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Prehistoric Women (United Artists) (1950)

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The Credits Alliance Productions, Inc. present "PREHISTORIC WOMEN," Color by Cinecolor, with Laurette Luez, Allan Nixon and Mara Lynn. Original Screen¬ play by Sam X. Abarbanel and Gregg Tailas. Produced by Albert J. Cohen in association with Sam X. Abarbanel. Di¬ rected by Gregg Tailas. Production Manager, Rudolph E. Abel. Director of Photography, Lionel Lindon. Art Direc¬ tor, Jerome Pycha, Jr. Special Effects photographed and created by Howard A. Anderson. Music, Raoul Kraushaar. Film Editor, James Graham. Assistant Director, Al Westen. Dances staged by Bella Lewitzsky. An Eagle Lion Clas¬ sics release. The Cast Tigri . Laurette Luez Engor ....?.. Allan Nixon Arva .... c Mara Lynn Lotee .•. Joan Shawlee Eras .’.. . Judy Landon Nika . Jo Carroll Dennison Tulle ..". .h. Kerry Vaughn Guaddi . . Johann Peturrson The Story (Not for Publication) Near the end of the Stone Age, ap¬ proximately 20,000 BjQ., six girls and an old woman are the sole survivors of a tribe founded by Hipponora', who had rebelled against the dominance of the male sex. The girls are Hipponora's grand¬ daughter, Tigri (Laurette Luez), Arva (Mara Lynn), Tulle (Kerry Vaughan), Lottee (Joan Shawlee), Eras (Judy Landon) and Nika (Jo Carroll Denni¬ son). The constant attacks of Cuaddi, the giant (Johann Peturrson) have re¬ duced the tribe to this Handful of sur¬ vivors. In order to assure the continuance of the tribe, the Wise Old Woman (Janet Shaw), sends them out to hunt down males to serve as both husbands and slaves. They are successful in sur¬ rounding a hunting party of Cave Dwellers led by Engor (Allan Nixon), and composed of Ruig (Tony Devlin), Adh (James Summers) and Kama (Dennis Dengate). All are captured except Engor. When Engor's wounds are healed he tracks the women to their mountain lair. He surprizes some of the girls while, they are bathing but is driven off by one of girls' pet panthers. The girls follow Engor and capture him. But they do not know that Engor has accidently discovered how to use fire while trailing them and that this weapon has enabled him to beat off the attacks of giant pythons and other pre¬ historic monsters. They are, therefore, stunned when Engor uses a flaming torch to destroy a giant dragon which attacks their camp in the midst of preparations for the wedding ceremonies which are to take place at the full moon. Engor then uses fire to chase away the pet panthers and the men now become the masters and the girls the slaves. As a result of Engor's bravery, Tigri has fallen in love with him. Her ad¬ miration is increased when Engor and the rest of the men kiUk Guaddi, the giant, in hand-to-hand combat. Engor decides to form a new tribe with himself as chief and he and Tigri are married in_^a primitive wedding ceremony. ‘MissAmerica’Dennison {Will SlICCBSS Story Reveals the Inside Story Of Landis, Mature Be Repeated Again? What’s it like to be selected as Miss America? It would be hard to find a person who could speak with more authority on this topic than Jo Carroll Dennison winner of the title in 1942. Miss Dennison is currently playing a featured role in “Prehistoric Women,” a drama^ of love in the Stone Age filmed in Cinecolor and opening . at the . Theatre. After being queried about her reactions to being selected as Miss America, Jo Carroll Dennison crossed her legs and delivered some exceedingly frank remarks. “Your Greatest Moment” “Well, when it first happens you think it’s the greatest mo¬ ment of your life. You really don’t expect to win, I know that I did not. Then a kind of daze sets in for months while you make per¬ sonal appearances and collect on the title. “By the time the next year rolls around and you crown the following Miss America you’re so busy wondering about what you're going to do next that the glamor is pretty well worn off. “Then of course, follows the big let-down. All the hangers-on who tried to cash in on your title leave you flat and all a girl has left is her memories. “I don’t want to sound disillu¬ sioned because if I hadn’t won the title I wouldn’t have had a chance to make a lot of contacts which have been a great help to me in recent years.” She’s a Lucky One Miss Dennison has been most fortunate since winning her title. Right after the big event she was signed to a contract by 20th Cen¬ tury-Fox. A small part in “Ladies of Washington” led to a much big¬ ger role in Moss Hart’s “Winged Victory.” Since then she has appeared in several other films and has been perfecting her acting technique. “Prehistoric Women,” an Eagle Lion Classics Release, features Al¬ lan Nixon and Laurette Luez. It was produced by Albert J. Cohen in association with Sam X. Abar¬ banel and directed by Gregg Tailas. Tony’s ‘Too Old’ For Screen Role At Twenty-Three At the ripe old age of twenty- three, Tony Devlin has found himself too old to play Valentino. Tony was put under contract to Edward