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Steamboat Bill, Jr. (United Artists) (1928)

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in ‘‘STEAMBOAT BILL, Jr” (A LETTER ) MR. ERNEST TORRENCE, Palooka City, Ark. Dear Dad: Expect me home at the end of this semester to help aboard the steamboat. It’s now six¬ teen years since I’ve seen a river, and I’ll wager Mrs. Sippi (Mississippi) — ha! ha! — missed me. But I’ll introduce modern ideas once I get back to aqua firma. Shall I get measured for a yachting cap and blue suit with brass buttons? I already have a riding crop, tennis shoes, and a ukulele. Hope I may have shore leave ever and anon. I’ve met the Miss King whose father runs the other boat on your river. I dare say he and you, dear pater, are fast friends, even though his ship gets all the trade. I want to take Miss King to see us all in "Steamboat Bill, Jr.,” at the_ Theatre, beginning_. Miss King loves to laugh. Au revoir—or, as they say in Mayfair, pip, pip! Your devoted son, BUSTER KEATON. Model building con¬ tests are always good for a terrific response in the way of publicity, good will and box-office profits. Start the contest for a "Steamboat Bill, Jr.,” model fully three weeks in advance of your opening. Give the boys a chance to make their steamboats, and give yourself a chance to capitalize on the contest. Get newspaper cooperation and school cooperation, if possible. Get department store cooperation for a tre¬ mendous window display of competing models, just be¬ fore your "Steamboat Bill, Jr.” opens. Offer worthwhile prizes— and also boost the contest on your screen. You will have the whole town interested in a short time. Boys, Build a “Steamboat Bill, Jr.” Model 11 Page Thirteen