Taras Bulba (United Artists) (1962)

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Official Billing TONY CURTIS: YUL BRYNNER?#* ico» in Harold Hecht's 33 15 TARAS BULBA 100% SAM WANAMAKER — BRAD DEXTER — GUY ROLFE**—PERRY LOPEZ 50% George Macready—Ilka Windish—Vladimir Sokoloff re Daniel Ocko—Vladimir Irman ! 25% and CHRISTINE KAUFMANN 50% Foor ae Wistert ce Bist Screenplay by Waldo Salt and Karl Tunberg}7+ 334% =e ee g ee 5h se Associate Producer Alexander Whitelaw*** 25% Music by Franz Waxman 25% | Directed by J. Lee Thompson 3314% Produced by Harold Hecht 3314% Filmed in Panavision and Eastmancolor 33144% Released thru United Artists 15% + Name must be same size, height, width and color of equal prominence as title. If likeness of any other person appears in ad, Curtis likeness (including size of face) must appear equal in size, in first pos:tion and to the left. tit Name must be same size, height, width and color of equal prominence as title. If likeness of any other person appears in ad, Brynner likeness (including size of face) must appear in equal prominence except that if likeness of Tony Curtis appears, Bryner’s likeness may be to the right of Tony Curtis’ likeness. ttt Names of the writers must be in the same size and style of type in which credit is accorded the individual producer and director. It is written in legend how the ** Second position after “SAM WANAMAKER’” in England. A D DPD A renegade son of Taras Bulba defied *** Can be dropped in ads under 400 lines. oe | his father for a beautiful woman. i he Story (Not For Publication) In the sixteenth century, a Turkish army is overwhelming a Polish army when hundreds of Cossacks ride into the fray, drive the Turks over a sheer cliff and out of Ukranian history forever. In the forefront of victory are a Cossack chieftain, Taras Bulba (Yul Brynner), and his lieutenants—Filipenko (Sam Wanamaker), Shilo (Brad Dexter), and old Stepan (Vladimir Sokoloff). ; E The Polish leader, Prince Grigory (Guy Rolfe) invites the Cossacks’ overlord | Even os teal ite leven tctsuar: to a victory toast. But Cossacks dislike Poles almost as much as Turks. Con| IVI OTIO N PICTU ee [P= conquering armies of Taras Bulba temptuous Taras Bulba almost spits on the Poles. Treachery impends. Prince | laid siege to the Polish bastion. Grigory's forces surround the drinking, brawling Cossacks. Polish cannon belch bee ee Sea flames, but most of the Cossacks, including Taras Bulba and his chieftains, escape and cross over to the Steppes. Though Poland keeps the Cossacks leashed, open war subsides into uneasy peace: the Poles need Cossacks as warrior allies. During these years, Taras Bulba's two sons, Andrei (Tony Curtis) and Ostap (Perry Lopez), grow into young manhood. Taras sends them to attend the University of Kiev to learn Polish ways and prepare for the Cossacks’ future fight for freedom from the Poles. In Kiev, Andrei meets Natalia Dubrov (Christine Kaufmann), the daughter Dis of a Polish noble. Both fall passionately in love. Natalia's father spirits her off ; to the Polish-walled city of Dubno. Her brother and his friends attack Andrei eS a The city is choked, dying. The and Ostap. Cossack infighting wins, and Natalia's brother dies. The brothers O F aa and WO Ni -D ERS Ingiig ee Tops Tie ee aoe Bulba flee home to the Steppes, where their father and mother (IIka Wéindish) victims...for fuel for the stake! host a wild celebration for them. Word comes to Taras that the King of Poland wants an army of ten thousand Cossacks at full pay and booty to march to the Baltic Wars. At Dubno, the Cossack Armies are met by Prince Grigory. But Taras and his chieftains are not to be tricked again. While the Poles welcome the