Popi (United Artists) (1969)

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UNITED ARTISTS ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT — No. 2 THESE ADS QUOTE A COUPLE OF THE GREAT NOTICES THE PICTURE RECEIVED IN NEW YORK. RUN THEM IN ADVANCE OF YOUR SHOWING AND ON OPENING DAY. AFTER OPENING YOU MAY ADD LOCAL REVIEWS. “KKKK Watching Alan Arkin in ‘Popi’ | aaa to go up the screen, hug him and say: You’ re Wonderful!’ Arkin is one to watch in the next running for the Oscar and other ‘Best Actor’ awards! ‘Popi’ is enchanting, a film to love for its warmth and smashing humor. Audiences are laughing like crazy. A picture that is perfect. Three theatres are showing ‘Popi’. Pick the convenient one and have yourself a time.” — New York Daily News “THE GLOW THAT LIGHTED MANHATTAN WAS POPT., ONE OF THE FUNNIEST, MOST ORIGINAL AND MOST CONTAGIOUS OUREEN GOMEDIES IN YEARS! Here, finally, after a long, parched wait is a perfectly wonderful surprise package of such human appeal and tickling adroitness that few viewers should leave it without smiling inside and out. And the extraordinarily fine and winning performance of Alan Arkin moves this brilliantly versatile actor forward in the tradition of the great movie comedians. Yes, such as Chaplin. Spontaneous and fluid as quicksilver, this definitive portrait of a lonely, stubborn underdog is funny, pathetic, admirable and real. And so is the picture. A fierce warmth with a marvelous comic bite. The film is clever, poignant, funny and as unexpectedly turned as anything since Capra’s great comedies. Arkin wizardry makes good material soar cloudhigh.” — New York Times HERBERT B. LEONARD presents RITA MORENO MIGUEL ALEJANDRO ALAN ARKIN RUBEN FIGUEROA ie ee ee Be Soe oy featuring JOHN anne ARNY FREEMAN « JOAN TOMPKINS ANTHONY HOLA ND Written by TINA and LESTER PINE EST 44 ” Produced ty HERBERT B LEONARD Directed by ARTHUR HILLER Musc—DOMINIC FRONTIERE COLOR by DeLuxe 4 Cols. x 150 Lines—600 Lines (43 Inches) AILABLE ON UNITED TS RECORDS SO United ne Suggested For GENERAL Audiences &{c::>> GO Artists Mat 404