Small at the tender age of sixteen. He was to be groomed to play the Valentino role, to which Small has owned the rights for years. After years of preparation Tony left to do a hitch in the Merchant Marine during World War II. Then he was drafted and spent a year in the army, serving in the Japanese occupation forces. Back to School Devlin got back in 1947, served an additional year under his con¬ tract and was then informed that he was too old for the Valentino role. He went back to school at Santa Monica City College and has recently returned to acting. Instead of playing the great Valentino, Tony now finds him¬ self with a role in “Prehistoric Women,” a Cinecolor drama of primitive love in the Stone Age, which opens. at the . Theatre, via Eagle Lion Classics release. Dannaldson Animals Prowl the Jungles In ‘Prehistoric’ Film Jim Dannaldson—explorer and one of Hollywood’s leading animal trainers, had a very busy time during filming of “Prehistoric Women,” a Cinecolor drama of how six primitive beauties corral their mates, which opens . at the . Theatre. Some of the Dannaldson animals required for “Prehistoric Wo¬ men,” which contains many ex¬ citing sequences of desperate struggles with wild beasts, in¬ cluded a black panther, wild boars, vultures and a huge py¬ thon. Wrestled With Anaconda During the filming of “Jacare” Dannaldson had to wrestle with a 16-foot anaconda. The director told him to yell three times if he got in trouble and on the third call natives would rush in to res¬ cue him. The snake pinioned Dannald- son’s arms and then slipped one coil around his neck. He yelled once, then feebly a second time as another coil cut off his breath. Dannaldson then blacked out be¬ fore he could utter a third cry. When he regained consciousness, he discovered the director had sent in the natives—but after film¬ ing the entire sequence. Dannaldson was most interested in the scenes for “Prehistoric Women” which showed some of the primitive animals of the Stone Age era in which the pic¬ ture took place. The story of the film tells of how six lovely maid ens go on a prehistoric manhunt to find mates to serve as slaves to them. What love does to their plans shows that prehistoric wo¬ men were really quite similar to their modern sisters. Laurette Luez, Mara Lynn and Allan Nixon are featured in “Pre¬ historic Women,” an Eagle Lion Classics release, which was pro¬ duced by Albert J. Cohen and di¬ rected by Gregg Tailas. A few years ago Hal Roach decided to make a film about the dawn of civilization which he titled “One Million B.C.” In the lead roles he cast a pair of un¬ knowns whose names may be fa¬ miliar to you—Victor Mature and Carole Landis. With this precedent, when Pro¬ ducer Albert J. Cohen decided to make another film about the dawn of civilization titled “Pre¬ historic Women,” which opens . at the . Theatre, he, too, picked a pair of relative unknowns for the top spots. Will It Happen Again? It will be interesting to see if this pair of unknowns will dupli¬ cate the success of Miss Landis and Mature. Their names are Laurette Luez and Allan Nixon. Miss Luez is the daughter of a pair of theatrical performers who traveled through the lands bor¬ dering the Pacific. She was born in Honolulu and joined her par¬ ent’s act at the tender age of three. She came to Hollywood and made her debut in Cecil B. De- Mille’s “Story of Dr. Wassell” playing a bit as a Javanese girl. She has also had small roles in “Anna and the King of Siam,” “1 Wonder Who’s Kissing Her Now,” “D.O.A.” and “Kim.” Laurette has dark hair, dark eyes and creamy skin. She uses practically no makeup. Nixon’s Approach Different Nixon, who is married to Marie Wilson, made an entirely differ¬ ent approach to the screen. He played football at the University of Richmond, then was a profes¬ sional gridder, a wrestler, bouncer, a woodcutter, a press agent. He played a series of stage roles on tour with Mae West and on the summer stock circuit. After a few screen bits he landed a deal with Hal Wallis and this led to his “Prehistoric Women” break. “Prehistoric Women,” an Eagle Lion Classics Release in Cine¬ color, also features Mara Lynn and eight-feet two Johahn Petur- sson as the menace. Albert J. Cohen produced in association with Sam X. Abarbanel. Gregg Tailas directed and wrote the screenplay with Abarbanel. See Page 3 For Additional Stories, Stills ‘Prehistoric Women’ Film Filled With Exciting Action There are enough exciting sequences crammed into “Prehistoric Women,” a story of how our female ancestors got their men in the Stone Age, to make even Pearl White fans happy. The Cinecolor picture, which opens at the Theatre via Eagle Lion Mat 2A Still PW-28 Laurette Luez battles with Mara Lynn for the leadership of an amazon tribe and for Allan Nixon in this scene from “Prehistoric Women,” color by Cinecolor, which opens .at the . Theatre. The drama is set in the Stone Age. Stone Age Amazon Tribe Screen Drama Heroines Picture six voluptuous girls and an old woman living in a mountain cave amid the