Odds Against Tomorrow (United Artists) (1959)

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ARBEL PRODUCTIONS, INC. Presents TARRY BELAFONTE: h 0-starring -D BEGLEY: GLORIA GRAHAME. These arent menThey're two sticks of dynamite! The Director of “| WANT TO LIVE” makes you live the Fury... the Violence... the Excitement of your Lifetime! Lorry... the kind of girl a man liked to keep... for ‘kicks’! Produced and Directed by The ex-cop who knew where $50,000 was begging to be stolen! Even if you washed her face and dressed her up...she'd still be a tramp! OBERT RYAN oHELLEY WINTERS with WILL KULUVA * KIM HAMILTON + MAE BARNES: CARMEN DeLAVALLADE + RICHARD BRIGHT + LOU GALLO ROBERT WISE * watts PHIL STEIN JOHN 0. KILLENS & NELSON GIDDING rai ie novel by WILLIAM MoGIVERN ~ Music yy JOHN LEWIS + Released thru UNITED QZ ARTISTS 1 H E A T R E 6 Cols. x 135 Lines—810 Lines (58 Inches) Mat 602 TELOP OR SLIDE FOR TV SENSATIONAL SUSKI SPOTS SELL STARS AND DRAMA! This visual announcement RADIO AND TY Style “B” for 20-second spot comes in two forms: 1. A glass slide 2. A “Telop” print. Check with TV station for form they prefer before ordering. Style ‘“‘A” is to be used for regular 20-second announcement. Style “B” is to be used only for station break announcement. Call letters will be included at no extra charge. Free Radio Spots Side one contains five 1-minute spots, 30-second spots and 10second spots. Reverse side contains special Harry Belafonte spots with excerpts from the sound track of the picture. Be sure to listen to these hard-sell spots before planning your radio Free Star Interviews These are something special with top stars on each side. Side one contains two separate bands: A. An open end interview with Harry Belafonte in which he talks about the picture. B. Special for disc jockeys. An open end interview with Harry PRICES: campaign. They deserve best air Belafonte in which Deejay puts $5.00 without theatre time including disc jockey proon a Belafonte record and interimprint. grams. rupts the record to talk with Bela $7.50 with theatre imprint. $2.00 for each additional slide or telop. NOTE: Theatre copy added locally can only be done on the telop. AUDIO: Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow you'll remember “Odds Against Tomorrow” the high voltage story of a world where violence never sleeps and excitement never ends! For this is the year’s most suspenseladen picture .. . directed by Robert Wise the man who directed “I Want MO LaAVe cans Ryan, Shelley Winters, Ed Begley, Gloria Grahame . . by all odds it stands big and breathless at the top of Tomorrow). . “Odds Against Tomorrow” stars Harry Belafonte, Robert . see “Odds Against the list . . . “Odds Against Tomorrow” opening on .................... at the Bijou! Order only from: QQ TITLE CARD CO., 247 West 46th Street, New York, N. Y. Free Lobby Spots In addition to narration, this lobby sound record has special vocal and sound effects plus music. Great for your p.a. system in lobby and out front. Plays continuously on an automatic 78 rpm record changer. fonte about his songs and himself. Reverse side consists of a five minute interview with Shelley Winters. Offer to news commentators, Hollywood programs and other informal shows. Arrange for radio station, program sponsor and program emcee to publicize the interviews in advance with news release and station announcement. The above transcriptions will be shipped FREE while supplies last. Write to: Exploitation Department, United Artists Corp., 729 Seventh Avenue, New York 19, N. Y. PAGE 5