Tess of the Storm Country (United Artists) (1922)

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Ready Made Ads That Will Attract PlCKFORD in c 3ess of the Storm Country Drom the novel by Qroce -Miller White -By arrangement urith Qdolph Zukor Direction by Qohn J' Pobertson Photography by Charles Posher A New Picture for a New Public The Crowning Achievement of Mary Pickford’s Career Space for theatre name. No. H H D- 1 —One column advertising. cut. Price 30 cents. Mats 10 cents. Fascinating Captivating Enthralling Mary Pickford in c Jess of the Storm Country Drom the novel by Qrace Miller White By arrangement urith Qdolph Zukor Direction by (John S Pobertson Photography by Charles Posher 4 ‘The World 9 s Sweetheart 99 In her entirely new and recently finished production of the famous screen classic the whole world loves,—a production so much better than the original as to defy comparison and beggar description. You Haven 1 1 Seen THIS Picture No. H H D- 3 —Two column advertising cut. Price, 50 cents. Mats 20 cents.