Arabesque (Universal Pictures) (1966)

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‘Arabesque Is Thrill Comedy (Advance) Tingling with suspense and loaded with laughter, the season’s top comedy thriller starring Gregory Peck and Sophia Loren in Stanley Donen’s ‘Arabesque’, COMECS==. 2-222 LOmthesias == Theatre. It is a Universal release photographed in England in Technicolor. Peck plays an American professor of archaeology at Oxford who is innocently, and sometimes, hilariously involved in middle eastern intrigue. The ravishingly beautiful Miss Loren portrays a seductive Arabian espionage agent with tremendous style and appeal. She wears a gorgeous, especially created, Christian Dior wardrobe including 14 outfits and all the accessories, plus 50 pairs of shoes. These costumes alone are valued at more than $150,000. Supporting Greg and Sophia is an excellent cast with top trouping by Alan Badel, Kieron Moore, John Merivale, Duncan Lamont and George Coulouris. A scenic plus is provided by Donen’s ‘Technicolor cameras which lovingly cover London’s major tourist attractions in progressing the story’s exciting plot. Included are Trafalgar Square, the British Museum, London Zoo, Regent’s Park, London Airport, the Royal Enclosure at Ascot, Oxford University and Waterloo Station. Based on “The Cipher’ by Gordon Cotler, the high-tension adventure with its ingenious climax has an outstanding musical score by Academy Award winner Henry Mancini. Peck Decodes Cryptogram (Advance) Gregory Peck has had to do a lot of moving in his recent pictures in order to prevent having mayhem performed upon him. And his current comedy spy-thriller in which he co-stars with Sophia Loren, is no exception. It’s Stanley Donen’s Technicolor production for Universal release, ‘‘Ara As an American exchange professor at Oxford, Peck is selected by a gang of Arabian spies to solve a cryptogram hidden in a group of hieroglyphics. That, in itself, would pose no problem, but there are two groups of spies after the information, and Sophia Loren is with one or the other groups with Peck unable to figure out which. Of course, in the end, she proves to be a “good guy.” Peck’s running takes him from Oxford to a house in the Soho district. From there to the London Zoo, the British Museum, Regents Park, London Airport, the Royal Enclosure at Ascot race track and England’s newest super freeway. The Academy Award winner for “To Kill a Mockingbird” in 1963 looks at his work philosophically. “It’s been my experience in the past that movies most worthy of doing are the ones that demand more from an actor, either in terms of physical effort or emotional exhaustion,” Peck says. “TI was tired by the time ‘Arabesque’ was finished, but I also was satisfied.” Films Tourist Attractions (Advance) When Stanley Donen’s comedy thriller in Technicolor, ‘‘AraDésquey 7comes= = Sees... to the sontue Amaae es. a Theatre, moviegoers will have the opportunity of seeing London from a point of view never before seen even by native Londoners. For example, during a sequence shot in Regent’s Park Zoo in which co-stars Gregory Peck and Sophia Loren are pursued by a couple of mayhem-bent villains, some of the scenes are shot from behind the bars of the cages, from the point of view of the animals. In another group of scenes at famed Ascot Race-course, Greg and another actor grapple when a second bad guy tries to kill the hero but plants the knife in the wrong man. To shoot this scene, Donen had his Technicolor camera positioned in the middle of the track, shooting back across the rail, giving a pony’s-eye view of the punters, as the bettors are called in England. Peck Called ‘In’ Actor (Current) Stanley Donen, producer-director of “Arabesque,” a Universal release in Technicolor nowat thes. =2..222. Theatre, claims Gregory Peck, who costars with Sophia Loren, is an “Ineaecor::” Asked if he meant that Peck was popular with the right people, Donen replied: “Well, maybe that, too; but what I was talking about are his prime attributes: industry, integrity and intelligence.” Loren Wears 50 Pr. Shoes (Advance) When Sophia Loren is on the screen, even the women in the audience usually do not look at her feet, but the voluptuous Neopolitan’s role and wardrobe in her latest comedy spy-thriller in which she co-stars with Gregory Peck, Stanley Donen’s “Arabesque,” will definitely focus attention at times on the beauty’s booties. The Universal release in Technicolor Reason is that sexy Sophia is ankle-deep in some 50 pairs. of shoes especially designed for her by Dior. In this extravaganza of comedy, romance, thrills and high fashion, Sophia plays a sultry Middle Hastern spy whose lover, played by Alan Badel, buys her footwear by the case. The Christian Dior piece de resistance are slippers made of gold lame and trimmed with real turquoise and brilliants. Peck Portrays Professor (Current) University professors who have to teach serious subjects to drowsy students might take a tip from a scene in Stanley Donen’s newest comedy-thriller, “Arabesque,” a Universal release photographed in Technicolor now at the...............