Odds Against Tomorrow (United Artists) (1959)

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: Ww ¢ TO) TOGETHER THEY MAKE THE GREATNESS OF Opps AGAINST The Director ese pe -With nh arms ot ...with her love ... With a ut ) ony | WANT TO LIVE makes you live BURKE... the ex-cop who knew where $50,000 dollars was begging to be stolen! tie Fury. 4 the Violence the Excitement ae neighbor who of your Sabet ares Lifetime! HARBEL PRODUCTIONS, INC. Presents HARRY BELAFONTE ROBERT RYAN oHELLEY WINTERS co-starring with WILL KULUVA » KIM HAMILTON + MAE BARNES CARMEN DeLAVALLADE + RICHARD BRIGHTLOU GALLO Produced and Directed by Associate Producer Screenplay by a p EG EY: 3 (]RIA GRAHAM + ; ROBERT WISE > PHIL STEIN + JOHN 0. KILLENS & NELSON GIDDING From.the noel by WILLIAM McGIVERN susic by JOHN LEWIS: Released thru UNITED (TY ARTISTS 4. H E A ‘i R E 5 Cols. x 185 Lines—925 Lines (66 Inches) Mat 501