Cossacks with music, flower girls, and dancers, Taras repays Prince Grigory's treachery. On signal, fierce Cossacks sweep over the hills, slashing and slaying the entrapped Polish soldiers. The Cossacks besiege the city, to starve the army and inhabitants into surrender. Andrei glimpses Natalia atop the wall of Dubno. Starvation and the Black Plague waste the populace, flames consume the | plague-ridden buildings. Frantic at the thought of Natalia starving to death, Now the screens grow bigger to | Andrei slips into the walled city at night. He is captured. For loving a hated | — a = WI ~~ D | encompass the impassioned spectacle Cossack, Natalia is condemned to be burned at the stake. To save her, Andrei S a of this legend of the steppes! swears to Prince Grigory to lead the Polish Army to raid the Cossack cattle for food. In disbelief, Taras Bulba sees his favorite son heading Polish soldiers in a | desperate raid. He drags Andrei off his horse and kills him as a traitor. | Taras Bulba and his Cossacks destroy the Poles and capture Dubno. | At the side of his dead son, Taras Bulba finds Natalia kneeling in tears. He orders that Andrei be buried where he is: This now is Cossack soil. (Running Time: 124 Minutes) 4 wy The Cast ee om ay | Andrei Baloa -.......00.00..". fit Anim Ahn oi tiny Cini: Ur Tita earn Tony Curtis his mee ay | Pe hh oe Se 5 a eR aoc in ea IPS Pine cle Rs cana a i ea Yul Brynner ee a a MATSHA LOUOTOY coe ee te. ee ann Christine Kaufmann BOC oo oac.ns Soe ee TE ei ee le artes Sam Wanamaker RED cscs cosiegttdasss > Nee eae meet Brad Dexter in the HAROLD HECHT production Brings (Grigory :..... heeioc st saee ae re Noe ety ae Guy Rolfe | Oshap Gulbat <::..... agen Sik Acie ee ek ae Cee Perry Lopez | Governor ............ Pay ive este ee co ek ae eis. Sa ee George Macready | SOMA DUDE ee tee. ek ee Ilka Windish | 6 tka Vladimir Daniel Vladimir Olde Stepan: 2... ches es a Ae Ste ae oe Vladimir Sokoloff | BOG ae wed ae TE wags CHING RUGENED 2... canis. aes a eee Eire Vladimir Irman | SAM WANAMAKER BRAD DEXTER GUY ROLFE PERRY LOPE wacread Windish ees pan PUL MAVEOIA | -:5.,...c2 0a esc, Ua ee ae ee | eae Daniel Ocko CHRISTINE KAUFMANN WALDO SALT ws KARL TUNBERG sevande cw Fane Waren J, LEE THOMPSON tim es ee ae | Produced by Filmed in Orz peteetnseeesneeeenescesseaassensenessnsscesresansancoeseetennsensenteceneagerenasersnteeesteeeeen 5 | HAROLD HECHT PANAVISION EASTMANCOLOR 2:33." ea Ales ce ee Richard “Rust aN enosMeyely.c..c.:... Jaen tee ear eR i Ron Weyand Original Music From ‘‘TARAS BULBA” Available on United Artists Records Album ion Staff Production Sta MRI 5, <seiaiass «cscs eRe, cas eae ea a Harold Hecht PS meee ie ee a ie ee are Pes ake y ae See Ce Ot MONE CIE me eee See: mae ME ete 3 Cols. x 167 Lines—501 Lines (36 Inches) Mat 301 SOrPenpey. 25)... pak es oe ee Se) a ono Waldo Salt and Karl Tunberg rch Tie WOOK Gy Be On ns th eee | ke ln ey Nikolai Gogol Photograpned by 65) ea siceees st es oe ae Joseph MacDonald, ASC Rabin Bass cts... Genesee eee aro as a eRe os de PONE Oe Franz Waxman Film. Editors 6600.2 eee William Reynolds, Gene Milford, Eda Warren, ACE & Fo!mar Blanksted Costuina Desigher (i tuci a ac ate ek a ... Norma Koch eet Decorator. ..... ba oe ceca a eee Per one William Calvert SOUANG AINE 05: Se eee oe ee pen Pee nee Stan Cooley Recunlod) Ativisor 225 0er 6 ya eee re .. Audrey Tolstoy Special Photographic Effects .....0.......................... Howard A. Anderson, ASC Nien E CORO hog oe oes tee se eae pense ete one oe Izzy Berne Be RL OTS PY A ae A NG OBR a 0 RNC ARR 0s a Olive Koenitz RAEN ME hace a Sn wen geR cused aig RP are sccne Be DeLuxe in Eastmancolor Filmed in Panavision Released thru United Artists PAGE