Story of GI Joe (United Artists) (1945)

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★ *★**★**★**★****★★★★★**★*★****'************** THESE SOLDIERS APPEAR IN ERNIE PYLE S "STORY OF 6.1. JOE" * Honor Those Who Come From Your Town! * S/Sgt. A. MOUHALIS Hayti, Mo. T/4 J. TAIBERT St. Louis, Mo. T/4 J. R. BICHAM Dnuba, California Pvt. WELDON McCLEARY Aberdeen, S. D. T/5 G. PICKETT Santa Rosa, Calif. Pvt. A. HARRIS Ojai, Calif. T/S ED LANG San Miguel, Calif. CpI. F. Domergue San Francisco, Calif. S/Sgt. J. AYNESWORTH Rogers, Arkansas Pvt. J. W. WILKINS Colton, Calif. S/Sgt. WM; L. FAULHABER Wessington Springs, S. D. Pvt. DAVID S. WILLIAMS Sonora, Calif. Sgt. THOMAS P. FARLEY St. Louis, Mo. Pvt. OMER M. SMITH Valleyo, Calif Pvt. l'loyd SHADWICK Riverside, Calif. Pvt. RAEBURN A. PIERSON Tustin, Calif. Pvt. HAROLD SEELYE Bois Springs, Calif. Pvt. JOHN W. THOMPSON Newellto, La. Pvt. WESLEY K. COLLINS San Francisco, Calif. Sgt. CHARLES J. MARTUSCELLI College PI., Washington CpI. CHESTER NOWLEN Lake Village, Arkansas Pvt. CHARLES ROZELL Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin Pvt. FRED ROSS Halcyon, California Pvt. JAMES PETERS Long Beach, California Pvt. JACK FLYNN Missoula, Montana Sgt. KENNY CHAPPELL Pvt. ANGELO ARENA Bremerton, Washington Pvt. CHARLES COLLINS San Francisco, Calif. Sgt. DAVID CAMPBELL Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Pvt. ARCHIE CONNELL M/Sgt. RONALD M. HAWTHORNE Pomona, California THE CASE OF THE ACHING DOGS! Burgess Meredith Enacting Ernie Pyle Takes Time Out For Needed Relief in ERNIE PYLE'S “STORY OF G.I. JOE” Coming. .Theatre 4 Col. Mat, I6D, 60c Trying to concentrate and soak his aching feet at the same time proves too much for Burgess Meredith, playing cor¬ respondent Ernie Pyle. He handles that big toe gently as though it’s loaded with dynamite. “Please stop aching,” he says, “just long enough for me to send in my column.” Now he resigns himself and decides to perform a major operation on the throbbing member. Apparently, from his facial expression, he doesn’t ex¬ actly relish the job. The situation is temporarily under con¬ trol now. The column is beginning to shape up, his weary ‘dogs’ are a-dunk- ing and even his socks are out drying. □he army LOANED A CONTIN¬ GENT OF TROOPS COMPLETELY EQUIPPED FOR BATTLE TO OBTAIN THOROUGH AUTHENTICITY IN MAKING THIS PICTURE. ■HE CASTING OF BURGESS MEREDITH IN THE ROLE OF ERNIE PYLE MET WITH THE, ENTHUSIASTIC APPROVAL OF THE BELOVED CORRESPONDENT W UNFORGETTABLE FILM TRIBUTE TO " G.l. JOES ” EVERYWH ERE! 2 Col. Mol, IBB. 30c HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE UNFORGETTABLE FILM OF WORLD WAR II - ERNIE PYLE'S "STORY OF G. I. JOE" * \ A newspaper strip which tells the exciting story of a timely, action- packed picture! Mat No. I7E, 5 Cols. 75c On the way to the front in North Africa, the “G.I.’s” are surprised by a stuka dive bomber. This is their “Baptism under fire” and they scramble out of the truck to escape the deadly enemy machine gun fire. In the midst of war and the consequent death and destruction, two people consummate their love in a marriage ceremony. Burgess Mere¬ dith, second from the right, plays Ernie Pyle in the film. A town is taken and so is Wally Cassell’s heart. The lovely Yolanda Lacca, who a moment ago was terrified, is now fully in command of the situation. War stands still now.The conquered has made a conquest and she seems to know it Burgess Meredith is hard-pressed to report the dizzy pace of a vic¬ torious army. He also enjoys the luxury of soaking his weary feet after long forced marches with the infantry. Page Seventeen