Sparrows (United Artists) (1926)

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Two Eloquent Ad Cuts MARY PICKFORJD Everybody’s singing’tlie praises of tbe world’s sweetheart in this, her triumph of triumphs. Tre got it”! Mary certainly has. It’s a new one — the potato hop. Created to entertain her brood of waifs — it leads you laughingly into the heart gripping drama. See the sweetheart of stars in her dramatic accomplish¬ ment, brimful of human in¬ terest, tense with suspense. H.HD-4—Two Col. Ad Cut (Price 50c; Mat 10c) Are YOU hungry,too? Then you come on right over and see me and my brood. We will give you lots of laughs, but we will also make you clench your fists in tense un¬ certainty and gripping suspense. Yes, the kids will send you home more pleased with the world than you have been for a long, long time. * Bring Tom and Helen, Dad and your next door neighbors* HHD-2—One Col. Ad Cut (Price 30c; Mat 5c)