Ramrod (United Artists) (1947)

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FEATURES FOR FEMME AND FIGHT FANS! On this page are two reader-interest features for newspaper or lobby (enlarge each direct from these illustrations) which are aimed at both the ladies and the action fans. Both are available in mat form. The Veronica Lake feature may be planted on movie or woman’s page, together with story on this subject on page 13; the McCrea action strip can be spotted on movie, comics or sports page. For extra circulation, reprint each feature under a banner line reading "Hollywood Flash”—and post these on store windows. Veronica Lake Sparks The Glamour Trek Westward Times have changed. In the old days the glamour gals out Hollywood ways looked down their trim noses at the cowpoke’s moll. But things are oh, so different now! Veronica Lake actually vied for the role opposite Joel McCrea in Enterprise Studio’s production of “Ramrod , a western saga adapted from Luke Short’s Saturday Evening Post serial. It probably all started with Marlene Dietrich’s “Destry Rides Again”. The West will never be the same. Petite Veronica Lake achieves a striking change of pace with her portrayal pf the ruthless cattleman’s daughter in “Ramrod”. “My Darling Clementine”, a rip-snorting western tale, had for its heroine the lovely Linda Darnell. Claire Trevor scored brilliantly in “Stagecoach”, one of the first western epics to attract the glam¬ our set. Maf (4B) .60 This "no double” fight sequence is for newspaper planting and is aimed as a "come-on” for the men. You can use it for the lobby by blowing up stills RS42, RS44, RS41 and R102. JOEL McCREA IS IN PLENTY OF TROUBLE-AND NO DOUBLE! This exciting barroom brawl between Joel McCrea and Lloyd Bridges provides |%one of the highlight action sequences in Enterprise Studios’ production of "Ramrod,” the Luke Short Saturday Evening Post story. According to Harry Sherman, producer ^If "Ramrod,” it is the first time he has made an action picture of this magnitude without a single double. The "no-double” went for Joel McCrea, too, who chanced a roughing-up to give the screen’s fight fans an honest scrap—with no holds barred. Veronica Lake, Donald Crisp and Don DeFore share stellar honors with McCrea in this United Artists release, coming . to the Theatre. Mat includes art only. Copy to be set locally in order to accomodate playdate information. Mat (SA) .75 Page Seven