I'd Rather Be Rich (Universal Pictures) (1964)

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“AX aT UNIVERSAL cpcenee CITY STUDIOS sree He Are two Men too Many... for the a a girl who can afford anything? = eeosceece secccese secceces eeceeses secccece pececess teeccese seeccece sesecces seecsece sesacecs seccnese tecesces teccesese teeecece seeeeees teeccece teeesees seeccees saeccecs tesesces seecesen eeeccen ‘eeecees eeccses eecccce eeccces seccecs Beeccee @ecccee seccese eecccee eeccese @eseces Seecces eeccces seeceses secsces i Wreceiicn women for he a s sescce i) St ae eres OU Ope ee Pe Ee d= oa a, og te eS SSeeee ret oe eg ee ie a COWS Me ee Pe eS PON Lt —— ne, ot S e REMMI O nny es oo wee i os og nt ves ee SOCCER OR nae = ee S a e RMN eee ee a oe ee eee SRRCR Or 8 iS) ee So ee eee eovece : ig geese HE pag ro eablie fe 133333 seecss 3 hit tunes — Boner seeaes title song =! sanona DE aR. | ae Hue wih BOB! SANDRA DEE ROBERT GOULET iin BP E ie oy WILLIAMS ZS a HERMIONE GINGOLD-CHARLE RUGGLES =e a ANDY WILLIAMS a EE GENE RAYMOND «MAURICE CHEVALIER: one ue : | AROSS HUNTER Production ‘2: THE witten by OSCAR BRODNEY, NORMAN KRASNA and LEO TOWNSEND Heat RHEE: seceet Directed by JACK SMIGHT + Produced by ROSS HUNTER A Universal Picture ia seeecer seeener seeeeer sesener sesessr teeeeer seeeces saeese:r teeeesr saeeon: seeese: saeecer seeces: seeeenr eeeee: seesen: eeses: seeeea: reeese: reecee: seeses: ‘eeess: ‘@esee: eeece seeeee esses oeses peeses HE THEATRE Beeee: eeece: eeees: AD MAT NO. 205 es. COLOR = Ad Mat No. 205—2 Col.x434"—I130 Lines 8 8 8 ——s—“—s—s—sSCSCSCSC*éS EE | HERMIONE GINGOLD CHARLIE RUGGLES GENE RAYMOND _ wa MAURICE CHEVALIER ........ . SHEE: written by OSCAR BRODNEY, NORMAN KRASNA and LEO TOWNSEND tirected by JACK SMIGHT Produced by ROSS HUNTER A Universal Picture 33335: eeces: ane owas eGR Oe ee ee mee ares aren oun eS et Tes Mend ees a ae Res Spe A ie a Ne a MA sds Pe Ce Oot yee a seses: eeses: seces: eeses: eenes: e@eses: THEATRE HE ecese: eeces: sesee: ees: seses: eeces: eesee: Beces: eeece: seses: seces: seses: corre rec cccccccccessecsreces UTS CSE OUTER ESOS SO TOSSES HOSS R ESE ESESEESE SES OETESeReeeccesaaacacescccccsceccscecescccccnaaanacdeccncceece: sea a enna scncesceccensnnsennennnccnscnssscsnsssasessenasaseasannnenrennn een cnsnnn nescence cece eseeesessseseceseescccsansvescovouesesoseecccse: AD MAT NO. 303 Ad Mat No. 303—3 Col. x 934"'—405 Lines a Soaoconimconnecbaracnn SHIRA TE | = sasseeattt MAURICE CHEVALIER reo /'tnsess pou eee KG MAT No. 304 Ad Mat No. 304—3 Col. x 134""—75 Lines Page 7