-.. Theatre. The film co-stars Gregory Peck and Sophia Loren. Peck plays an American exchange professor, teaching ancient languages at Oxford, who gets involved in complicated Middle Hast intrigue with the lovely Miss Loren in the exciting story. Loren’s Leading Men Tops (Current) Sophia Loren, currently starring with Gregory Peck in Stanley Donen’s comedy-thriller in Technicolor, ‘“‘Arabesque,” a Universal release now at the................ Theatre, claims she is the luckiest actress in the world in the matter of her leading men. Herself the winner of the Oscar for the best actress (in 1961 for “Two Women”), she has played opposite Frank Sinatra, Anthony Quinn, Clark Gable, Charlton Heston, William Holden and now Gregory Peck—all Academy Award winners. To that list can be added Cary Grant, Trevor Howard, Alan Ladd, Peter Sellers, Tony Perkins, John Wayne, Peter Finch and Jack Hawkins, virtually all of whom have on several occasions been on the top ten money-making stars list in the United States or Britain. Mancini Scores ‘Arabesque’ (Advance) Being nominated for awards— and winning them—has become a habit for music composer Henry Mancini. His most recent musical scoring embellishes Stanley Donen’s ‘‘Arabesque,’”’ a Universal release photographed in Technicolorcoming: to the Be GAAS OE SG Theatre. The comedy suspense thriller co-stars Gregory Peck and Sophia Loren. Mancini has won three Oscars from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and has been nominated for at least as many more. One of these statuettes was for scoring ‘‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” while the other two were for songs with lyrics by Johnny Mercer: “The Days of Wine and Roses” and ‘‘Moon River.’’ The last several years, he has been nominated for at least one work in each Oscar sweepstakes. FOUR Open-End RADIO INTERVIEWS — FREE! With GREGORY PECK SOPHIA LOREN STANLEY DONEN and HENRY MANCINI For An Extra Campaign Push! Intimately delightful radio interviews are contained in this no-cost item for your ‘““ARABESQUE” campaign. The two stars and the producer-director were interviewed during filming in England, while the composer-director’s chat was made when the soundtrack music was recorded in Holly wood. Each of the four interviews are furnished complete with a continuity script for the presentation of an “‘in person” effect by a local personality identified with the radio station. This fits into many types of programming—news reports, women’s features, DJ programs, straight personality interviews, etc. All four are on one transcription. Order this FREE OPEN-END RADIO INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTION on “‘ARABESQUE”’ from RADIO DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSAL PICTURES, UNIVERSAL CITY, CALIFORNIA 91608 10022. TV SPOTS—FREE Five great TV spots on “ARABESQUE” are available in color and black-and-white and AT NO COST. With sufficient silent time for playdate information, one is one minute, three are 20 seconds, and one is 10 seconds. They are especially created to appeal to every segment of the television audience. Indicate Color or B&W and order the FREE TV Spots from HERMAN KASS, NATIONAL EXPLOITATION DIRECTOR,“ UNIVERSAL PICTURES, 445 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. TV TELOP or SLIDE Order direct, specifying which, from QQ TITLE CARD CO., 247 WEST 46th ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. 10036 RADIO SPOTS—FREE Included on one transcription are six dynamic radio spots to give boxoffice power to the radio phase of your “ARABESQUE” ad campaign. They come in varied lengths to fit programming and ad budgets. Get your FREE ‘“ARABESQUE” Radio Spot Transcription from RADIO DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSAL CITY STUDIOS, UNIVERSAL CITY, CALIF. 