Sparrows (United Artists) (1926)

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Three-Column Ad Cut with the “Sparrows” Spirit Extra Special Stunt!!! You will be glad to learn that there is available a picture-story stunt made up of scenes from Mary Pickford’s photoplay, “Sparrows,” which is a sure-fire newspaper fea¬ ture. It is in picture serial form, in daily instalments of four pictures # , as a strip across the page, with enough text under each picture to carry the theme of the story. One strip is run daily until the story is told, and the stunt makes a splendid one-week feature for any newspaper. This “Sparrows” feature takes the place of the long prose serial stories which newspapers have accepted as photoplay plots. It presents a wel¬ come innovation, since in an art form a story is more attractive to the public. Mats—in seven-column width (14}4 inches or 87 picas) and not over four inches deep-of this six- day picture strip on “Sparrows” may, as the result of a special arrange¬ ment, be obtained at United Artists exchanges at the extremely reason¬ able price of $3 per complete set. Interest your local newspaper to use this “Sparrows” feature, prefer¬ ably the week before your show opens. The cost to you of the mats is nominal and will be well repaid by the interest their U3e arouses in the photoplay, while the newspaper will be presenting for its part a legiti¬ mate, novel and rousing pictorial feature. MARY PICKFORD HH -1— One Col. Portrait (Cut 30c Mat 5c) “Sparrows” in Picture Serial Form as Newspaper Feature. HERE X THEY ARE Mary and Her Brood 'mm Mary as the whole world loves her. Mary as the hoyden, the protector, the fighter. Mary in her greatest achievement a docu' ment of joyous laughs and happy tears. A Mary whose drama thrills you and holds you in a thrall of breath-catching suspense. Oh! a girl is Mary. Oh ! what a treat for you. HHD-6—Three Column Ad Cut (Cut 7Sc; Mat 20 c) "