Sparrows (United Artists) (1926)

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Another Good Selection of Cuts C’m on Over”! Many moments of laughter — but above all —the most thrilling and hair raising climaxes ever screened! This is drama and suspense such as you find once perhaps in a genera¬ tion of pictures! Come! Bring the Family and Friends! From First Reviews “The production is Mary Pickford at the zenith of her fruitful career.” —Los Angeles Express. “Entertaining and ap¬ pealing with its pathos and that irresistible undercur¬ rent of wistful humor that is so much a part of Mary.” —Los Angeles Record. “Comedy and pathos in¬ termingle throughout the film, keeping one's emo¬ tions in constant action.” —Los Angeles Herald. “Mary Pickford has achieved her greatest tri¬ umph.” —Los Angeles Times. “All of us who know and admire her ability as an actress and her character as a woman, feel that she deserves our congratula¬ tions.” —Los Angeles Examiner. “Terribly exciting too, especially in the scenes where she takes her little brood across the swamps to safety.” —Los AngelesDaily News. “The film is not only a remarkable triumph for its star,—it is one of the most human and thrilling ex¬ periences that has ever been offered through the med¬ ium of the screen.” —Los Angeles Times. MARY PICKFORD jpaRrovjj Lift Up Your Eyes ! See the Star of Stars in her most attractive role —“Mamma Molly” to a brood of homeless kids. Here is life’s song of love, beating with laughs and sobs, its melo¬ dy in tune with your own heartstrings. A wonderful picture, a mighty achievement for the world’s sweetheart. See it! You’ll love it! HHD-1—One Col. Ad Cut (Price 30c; Mat 5c) HHD-5—Tzvo Col. Ad Cut (Price 50c; Mat 10c)