varied dangers of the Stone Age. Six gorgeous beauties who sally forth in quest of mates to keep their tribe from dying out. Sounds like the beginning of a movie? Oddly enough, it is. That’s the opening of “Prehis¬ toric Women,” a drama of love at the dawn of history, filmed in Cinecolor and opening at the Theatre. Let it be known at once that I the six are among Hollywood’s most beautiful young ladies. One red-head, two blondes and three brunettes scantily attired in ani¬ mal skins. It is, perhaps, an unfair com¬ ment on our ancestors, to report jthat in the picture no males are trampled to death in the rush to¬ ward the ladies, However, there’s a catch in the apparently attrac¬ tive proposition. The young ladies are the bosses in their tribe and the mates also have to do double duty as slaves. Stone Age man, too, had his pride if nothing much else. And the beauties found their mates, after they captured them, myster¬ iously anxious to reverse the sex who was to be slaves. When the tribe’s cave is at¬ tacked first by a huge flying dragon and then by a giant sworn to exterminate all humans, the masculine muscles get in their inning. Who wins this primitive battle of the sexes is something that only a viewing of “Prehistoric Women” will tell you. Laurette Luez, Mara Lynn and ex-Miss America Jo Carroll Den¬ nison head the women contingent while Allan Nixon leads the male group. Eight feet-two-inches tall Mat 2B Still PW-55 Laurette Luez pushes Mara Lynn away from their captive, Allan Nixon, in this scene from the Cinecolor drama of an amazon tribe, “Prehistoric Women,” which opens .at the .Theatre via Eagle Lion Classics release. Albert J. Cohen produced. Mat IB Still PW-x-202 Johann Petursson kidnaps an amazon girl in “Prehistoric Wo¬ men,” Cinecolor drama opening .at the.Theatre. ‘Prehistoric’ Film Classics release, has giants, bat¬ tles with animals, fire sequences, kidnappings, male and female conflicts, primitive dances and tribal marriage rites. Basis of the story is a tribe of man-hating girls who finally are forced to hunt down some male slaves to keep their tribe from dying out. Males to be Slaves They intend to keep the males in slavery but complications de¬ velop when the men prove most unwilling to go along with such an arrangement. One of the chief menaces to the tribe is a huge giant who is sworn to exterminate all humans. This role is played by eight-foot two Johann Petursson. The tribe is also attacked by a Stone Age giant , flying dragon who is finally frightened off when one of the men use a new weapon he has discovered—fire. ™ “Battle of Fire” The giant decides to carry some of the girls off to his lair and is met in hand-to-hand combat in¬ volving the use of rings of flam¬ ing grass. The girls put on three dances which are part of their tribal rites including an exciting “Dance of the Full Moon.” “Prehistoric Women” features Laurette Luez, Allan Nixon, Mara Lynn and Jo Carroll Dennison, a former Miss America. The Cine¬ color film is being released by Eagle Lion Classics. Albert J. Cohen produced in association with Sam X. Abarbanel. Gregg Tailas directed and wrote the script with Abarbanel. “Prehistoric Women,” the story of how the gals got their men in Johann Petursson is cast, under- the Stone Age, opens standably, as the giant in “Pre- at (the Theatre, and historic Women.” was photographed in Cinecolor The Cinecolor production was for Eagle Lion Classics release, produced by Albert J. Cohen and I The film tells of a tribe of directed by Gregg Tailas. Sam X. 1 amazons who live in the jungle Abarbanel was associated with 1 and make forays in search of I Mr. Cohen and wrote the script' males to keep their tribe from I with Tailas. 1 perishing. Tape Measure Shows Figure Dimensions Hollywood Goes For * There’s one kind of figure even the most unstatistically minded man is interested in—that wrap¬ ped around the bones of a pretty member of the female sex. Equally interested with the most rabid “figger filbert” are Hollywood’s producers. Producer Albert J. Cohen con¬ ducted his own personal beauty contest to select the six girls to portray the man-hunting mem¬ bers of a Stone Age tribe in his Cinecolor drama, “Prehistoric Women,” which opens . at the . Theatre. For the information of those who are curious about Hollywood standards of beauty and for the edification of those who will watch the six lovelies cavort in “Pre¬ historic Women,” an Eagle Lion Classics release, here are the vital statistics of some of the win¬ ners of Cohen’s contest: Laurette Luez, with dark brown hair and eyes to match, is five feet five and one-half inches tall, weights 118, has a 36-inch bust, a 26-inch waist and 37-inch hips. Mara Lynn ,the second lead is a tall creamy-skinned red-he® with blue eyes. She’s five feet seven and one-half inches tall, weighs 120, has a 36-inch bust, 25-inch waist and 37-inch hips. Jo Carroll Dennison, a former Miss America, has brown hair, hazel eyes and weighs 125 pounds. She has a 35-inch bust, 24-inch waist and 35-inch hips.