The Struggle (United Artists) (1931)

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Bae ag Classified Ad Tie-Up The title “THE STRUGGLE” is an absolute natural for use in connection with classified ad tie-ups. Therefore, various teaser expressions utilizing the words “THE STRUGGLE” can be interspliced among the various want ads listed in the pages of your local newspaper. A Woman’s Love ... triumphs over man’s bitter foe— temptation! pee For example, a small box of copy could state as follows:— “For John Smith of Tarrytown avoided a ‘STRUGGLE’. He used the Tarrytown News want ad column and secured a job right off the bat.” on For Your “The Acme Paint Company side-stepped ‘THE STRUGGLE’ by using the Tarrytown News want ad column to hire 2 ae B B Y six expert painters for their new plant.” ee D.W, CIRIFFITHS Prisco UNITED ARTISTS PICTURE By using these actual endorsements mentioning names of people in the city and at the same time bringing in the title “THE STRUGGLE”, you have a means of gaining valuable space daily in your newspaper. As a further incentive you might offer guest tickets to people who To prepare an eye-arresting shadow box for the lobby depends upon your skilfull handling of the unusual posters which have been prepared on this picture. The centered illustration of the woman and child should be lifted right out of your 24-sheet. This is an unusually beautiful drawing with a smokey, ethereal effect which can be used without any retouching. The lower illustration of the pleasuremad crowds is contained in the smaller paper. The ultimate in screen achievement! 8—1 Col. Ad (Mat., 5c; Cut, 30c) write in telling the actual number of times By combining these two contrasting themes you have established a problem the words “THE STRUGGLE” were used fraught with conflict. Be sure that the shadow box is illustrated either from the on the pages of the want ad columns of sides or from behind so as to beam out in your lobby and catch the unwary eye of that particular paper. the many passersby. ee ARES HLE TISTI IETS 4 aan CLE LAE TEE ACT * See PE HORE DHS OP LEE TOOL LAE RTE RE 5 és : Fer cree a ee nemrnenennaarntnintwra™ ; aN EEN ECON LSS ERED OLE MOPS SNA TD II —_ ininteeaeene eee Se ‘ ile SN ne ee eee mice aeaemeneaannnetll pCR i aetna ANION: it f RLM SEN nn nee een ee ‘ a 2 oe era The rough ad suggestions shown here are made up from cuts and mats contained in your regular set of “STRUGGLE” ads. In other words, you ¢an use an illustration from a 3-column ad and use the head as part of a 1-column advertisement. By clever handling of various illustrations you ean design ads for your own personal use which fit your local exhibitor problem. — en ranrrnn ence NR PALI NONE OD NOREEN LOL IORI IEA TO ARP LOINC ITED EATERS TAI IT OE OBE se ND OTOL ENROLLEE LEAL ILS, PL LLEL ALE L AEP ALOT ALENIEEBEES SAREE SECA A ne AREA Pa EAS NIAC AA APOE TOE, ounce ess SGRNS POINT IE RET AIELLO LIE ITLL LILIES RIE LM TI I ee cntint meatal “REA RA AENS HA NRO OREO EERE LILLE LE LD LRN DDE ELLIE RP LL EBL OPI, Pe SES Cee ROH AT ORME ER HATO AS ER, AE EERE OES TOE FRAO KUED PRD BA DUBE RIT EEL LIPPMAN A ES ELLY ET TE AA ROE OLA EBERLE TRAE I TRE BITE BEE DARIN GO BL SEN IAAB NBR Sam, ei is SLA OLENA et cn SCENE SARA ELLER EI EI BIE Hc 4 COLE verréo ARTISTS oicTy RE = z » % + DW CFI ? Peake N 1S we ee BEANS PEAKE GES, SAS he re TE PR OER TI are cae SSH LYON ATLA I IRI AS RAMEE ATI MOO AR A ee ena A BIT th Aer OL \ SAE A ere ane ct tN M EE AEP ERPS, RIFFITHS PERSONALLY DIRECTED emer sere 8 INNO NINA EEST ID DOI ETI ERIE SE | (SSA AAEM tt HORNETS HE ANE AAO PAO Se LT EO mere ae E a HPN CEP AE HDS LIE, UNITED eevee SAPS AERA AEA LG TERE ESI, EBL ECLLEE OAR OPE ELLIS Ho PEASONAUY diIn€écrED UNITED ARTISTS PICTURE ER NTE Ne ESAT EI SINT OE AREA aha PE OIE cat N0 Se T net EL RM DER ARAL NE LIER POD SAT RE NN 9 Arai cmnesan Aire Ik A RE Al arti ATR Scot tp corarertnay ar Y Rape, ao Ten SONALLY Fieec TED PERsowacy oimecy THE RIFFITH'S MASE chance niSSnniges Sacre ORR se Peet, Piers ERE Rte otras, SPRL cercnte sree see, cna TRU DANCTED ARTISTS Pictu RE Page Six WEEP YOUR RECEIPT: