The Night of Love (United Artists) (1927)

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TIE-UPS AND STUNTS Work this stunt in a tie-up with a news¬ paper as a progressive daily feature for six days, or only once. The idea parallels that of the Inquiring Reporter. A man should be detailed to go about getting Romance interviews. Offer prizes for the best five interviews. The kick of the stunt is in the interview which contains a tag line, “The Night of Love.” Pick up and use this interview complete or lift high light catchlines from all of the interviews for a smashing display advertisement. The following specimen interviews may also be used in your program, or on throwaways. THE ROMANCE REPORTER These are today’s five best answers to The ROMANCE REPORTERS' queries on the streets of this city yesterday. Each of the persons quoted receives an award of #1 (or two tickets to the theatre). THE INQUIRY What has been your greatest experience in Love? THE LOCATION Main and Market Streets. THE REPLIES: Mrs. Ellen B. Gaffel, White Birch Ave., house¬ wife: “Meeting my husband for the first time. That is, it was love at first sight for both of us, as we afterwards agreed. I met him on a rainy night when I was about to be drenched for lack of an umbrella. He not only had the umbrella, but called a taxicab. By the time the taxicab reached home we had about made up our minds that he should keep the rain off me for life.” Thomas J. Kozbell, Alberage Place, plumber: “I suppose I’ll be considered a pessimist, but my greatest experience in love was getting a divorce. Not for myself, mind you, for I am unmarried and haven’t any contact with the real thing. But I was drafted as a witness in a divorce case and my testimony helped free a pal who was troubled with an impossible wife. It made him happy, and strange to say, it made the wife happy, too.” With the stage wedding stunt for “The Night of Love” mentioned on page 3, make an intensive tie-up with local merchants. Line them up through your newspaper for a page or a double-truck of co-operative ads based on the wedding event, and let them back it up with window displays and special gifts of merchandise for the lucky pair. A lay¬ out for a co-operative page is indicated below, with appropriate catchlines for various kinds of dealers. Beauty makes every night "A Night of Love” ( Cosmetics ) Style keeps The Night of Love Everlasting (Women’s Wear) A Perfect Coiffure Keeps Love Perfect Night or Day (Hairdresser) Furs Keep Hearts Warm (Furs) On "The Night of Love” Prepare for a Rainy Day (Savings Bank) Well Shod Love Goes Farthest ( Shoes ) Love’s Token Is A Flower (Florist) Samuel GdAwyn presents * Ok George Fitzmaljrice II -u I PRODUCTION QAi NIGHT ef LOVE *■# RONALD COLMAN VILMA BANKY WEDDING GIFTS FREEH! To the couple who will volunteer to be married on the stage of the (name of theatre) next (date) during the Engagement Extraordinary of “THE NIGHT OF LOVE” each and every adver¬ tiser on this page will give a handsome “Night of Love” Wedding Gift. See the gifts on display in our show windows. Sweets to the Sweethearts! (Candy) Give Your Belle a Ring! ( Jewelry ) Drive in a—car to "The Night of Love” ( Automobiles) Dine on "The Night of Love” (Restaurant) Perfume Recalls "The Night of Love” (Perfume) CANDY HEARTS BANKS Miss Gertie Mitzberg, Calamus Avenue, East End, typist: “My first kiss. Yes, I’m engaged. I won’t tell you his name, because you’ll see it in the marriage licenses soon. But the kiss sealed our engagement, and I treasure the mem¬ ory as my greatest experience.” Jan Krzczowski, River Road, machinist: “I am a widower. But my greatest love experience was my elopement with the mother of my seven children. It was in Poland, and she was the daughter of a noble. We escaped to this coun¬ try, reared a family and lived happily.” Fulton U. Smythers, Hotel Wickes, travelling salesman: “Say, you ask a lot. I have to think. Um, yes, I remember—it was a tank town in Oklahoma, and the girl was a waitress. You bet I remember that high spot in my career of ro¬ mance-—That Night of Love! But, confound it. I’m still single, for she rang away next day with the comedian of a medicine show.” Have a confectioner place a jar of candy hearts in his window, each bearing the motto “The Night of Love.” Have a prize of theatre tickets offered for those most nearly guessing the number of candy hearts in the jar. BOOKS Tie-up with book stores for a drive on romances and novels, travel books, books on feudal Spain. Tie-up with book stores and stationers also for the St. Valentine’s Day season. Use a treasure chest in a bank window for a thrift tie-up, headlined: This was the empty treasure chest in “The Night of Love.” On “The Night of Love” remember to save for a Rainy Day. "BOBBED HAIR” Promote a newspaper contest on the ques¬ tion of whether it is better for women to have their hair bobbed or keep it long. Present Miss Banky as a champion of long hair; Ronald Colman as favoring girls wear¬ ing bobbed hair. Ask for 100-word letters and give equal prizes for the best letters on each side of the question. Print the win¬ ners’ photos. Page Fourteen