The Greatest Story Ever Told (United Artists) (1965)

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LIMTTED ENGAGEMENT PROMOTION PLAN PRE-SELLS PLAYDATE The key to your playdate’s success is its ‘limited engagement’ and your best guarantee of sell ing out depends on the planning and execution of an intensive across-the-board cam paign stressing this fact. All advertising, publicity and promotion is geared to what amounts to a warning to audiences that they will miss out on something special if they don't act fast! You have one of the most widely honored and eagerly awaited motion pictures ever filmed. Make it the biggest event of the year in your area. Make it a social as well as entertainment event to be planned for, looked forward to and thoroughly experienced on all levels: emotional, intellectual... and spiritual. Start your campaign at least four weeks in advance of your playdate . . . and never let up! limited engagement presentation policy. 4. Follow up with feature stories and art. Scene mats and stills are all available from National Screen. For Sunday features, color is also available. 5. Visit program directors and DJs at all broadcasting facilities in your area, including FM and campus radio as well as Educational and UHF television stations. Give them plenty of publicity conv for on-the-air chatter. both