Story of GI Joe (United Artists) (1945)

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IN MEMORY OF ERNIE PYLE Bring The Beloved Correspondent’s Name To The People Of Your Town! Ernie Pyle, beloved correspondent who was killed in action off Okinawa, was the inspira¬ tion for the filming of Ernie Pyle's "Story Of G.l. Joe." His unique and unchallenged hold on the affections of the American people every¬ where has placed him among the immortals of this war. One of the finest tributes to Ernie Pyle's "Story Of. G.l. Joe" came from Ernie himself. In one of the last columns he wrote before leaving the United States, Ernie paid high praise to LesterCowan and the cast of the picture for a sincere and realistic portrayal of the common foot-soldier. Ernie felt a personal admiration for the men who worked so hard on the film. His words and thoughts about it warrant wide town attention. 1 BLOW IT UP FOR YOUR LOBBY l USE IT AS A BOX-OFFICE 3 PLANT IT WITH STORES Bring The Column To The People! The column in which Ernie discusses the film can have a variety of uses. These are a few: fcb,.. Mounted on compo board and given prominent place in your lobby, the column is sure to attract notice and interested comment. The column can also be used as a special bally beside your cashier's booth or in front of it with special cut-outs for selling tickets. Ernie's popularity as a columnist gives you the opportunity to arrange for special window displays using the column as the basis for such windows. This, along with stills from the picture,will make up an attractive window and requires little or no expense. LOBBY OF NEWSPAPERS COVERED BY This special display of the newspapers for which Ernie Pyle wrote will make for an attractive lobby. Blow it up and mount it with appropriate copy! Order Still No. Sp. 2 * * * INVITATION SHOWING FOR G.l.’s One of the endearing qualities in Ernie’s columns was his practice of mentioning the names and home-towns of soldiers he met in his travels from battle-area to battle-area. You can pay high tribute to Ernie’s memory and to the G.l.’s he men¬ tioned with this special screening. If there is a G.l. in town whose name appeared in one of the Pyle columns ar¬ range an invitation screening for the sol¬ dier and his family. After the showing arrange a press conference with the man. His comments about the film, his memo¬ ries of Ernie Pyle and his story of his own experiences are sure to merit front page handling. This screening can be arranged even if the G.l. himself is not at home. In that case an invitation to his family, with the same follow-up, will be effective. Page Fourteen