug Ladybug” is described Gradyville, Pa., which was “location” for the picture. They are all around 10 years old. pace ‘Ladybug Ladybug’ Drama of Accidental Air-Raid Alert (Production Feature) A short while ago the newspapers carried a dramatic account of what happened in a remote school somewhere in rural America when an alert signalling an imminent atomic attack sounded in the principal’s office. The “alert” was finally traced to a faulty mechanism and an article about the incident appeared in a national magazine. For a long time Mrs. Eleanor Perry pondered this accidental alert. Its dramatic possibilities fascinated her. Having had long experience with children, she saw an excellent opportunity for a story which would search the workings of the young mind in a moment of enormous stress. And Mrs. Perry is an expert on the workings of ‘Ladybug’ To Open The second screen venture of the sensational husband-wife team who made the enormously successful movie “David and Lisa” two seasons ago, arrives ........ ee Regt. Theatre, when Francis Productions’ “Ladybug Ladybug.” a United Artists release, comm: ::ces its local engagement. The team consists of Eleanor and Frank Perry, she a successful playwright and author, and he closely identified with Broadway stage productions. Like “David and Lisa,” the new “Ladybug Ladybug” is a poignant, touching and understanding glimpse into the hearts of children. This time the hearts are those of a number of school children—and their teachers and parents—which are glimpsed as they react to what turns out to be a false alert signalling an imminent atomic attack. As in “David and Lisa,” Mrs. Perry wrote the screenplay, from an article of a true occurence by Lois Dickert, and Mr. Perry directed and produced. the young mind as she proved in her screenplay for the poignant, searching and tender “David and Lisa,” last season’s internationallyacclaimed success. Among other things, it won an Academy Award nomination for her. Finally, out of Mrs. Perry’s ponderings has come “Ladybug Ladybug,” a Francis Production for United Artists release, which opens .......... at thes ....... Theatre. The title is based on the wellknown children’s incantation recited to captured ladybugs in which the bugs are advised to “fly away home” because their “houses are on fire.” As in the case of “David and Lisa,” production and direction of “Ladybug Ladybug” is by Mrs. Perry’s husband Frank, who also produced the film. Still LL-37 Marilyn Rogers as she appears Mat 1A in “Ladybug Ladybug,” a United Artists release opening ........ at the ........ Theatre. Frank and Eleanor Perry of “David and Lisa” fame, wrote, produced and directed this film. EXPLOITATION MATERIAL SPREAD THE WORD that “Ladybug Ladybug” was written, produced and directed by the husband and wife team who turned out the much acclaimed “David and Lisa.” You can do this with a lobby card, distribution of throwaways and through mailings. Copy can read: Frank and Eleanor Perry, makers of ‘David and Lisa,’ lave produced a new motion picture ... . a picture dedicated to life... . ‘LADYBUG LADYBUG’! TRY FOR A NEWSPAPER ARTICLE (without getting heavy-handed about it) on the possibilities of an accidental airraid alert. Attempt to incorporate the views of many different persons: local CD head, teachers, housewives, air raid wardens. It might also serve as the subject for a panel discussion on radio or TV show. picture aes d ACCESSORIES “POWERFUL” "POWERFUL" “FASCI NATING!” “FASCINATING!” “STARTLING” ee . “\ SHOCKER" “A SHOCKER" S ee ite LADYBUG LADYB wm FRANK PERRY » UG .» ELEANOR PERRY .. wo UNITED ARTISTS ® COOPERATE WITH SAFETY COUNCIL: It is against the a law in many communities to dispose of old ice boxes or refrige rators without first removing the doors so that children could not accidentally lock themselves in. There is such a situation in “Ladybug Ladybug” and this can be used by the local safety counsel to remind the public about this danger, perhaps via a RE: “public service” spiel on the radio. The announcer merely says ‘POWERFULT he was “reminded” of it by an incident in this compelling motion “FASCINATING picture. INQUIRING REPORTER on radio or in newspaper asks parents: “What would your reaction be, if, as in the film, ‘Ladybug Ladybug,’ your child should show up at home in the middle of the day, and told you he had been released from school because of an actual air-raid alert?” |f run as newspaper feature, post answers and pictures in lobby. eer nee ; Passes = BR ‘LADYBUG LADYBUG 22 x 28 LOBBY CARD FRANK PERRY ELEANOR PERRY UNITED ARTIST Ss ALSO AVAILABLE: Set of Eight 11 x 14 Lobby Cards 14 x 36 Insert Card Order All Accessories From National Screen. Printed in U.S.A.