Steamboat Bill, Jr. (United Artists) (1928)

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Come One! Come All! A Rip'Roaring River Joy Ride 11 A LAUGH AT EVERY LANDING! A LANDING AT EVERY LAUGH! Hurry Aboard the Mirth-ship! €6 Steamboat Bill, Jr/’ Buster Keaton Pilot Ernest Captain Ticket Office: RIALTO ! Prices: 35c & 50c Theatre Order BLX- 11— Two-Col. Steamboat (Mat 10 c, Cut 50c); or BLX-12— Three-Col. Steamboat (Mat 20 c, Cut 75c), and make up a novelty ad. as above. The same plan can be used in making throwaways, snipe sheets and mail matter for use before the opening of the picture. COMEDY EXCURSION DE LUXE {Start these teasers 10 days in ad¬ vance of your opening, building up to the start of your display ad. campaign several days ahead of the play date. Keep up the idea of the weather fore¬ cast and get the most appropriate posi¬ tion obtainable in your newspapers.) WEATHER—Fair and Funny! "STEAMBOAT BILL, Jr.” WEATHER—A comedy Cyclone Coming! "STEAMB OAT BILL, Jr.” WEATHER—A Cloudburst of Laughter! "STEAMBOAT BILL, Jr.” Jr.” Forecasts? WEATHER—Sunshine! Nothing Else But! BUSTER KEATON and ERNEST TORRENCE in "STEAMBOAT BILL, Jr ” WEATHER—Always Fair When Good Fellows Get Together! Next Monday BUSTER KEATON and ERNEST TORRENCE in "STEAMBOAT BILL, Jr.” Program Copy: H AVE you ever seen a gala day in a river town when the whole population, dressed in its best, trooped down to the city wharf to welcome a flag-bedecked float¬ ing palace, its deep whistle and its yodeling calliope vieing with the cheers of the mul¬ titude? Well, just like that, the whole town will throng to the Rialto Theatre next week, when the world’s merriest, biggest and, in fact, its first Mississippi river comedy, "Steamboat Bill, Jr.”, makes its advent. ith Buster Keaton in the pilot hous ! The navigatin’est navigator that ever nav¬ igated! And Ernest Torrence as Captain Bill, Sr., the most humanly convincing river character of present or modern times! And Marion Byron, as a flapper heroine who has not only It, but That and Those! And a performing troupe of big and little steamboats, tornadoes, floods, Main streets, and thrills in the skies overhead and on the earth and in the waters beneath! Boys, this is Buster’s biggest. Girls, this is a gigglefest to tell your grandchildren of! Buster Keaton — in "Steamboat Bill, Jr.” with Ernest Torrence! (Use copy like the above for your program with Cut BL-l or BLX-5.) Work the River R IVER towns are especially happy in playing "Steamboat Bill, Jr.”, and the river situation should be played up to the limit. Tie in with a steamboat company for a spectacular delivery of the film, with flags flying, bands playing, and a parade from the wharf. Have Steamboatmen’s Night, at which the old timers of the river traffic will be guests of honor . . . mates, captains, pilots and steamboat magnates. Get interviews with old river men for newspaper anec¬ dotes. Placard all steamboat landings above and below town. Page Fourteen