Lured (United Artists) (1947)

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MANHUNT GIVES YOU THREE-WAY TIE-UP! I.urill#* Half, la/h *J#‘lrrli^r in •'Lure#I.” hunt* #!##w n Ai»i rap. lure* ill#* man with lit#* rr»I car- nation. laaunrh a manhunt in foitr rj|> f##r ill#- "Man with ill#* re#l ramalinn” ill#* m rk l>#*f##r#* ill#' picture open* an#! launch it ilir#’»* MAp; Lure Them THROUGH THE NEWSPAPERS: Kun a ‘Inn in \*>ur l#>ral pre** »'t|>laininj: lliAl ill#* rnaii with ili#* red carnation who •**- r *P*'d from ill#* motion plrlurr. “Ijirrtl." will he in I'iun un a rr'rtoin *lay in a dcsig. m»l#^l «{r|)ar 1 nif«l •lor*', linn lit#' »lor% f#»r ' # *' r «l *lay wilit a*Mol *lriail» gj\r-n dail% l»# whip tip interest. THROUGH A DEPARTMENT STORE: III#' man with the rr#| carnation ean a|>p«*ar in ill#* •l»#rr* either a* a cu*tom#*r «>r a *al*^ rl#*rii. I lii*. •#f course. • trmnlaie* I>n*in«'*> f»>r lli»* *l##rr and a taluahic merchandise prize for ill#' winner should l>#* contributed I>% the •tore. pin* mention in •lor** a#l*. THROUGH F LORI STS: ram out the^ carnation i»i#*a f>> atmouiifins that if the™ mail with tin* red carnation i» (flptuml l» a man #>r woman wearing a whit** carnation there will be a big additional »urpri»r prize. Hori*t* should plug th** man hunt with whit** r-arnatifxi display* in their window* au*l a •ign reading: “Join in the hunt f*>r the man with the red carnation — and wear a white carnation for an e\tra prize." PRIZES: Make presentation *>f prizes to winner at the theatre at the premiere of “f.ured." Vrrange f*>r newspaper c*>\erage and pictures «>u the presentation. “Lured” POETRY CONTEST VH\ !>iti/j;s i on jim.ij s e toO-f uA r. • ’f tn f*.>.r #iafi w* v. II j r • ' s. • |V*. . f » / *K rf r > .# •i##*# • f.■.#*•< ’.fa r <' •!•/* >.*M r;*» . t' **• l#» fha lilts-** starring tie* if* #C*r #w#» *■ I. ;> li*:i \ | s *#*■ **#* !*-*• * •! I'-Ji <4 Vl ►.!*« t# r*** *>• r*M#*W*Kd -vi. All y--. ka*r tn «4 .* lint bn*) ""it * !*«r I •.* f#- J *gW *•-* H*n>i 14 j- t* tfc* f *-**iM« IV v* *? tA * {•*;«•* T>rt-I> V ’ ' * <u - friltM ( ; .< Cleft*?* ti # t#i?i* 4 ' (“‘jitffv «)LfiJi*- fcK.t j«a#. ! f* ■* *hi» v ''.*■*«« »£ *h « [JtHfry •anli. >'» • »■» *ti f 4 , Mi! l~r r v * {*»;*-* f-- JI • i’W N I *e the poem* that the murderer in "l.urefl” penned—for planting in >our l*>^ *-al newspaper. I he f»>ur ptinn* are matted for a four-da* contest. \*k readers to write in the mo«t “alluring" la*t line to **ach of the poem* aii#i pr«#mote pri/e* f*»r winner*, plus guest tickets. t s c**»#id Ifn* ) 1 l fund l>wy ) , #«M 4 t HMHI tt-WM*** cc ‘Lured JINGLE CONTEST n>iJ lit**, r*«i i Miotj AfUtu I »M llu OMt ft.Yj Dili holli fc4 4.l*v»M Jft ft* I.jjf t»it “Lured” “Lured” JINGLE CONTEST JINGLE CONTEST fisfls bo» ... i ##** 4 siHilt I 111 to * M /i bo# f* .If) A bflasry *i.«r mi.'# L)«a** **.i 'Iiiltw IUC Null.) hoi||l* tur Os-yV, **/ n Is* final Jam t S *ma __» J/Jin* _ mini hMU uaiiu itncROH I Mil* u lu W .*0 ItamUls T>w*' #*<• Ha* Hama ---- _ k/t i’4i* . « l-,8 t Itiu* *iMinbf# *• On Mnitua««iiB Vf# I t»Y hiM.s Lmumi N*i* sii.r»y ►# On 4,110 ,»i “Lured ” JINGLE CONTEST * fbn luutlWit in.' On * 4#i • I41# K. 1111 W ui. sibur Liu«‘a ub ..14 •SUM Wkanaii aAiminm -<4 .mo hi #l.ii .1 •t Mho fia Uj k. 4 »u* -ha t lU+n t . 4 -UI 4 . eONUH I M k f J ft * # All Four Contexts on One Mat. Order Mat (2L) .30 GET A PLUG IN INQUIRING REPORTER" COLUMN Here’* a (trading »|urttU>n f.x the cser- |»>|>ular "Inquiring Hrpvftrf^ column of the U>cal fso»4|)«|Mrr || (ui dramatic In¬ terest »>o its own. hat nn «t M U slantrd to puhlwize the rwrwspaperV rUtniGrd ad •eetUm. If desired, pest ticket* can hr awarded h* tlx Inquiring Krporter for the ■»*>*t interesting re 'NQUIR/hq The J 'th< ‘> *. '* Ui ,n *rh, t •Jou 'iuriti % *r,j The. '“>1 7 ’ fi[p 0RTO) «"*» to r / ,r,i Pir. ih< c / ■ J 'JO **E ! ur t>t *r t, ^/i- H i P J prr ♦«“r ; Uj 'dij Hu **U ^c t n'Xit )fJU? iVgr .Stg