91608. TEASER TRAILER—FREE For advance audience penetration—and cross plugs at.other theatres—use this full color special Teaser Trailer. It offers key dramatic as well as comedy scenes from ‘“‘ARABESQUE”’ —enough to whet the audience’s appetite. Get it NOW—it’s FREE—from your local UNIVERSAL FILM EXCHANGE. “ARABESQUE” RCA SOUND TRACK ALBUM BY OSCAR Winner Composer-Director HENRY MANCINI And The RCA-VICTOR Single Adds Punch To Your Campaign Henry Mancini, 2-time Oscar winner, has written a score for ‘‘ARABESQUE” which excels in excitement in the spirit of the film. RCA-VICTOR has produced a sound-track album and an instrumental single featuring Mancini. Use these as prime promotion elements in your campaign. Pull out all the stops in this promotion—with music stores, DJ’s, bands, etc. For information, write to MR. JOHN ROSICA, RCA-VICTOR RECORDS, 155 EAST 24TH ST., New York, N. Y. Watch For—AND USE—Big Name Singles Top record labels will press disks on the theme from ‘“‘ARABESQUE.”’ The Ventures, a top rated instrumental group, have already made a single and Liberty Records has released it. Use these for disc jockey spins, juke boxes and other promotions. FULL-COLOR STILLS A brilliant set of still in full color make a captivating display of photos to capture the comedy, intrigue and suspense in “ARABESQUE.” In addition to using these in your lobby, they are very effective for tieup displays. Order from your local NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE BRANCH. CUT-OUT STANDEE DISPLAY Exciting material is provided in the posters—especially the art from the 24-Sheet—for this purpose. It makes an explosive, eye-attracting lobby display to announce the coming of “ARABESQUE” to your theatre. SNIPE OR STREET STENCIL Intrigue with teaser copy as follows: “What is “ARABESQUE?” —Ultra mod! Ultra mad! Ultra mystery! “ARABESQUE’— What is ultra-mod, ultra mad, and ultra mystery? Cut out letters on cardboard for stencil and snipe wherever possible. BANNER ACCESSORIES DeLuxe Fluorescent Sectional Valances; 3-Piece Streamers; Wall Banners and Usher Badges, all manufactured by National Flag and Display Company, are available. Order from your local NATIONAL SCREEN SERVICE BRANCH. Special Color Featurette Starring HENRY MANCINI production credits David Pollock....GREGORY PECK Yasmin Azir.....-.SOPHIA LOREN Beshraavi..........-..--ALAN BADEL Vussefes 3! KIERON MOORE Sloane..........-.-JOHN MERIVALE W ebster.......... DUNCAN LAMONT VWenass2 2. CARL DUERING Ragheeb...GEORGE COULOURIS Beauchamp......-. ERNEST CLARK Produced and Directed by Stanley Donen; Screenplay by Julian Mitchell, Stanley Price, Pierre Marton; Based on the novel “The Cipher’ by Gordon Cotler; Photographed in Technicolor; Director of Photography, Christopher Challis, B. S. C.; Production Executive, Arthur Carroll; Art Director, Reece Pemberton, Associate Producer, Denis Holt; Production Manager, David W. Orton; Film Editor, Frederick Wilson; Sound, John W. Mitchell, C. Le Messurier; Assistant Director, Eric Rattray; Make-Up, W.T.Partleton; Miss Sophia Loren’s Wardrobe especially created by Christian Dior, Music by Henry Mancini; A Universal Release. Free — For TV PROMOTION A noted popular music critic and columnist, Leonard Feather, interviews Henry Mancini and in the process learns and shows the technique used by the famous musician in scoring ‘‘ARABESQUE.”’ In addition to being highly entertaining, the color short is educational as well. Key scenes from the Gregory Peck-Sophia Loren starrer are used and serve as a tease for ticket buyers. Offer this Featurette in FULL COLOR to TV program directors for broad audience appeal, music departments in schools and to service, community and civic clubs. It’s FREE from EXPLOITATION DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSAL PICTURES, 445 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10022 THE FASHION WHIRL OF SOPHIA LOREN Three articles—illustrated—on the clothes, accessories and shoes created by Christian Dior for Sophia Loren in ‘‘ARABESQUE”’ are available for planting with women’s page editors and store promotions. One deals with clothes for town wear, another on the gold lame evening gown and the third on stunning negligees. Ask for the photos and copies of the stories—FREE —from EXPLOITATION DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSAL PICTURES COMPANY, 445 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10022