The Dove (United Artists) (1927)

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u EXPLOITATION IDEAS FOR Imprint the mat on the front of a cardboard throwaway. Have the printer set up the rest of the copy on the back. Distribute the throwaways about a week in advance. Order DO-5 (Mat, 5 cents; Cut, 30 cents). One-column cut or mat— 2 " wide x 5 " deep. FRUIT STORE I N a high grade fruit store’s window, dis¬ play a luscious casaba melon with this copy: "He Loved THE DOVE but He Also Loved His Melon! See the New Norma Tal- madge Picture at the Rialto and Find Out Why!” BARBER SHOPS N ORMA wears four different types of "bobs” in "The Dove.” Arrange a display of stills showing the various styles in the window of a barber shop or beauty parlor. A special "Dove Bob” might be originated and advertised during the run of the picture. JEWELERS A SK the finest jeweler in town to de¬ vote a whole window to your show. In the center, place a handsome diamond ring. Place it in a black velvet setting and throw a "spot” on it. Surround the ring with stills from "The Dove” and insert a card with this copy: "This Is the Diamond Ring That Causes All the Trouble in THE DOVE! See Nor¬ ma Talmadge’s Latest at the Rialto!” HAT STORE C ENTER a. oroad-brimmed sombrero in a hat store window that’s full of der- K: es, felts, caps, etc. Insert stills and a card /v. \ this copy: "Our Hat’s in the Ring! So Is the Rial- ji Norma Talmadge Is There in Her Best Picture 'The Dove!’ You’ll Like It!” CAMERAS C AMERA ANGLES — More Than You’ve Ever Seen—In Norma Tal¬ madge’s 'The Dove’ at the Rialto!” That’s perfect copy for a card to be placed in the window of a store carrying motion picture cameras. SHEET MUSIC T A PALOMA” and "Oh, For the Wings __ of a Dove” are classics that are ever new. Display copies of them in a shop window with stills from "The Dove” and a card carrying descriptive copy. LOBBY DISPLAY J3 UT a pair of ordinary dice, Numbers 6 and 1 showing on top, in a glass case. Place the case on a table in your lobby. Hang a card over the display with this copy: \ "What Are These Two Strange Objects? See Norma Talmadge in 'The Dove’ Next Week and Find Out!” BIRD CLUBS I S there a bird club in town or are there any pigeon fanciers? If so, circularize them with heralds and special copy: "Norma Talmadge’s New Film 'The Dove,’ Which Will Be Shown at the Rialto Next Monday, Isn’t a Tale of Bird Life— But It Is a Bird of a Picture! You’re Going to Like It!” Page Four